A place where to remember is to act
Founded in the 1940s by progressive Jews, Casa do Povo overcomes 30 years of crisis and consolidates itself as a prolific cultural center, experimental space of coexistence and performance of multidisciplinary artistic collectives and autonomous movements
Pinacoteca shows indigenist project of Ernesto Neto
In the Octagon of the Pinacoteca, Cura Bra Cura Té hosts participative activations)
Witnesses of evil, of good, of life
Works and trajectories of Letizia Battaglia and Sergio Larrain are at exhibitions at the Moreira Salles Institute in São Paulo
Nazareth Pacheco: creation as triumph of life
Exhibition Registros/Records... in the gallery Kogan Amaro condenses the work of memory made by the artist throughout her life
The reinvented world of Hudinilson Junior to be checked in show
Dandi, dark, flaneur, any adjective does not translate who was the artist, the face of São Paulo
275 Times Northeast
Exhibition À Nordeste, at SESC 24 de maio, seeks to discuss the imaginary about brazilian northeast without folkling it
A “Sertão Art” of experimentation and resistance
Intitled SertÃo, 36º Panorama of Brazilian Art, at MAM, raises current political issues through the work of 29 artists, mostly young people who work outside the institutional and marketing artistic circuit
A Curatorship
By Aracy Amaral
A CURATORSHIP IS NOT AN EASY TASK TO BE CONCEIVED. Especially if the number of participants is extensive, the space difficult, and...
Do not burn after reading
Enthusiast of the mail art, Gustavo Nóbrega, director at Superfície Gallery, wants to foment the interest by pieces of the movement in the collectionism