Inglourious bastards

Anonymous meme profiles on Instagram - such as @freeze_magazine, @jerrygogosian and @newmemeseum - risk cunning criticism at the art world, its peculiarities and its flirtation with unsustainable business models

When art is resistance

More than 100 artists participate in the show "What is not a forest is a political prison" at ReOcupa Gallery, engaging cultural production in a housing movement struggle project

Flávio de Carvalho: a permanent experimentation

Designer, painter and performer, the artist has an important retrospective at Dlmeida e Dale gallery
“Chuck Coma sofreu uma lesão cerebral por hipóxia depois que seu colega de cela o estrangulou na penitenciária federal em Lewisburg, Pensilvânia, privando seu cérebro de oxigênio. Desde então, ele tem sofrido de perda de memória, alterações extremas de humor e tremores ocasionais. No momento de sua prisão, Coma estava lutando contra um grave PTSD devido ao serviço militar no Panamá e na Guerra do Golfo. Antes das guerras, ele era um pouco encrenqueiro, mas não tinha problemas sérios com a lei. Quando ele deixou o serviço, não conseguiu segurar um emprego e começou a assaltar bancos”. Shelton, Washington. EUA. 2019. | Crédito: Peter van Agtmael/Magnum Photos. Cortesia do fotógrafo.

What happens when we unmake the world?

Works by Peter van Agtmael, Steve McQueen and Emily Jacir reflect on conflict and preclude our oblivion of war’s cruel consequences

A triennial in progress

In the midst of a pandemic and political crisis context, what are the curatorial and exhibition possibilities? This was one of the questions that...
Overview of the "Língua Solta" exhibition, in the foreground "Olha Minha Lingua", by Alex dos Santos. Photo: Ciete Silverio.

Words in the world of things

The first exhibition opened at the Museum of the Portuguese Language, Língua Solta is curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Fabiana Moraes and puts contemporary works of art in dialogue with objects, posters and other elements of everyday life

Collaborators of the issue #55

See who are some of the collaborators to the #55 issue of arte!brasileiros

Transarte Institute: for a LGBTQ+ future

Transarte is transformed from a gallery into an institute, with a definitive space to ensure the artistic production of the community LGBTQ+

Adriana Varejão: For a cannibal rhetoric

The exhibition markes the first solo show by artist in the northeast, territory of strong baroque heritage and colonial slavery

Other voices

Learn what Lucimara Letelier, founder and director of the Vivo Museum; Renata Bittencourt, executive director of the Inhotim Institute, and Claudinei Roberto da Silva, professor and curator, say on issues surrounding cultural management