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of a private war, gang war, digital militia,   others, Lulismo, pop charisma and anti-  The post informed that, on March 14th,
          staged in the real time of desire, for   critical culture (Hedra, 2011)  at the IEL amphitheater, there would
          them to live in the Brazil of their dreams,                        be a debate table in which it would be
          configured the nightmare that became   CULTURaL WaR/SOCIeTY [pageS 54 TO 57]  discussed “whether or not the institute
          Bolsonarism.Intervention: Love doesn’t                             should cancel Monteiro Lobato, whose
          mean much, it gave shape and concept   THE UNIVERSITY,             collection is at CEDAE/Unicamp.” And
          to that psychopolitical process of another  CENSORSHIP, AND        so it was. Professors from IEL and the
          order regarding Brazil›s experience, as you   CANCELLATIONS        technical coordinator of CEDAE, Roberta
          and a few other critics and intellectuals                          Botelho, participated in the panel. This
          pointed out - I remember Laymert Garcia   The increasing prohibition of literary works   time, what was at stake was canceling (or
          dos Santos, Ismail Xavier, Leandro Saraiva   in educational institutions is already a   not) an archival collection. We have some
          and the group of social linguists from   reality; institutionalized proscription may   questions here that deserve discussion.
         UFSCaR, professors Luzmara Curcino and   be on the way                Unicamp keeps an important part
          Carlos Piovezani... Studying the concrete   bY TâMaRa abReU        of Monteiro Lobato’s archives at the
          movement of those masses on the networks,                          “Alexandre Eulalio” Documentation Center
          the element of irrationality and the desire   Cancellations of literary works and works   (CEDAE), located at the entrance to the IEL
          for violence always stood out to anyone   of art in general are on the agenda inside   building. Cedae was part of the event that
          who wanted to see. However, there was   and outside Brazil. So far, nothing new.   discussed the writer’s cancellation. Let’s
          very little interest in the film, when he was   Censorship has already taken Flaubert   assume that IEL admitted to canceling
          talking about it all alone, in 2016. A political   and many other writers to the courts of   Lobato, responding to demands from some
          film, made to intervene, produce, generate   accusation at different times in the history   students and social media. What would
          knowledge about what time it is and where   of humanity. The causes and ways of   this mean? Remove the two thousand
          we were, in front of which, half the audience   applying censorship take on new contours   documents from CEDAE and return them
          burst into tears and in despair, and the   depending on the time and context of   to the family? Delete your books from the
          other half refused as a principle the reality   production, reception and circulation of   university library? Cross out Lobato’s
          of what they saw, of a country they didn›t   these works. One of the most interesting   name from the subject syllabi of Literature
          know, but wanted to govern... So, after the   reactions to the current prohibitory winds   courses (if it’s still there...)? Judging by
          evidence from the film and its research, we   has been the opening in October 2023 of   what has been happening over the last few
          had to support some of the best minds in   the Museo del Arte Prohibido (Museum   years and considering that the proscription
          the country, already in 2018 , saying that   of Forbidden Art) in Barcelona. This is the   of literary works in educational institutions
          Bolsonaro would not win the election... and,   first museum space whose collection is   is already a reality, nothing is surprising
          among them, this was also the Workers›   made up only of works of art that have been   anymore. Institutionalized interdiction
          Party›s understanding of the political and   censored and banned throughout history.   could well be on the way.
          social process we were experiencing. In   There are more than 200 works, including   The stakes are greater than one might
          other words, no understanding. A sad   Picasso, Goya, Klimt, Andy Warhol and   think when a university discusses such a
          political movement, of inattention to   other outcasts.            serious issue with an air of banality. It is
          one›s own culture, alienation from the   Recently, two Brazilian states ordered   worth noting here that a writer’s personal
          terms of popular life and embezzlement   the removal of  O Avesso da Pele  (by   files do not fall from the sky. Nor are they
          in particular ideas, from one›s own self,  Jefferson Tenório) from school libraries   made of random papers or any documents,
          that did not correspond to history. A   under moral pretexts. Writer Lia Neiva   but of historical sources that testify to
          certain conceptual bankruptcy, in our   had a book banned by the City of Rio Claro   the past and allow scholars to produce
          own field, the same one that Mano Brown   (SP) in 2022, under the same allegation.   the existing historiography of Brazilian
          denounced at the time at the fiscal dance   Considering the necessary differences,   literature – which is still a product of
          party between the Democrats. The fascist   cases of institutional censorship are related   its time and is always subject to new
          delirium, evident, dangerous, easy and   to informal censorship practiced under the   interpretations. The process of donating
          expansive, was completed in the negative   guise of “cancellation” on social networks.   an archival collection by the heirs of a writer,
          hallucination of the left itself, which was   JK Rowling, Road Dahl, Camões, Dante,   until the acquisition by the supporting
          doing its best in refusing to recognize what   Shakespeare, are just a few cases among   institution is formalized, is legally complex,
          was happening in front of its face. And, if   the classics of international literature. At   laborious, has a series of steps and multiple
          he saw it, when he saw it, he burst into   the national level, the most emblematic   actors.
          tears, and not into thought, criticism and   and controversial case is that of the writer   The documents that make up the
          real strategy. That was the social fate of   Monteiro Lobato. We will stick to it from   important collection of the writer Monteiro
          that film, quite revealing of something more   now on.             Lobato would never have ended up at
          than our foolish and impotent fixations. In   An Instagram post recently published   Cedae without the initiative and competent
          Brazil, we experienced a war between two   (03/04/2024) on the official account of   work of the teacher, now retired, Marisa
          delusions, one positive and violent, the   the Institute of Language Studies (IEL)   Lajolo when she was in charge of the
          other negative and behind the times. The   at  Unicamp  caused  controversy.  The   thematic project “Monteiro Lobato (1882-
          political history of this film is the history   communication strategy adopted by the   1948) and other modernisms Brazilians”,
          of a split culture, to some extent all of it   IEL management when posting the event   financed by FAPESP. In numbers, we are
          schizophrenic.                   publicity card, a semiotic bomb with   talking about more than two thousand
                                           high potential for social media, was the   documents including rare books in first
           *Tales Ab’Sáber is a psychoanalyst,   following: a photo of Monteiro Lobato’s   editions, leaflets, periodicals, hundreds
          essayist  and  filmmaker,  professor  of   face  vandalized  with  the  inscription   of handwritten and typewritten letters,
          the philosophy of Psychoanalysis at the  “RACISTA” scratched on the forehead by   photographs, drawings and watercolors,
          Federal University of São Paulo, winner   the writer is topped by the title question   in addition to seven objects.
          of two Jabutis awards, author of, among   of the event “Should IEL cancel Lobato?”.   On the premises of IEL and CEDAE,

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