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says this: the shaman is the shaman, he is   about – and it wasn›t spiritual force, it was   it’s a very tough, very difficult fight. And
          a spiritual warrior, he even lives at war with   biological warfare. And then they start to   I, as an artist, am in my trench, with my
          the shaman from the neighboring place. If   join in and make agreements and fight wars   machine gun, which is a movie camera,
          a storm hits and knocks it down, if the wind   on the side of the Portuguese.  reporting all of this, bringing awareness.
          rips the hut from a village, they think it was   This is what I saw among the Paiter Suruí   This is how resistance is done.
          the shaman from another enemy village who   (an indigenous group that lives in the states    Finally, in the other film I made, A Story
          sent that wind and knocked it down here,  of Rondônia and Mato Grosso). A German   of Love and Fury (2013), a cartoon that won
          therefore, it’s a sign that their shaman is   spectator, at the Berlin Festival session in   the Anecy Festival, the most important
          weak. Then, they either changed shamans   which the film ex-shaman won the Special   in the world, I address the vision of a
          or even killed a shaman, sometimes. “Wow,  Jury Prize there (in 2018), in a session for   16th century Tupinambá warrior who is
          you don’t protect us.” There was a spiritual   800 people, asked Cabena, my character:   turned immortal by the shaman. This is
          war and the environmental tragedies, the  “Why, if she was cured By the shaman, did   the story of the film, which goes through
          climate tragedies, everything was largely   you go back to the evangelical church?” And   four, five centuries of Brazilian history, until
          attributed to the strength or weakness   she replied: “Because I’m afraid of going   it reaches the year 2096. The problem in
          of their shaman. So, when the Jesuits   to hell.” What the Jesuit and Capuchin   2096 is that the most expensive commodity
          arrived saying “you are being punished   evangelizers told the original peoples was   is water, and the president of the republic
          by my God because you don’t follow Jesus”,   that they were dying from Covids because   is Pastor Armando. So, there you see my
          they believed and migrated to Catholicism.  they did not accept Jesus, so they had to   prospective diagnostic reading, of trying to
         That is until today.              come to Jesus› side and when they came to   interpret what has been happening, leads
            My film ex-shaman is a heated comment   Jesus› side it was: “Destroy your shaman!   to this dystopia of 2096, projecting that we
          made while this process of destruction   Because he is the devil.”  are going to have a war over water, that
          of the shaman is taking place, he is being    At the time that Cadena was bitten by a   outsourced privatized militias will provide
          humiliated, being deprived of his place of   snake, while she was on the verge of death   security and kill children who steal water
          power and strength, being treated like a   in the hospital, and the doctors were not   of water pipes.
          demon. And how the prayers, the songs, the   paying attention, the evangelized people    The President of the Republic is an
          magic flutes, which until yesterday were the   called the shaman Perpera, he went there,  evangelical pastor. Why do we arrive at
          cure, were the transcendence of the Paiter   prayed and saved her. And she says that she   this prognosis? Because we are living in

          Suruí people, were becoming something of   was already going to the area of  the dead,  Brazil a project and a process that goes
          the Devil, and this in the mouth of a pastor   she was already seeing her father-in-law   back to the Jesuits, through the arrival of
          who arrived there with all this narrative,  dead, her relatives dead, she was already   neo-Pentecostals, which has to do with
          with medicines, the thing that took down   arriving at the village of the dead. She   that book A Ética Protestante o Espírito do
          the shaman Perpera. Contact between   said that she then heard Perpera singing   Capitalismo , by Max Weber, in which he
          the Paiter Suruí only occurred in the 1960s,   when she was dying in the hospital and   explains how the ethics of the Protestant
          and contact brought diseases. There were   Perpétua’s singing made her father-in-law   religion served to strengthen American
          more or less 800 Paiter Suruí when contact   who was receiving her in the village of the   capitalism, and the arrival of American
          was made in 1969. By 1972, more than 400   Dead turn to her and say: “No Cadena, you   capitalism as hegemonic, how much this is
          had died of flu, measles, chickenpox, the   go back there because you There are a lot of   due to the triumph of the Protestant ethics.
          same thing as in the 16th century. And then   my grandchildren who still need you, so you     And, after the United States, the
          the evangelizer arrives, the one who is in   won’t come for the Day of the Dead. Come   philosophy of prosperity, of controlling
          the film, at the end of the 1970s, bringing   back”. And the way back was following   pleasures, of saving, of saving money
          cures with medicine, antibiotics, aspirin,  Perpera’s song. So, when it comes time to   almost as a way to buy your place in heaven,
          saying that the shaman is a demon. This   see, the shamans decide. It is the shamans   spread. How this idea served American
          German shepherd (who is not the dog, he   who will save Brazil from the apocalypse   capitalism and how it was played out here
          is the shepherd), he came from Germany,  that is coming. The future is ancestral or   in our America. In this process, Catholic
          he took a group of evangelized indigenous   there will be no future. When I made The   Liberation Theology, which had a vision of
          people and went from house to house   Last Forest (2021 documentary), which   economic and social inequality, a vision of
          burning their hammocks, saying “those   is also a film about this, it was to follow   violence, of the colonial process, and this
          who are Christians sleep in beds, in beds   a great, very strong shaman, who is Davi   even led the left to come to power. But
          horizontal”, and burned the networks.  Kopenawa, a great shaman.   then there is a huge mistake from the left.
          Until then, they had a Paiter Suruí place    Kopenawa is at the epicenter of the   Perhaps the left’s biggest mistake in the
          of prayer, which was a stick with a feather   resistance, he did not accept the evangelical   history of the New World is that it came to
          that was not blessed, but they kept it   church. He was evangelized. His name,  power and forgot this extremely important
          at home as a spiritual center; was also   David, was given by a white pastor. He was   connection, which was Liberation Theology,
          burned. So this process that I describe in   almost on the verge of becoming a pastor,   letting it be replaced by the Prosperity
          the ex-shaman has a certain subtlety, it is   and then he had the insight that it was a   Theology of the neo-Pentecostals, who
          the tip of an iceberg of extreme violence   monstrosity. He carried out a confrontation,  come with another narrative that it serves
          that is at the origin of the entire colonial   expelled the evangelicals from his area,  the right and now we are seeing the extreme
          process and the success of the European   from his village, he does not accept this   right has learned to deal with this. There is
          violent conquest. Because in local wars,  and carries out a struggle of resistance   a project linked to segments of extremely
          the indigenous people, in the first 30   that has no longer become a resistance   conservative thought, which is the fastest
          years, won all the battles; They started   of his own; This shaman’s resistance is a   growing on the planet, this ideology and
          to lose when Covid took hold and they   resistance of the forest. He is saving the   this ultra conservative worldview that has to
          became extremely fragile, and then they   rivers from mercury. He is saving Brazil   do with a homo sapiens crisis. A resource
          started to migrate towards the invader›s   from the apocalypse. This is the shaman’s   crisis that homo sapiens is facing right now,
          religiosity, understanding that that invader   place. This fight is not over, they have not   something he has never seen until now.
          had a spiritual force that they didn›t know   been destroyed, they are the winners. But   Man has always found resources in nature

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