Adriana Varejão: For a cannibal rhetoric

The exhibition markes the first solo show by artist in the northeast, territory of strong baroque heritage and colonial slavery
Nheë Nheë Nheë

Nheë Nheë nheë, genealogy of the tropical leisure

Ludic, brave and existential, Márcio Almeida recommends the leisure to come to a creative moment of truth

For an allowed list

Organized by Paulo Miyada, book ai-5 50 anos: ainda não terminou de acabar seizes the homonymous exhibition that took place in 2018

Vaivém deals with Brazilian culture beyond art

Exhibition curated by Raphael Fonseca addresses the hammock under multiple perspectives in CCBB

“We agreed we are not going to die”, 2019

Confira editorial da edição 47 da ARTE!Brasileiros
David Magna, T3c36, 2019. acrílico colorido.

The challenge of the possible makes 13ª Havana Biennial breathes

With this theme, the exhibition appears after four years, interrupted by the hurricane Irma in 2017
Laura Vinci

Visual arts get inside FLIP

New project seeks to insert arts in the Paraty International Literary Festival and pannels with names that work visual arts in their most various forms show that the event seeks to be even more interdisciplinary
Coleção Orandi Momesso

Aproximações: Brief introduction to the Brazilian art of the XX century

Exhibition curated by Aracy Amaral inaugurated iat the Fábrica de Arte Marcos Amaro (Fama) which, in the process of settlement, causes fascination and is a gift for Itu
Carlito Carvalhosa, Já Estava Assim Quando Cheguei, 2019

The inclusive policy by Sesc-SP also holds true for art

New building, which in its first weekend received 24 thousand visitors, presents several works signed by more than 15 artists
Fabricio Lopes, Estuário, 2008-2009.

Xilo: Body and Landscape

The inaugural exhibition of the new Sesc building captivates the lively woodcut production in São Paulo in the last three decades