Berlin reduces radicalism of Hubert Fichte
In an ambitious encyclopedic project, Haus der Kulturen der Welt does not treat sexuality and spirituality with the same vigor as the German author’s narratives.
Istanbul aims to collapse of nature
Curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, “The seventh continent” maps productions around the Anthropoceno
Carlos Motta points to roots of prejudice and racism in the...
New York-based Colombian artist presents traces of inquisition and slavery as key to understanding the present moment
New collaboration platforms for contemporary art seek to revise Biennials
Diana Wechsler, Argentine researcher at Conicet (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) and director of the art and culture area at the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), has been following BIENALSUR since its inception and now in its second edition, comments on the results. this challenge
Just picturing is no longer enough
Because Swinguerra, by Barbara Wagner and Benjamim de Burca, is a work that dialogues with the concept of “standpoint”
FAMA takes art brut to Itu
With the opening of Bispo do Rosário exhibition, art as worldbuilding seminar takes to itu discussions around art brut, or outsider art, and presents international artists and experts integrating the movement
ArtRio in movement
With the departure of two partners, the fair is only captained by Brenda Valansi and makes Marina da Gloria its home
Working with memory is working with present
Portuguese curator João Fernandes, new artistic director of the Moreira Salles Institute – ims, wants to work with the institution’s collections to reflect the current times
I am reflected in my work
Grada Kilomba assumes personal positioning as a way of counteracting colonialist culture; Portuguese artist launches book and participates in exhibitions at Pinacoteca