Octógono da pinacoteca de São Paulo

Pinacoteca reviews and updates Beuys and Oiticica

Exhibition Somos muit+s: experiments on collectivity brings 20th century artists who repositioned art in dialogue with current projects

Nas veredas do sertão

36th Panorama da Arte Brasileira occupies the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM–SP) with works that propose experiences outside the major urban centers

Improvisation as a method

interview with randolpho lamonier, artist from Minas Gerais participating in the 36th panorama da arte brasileira

They always were

Exhibitions “Women’s Histories” and “Feminist Histories” at MASP map the plastic creation of authors in different historical moments

Artistic practice as historian practice

Curated by Ana Pato, Meta–Arquivo exhibition brings together unseen works by nine artists and collectives from archival research on the Brazilian military dictatorship

Herzog Occupation: going beyond the political drama

Itaú Cultural dedicates 46th edition of occupation project, portraiting great figures of brazilian culture, to Vladimir Herzog journal killed by military dietrican in 1975

Photography of the memory

With works on the resistance to the Salazarist dictatorship in Portugal, Operation Condor in South America and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese photographer João Pina deals with, from records, the past history and trauma

Half a century of records

On the walls of the Espaço Cultural Porto Seguro, 400 photos composed Carlos Moreira’s retrospective
Sérgio Sister, Esticados

Sérgio Sister and his resistance weapons

The austere and rigorous works that Sister produces today keep, from the paintings and drawings of his early period, the same force.

Flávio de Carvalho: a permanent experimentation

Designer, painter and performer, the artist has an important retrospective at Dlmeida e Dale gallery