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          many students were trained to rigorously   emotions; teachers study, debate,  “Gospel” strategy, recalling that, in the
          carry out scientific research and teaching,   research, build knowledge. The simple   recent past, Protestant pastors used the
          all with research projects approved and   fact that this question is the topic of the   Bible as a way of threatening enslaved
          financed with public resources by FAPESP.   debate promoted by IEL points to the   black people who rebelled against their
         The research carried out in this collection   admissibility of the idea of   cancellation,  tormentors. In 1749, the Reverend Thomas
          was legitimized by several awards from   flirts with it. Furthermore, organizing a   Bacon, an Anglican pastor from Maryland,
          the main academic bodies in the country.   discussion that already begins with a   delivered a sermon in which he said that
          From it, two books were produced that   dissemination strategy along the lines of   enslaved people should glorify their white
          are references for studies on the writer.   internet censorship courts undermines   masters as if they were “Overseers of God.”
          I mention just one: Monteiro Lobato   the university. I hope the debate was   In Brazil, the resonance of these strategies
          book by book: Obra Infantil organized   productive and allowed the IEL to get out   can already be seen from the advancement
          by Marisa Lajolo and João Luís Ceccantini   of the straitjacket in which it found itself.  of the Bible Bench in Congress (already
          (Ed. Unesp, 2008), winner of the Jabuti               Tamara Abreu  with two hundred congressmen) to the
          Prize in the “Book of the Year Non-Fiction”      (Professor at UFRN)  territory of mass culture. The recent clash
          category and in the “Literary Criticism”               March / 2024  between the singers Ivete Sangalo and
          category, in addition to having received                           the evangelical Baby do Brasil during the
          the FNLIJ 2009 Highly Recommended seal   CULTURaL WaR/ReLIgION [pageS 58 TO 61]  Salvador Carnival, the famous episode of
          (National Foundation for Children›s and                            “hacking the apocalypse”, drew attention.
         Young People›s Books).            THE MILITIA OF FAITH,             And, later on, the clash continued with the
           It does not seem reasonable to assume  A STRATEGY OF POWER        evangelical singer Claudia Leitte who, also
          that it would be the purpose of the teachers   & PREJUDICE         under arguments of religious zeal, changed
          involved in the event to cancel anyone. In                         a song lyric live (also during Carnival) to
          fact, the direction of the discussion followed   What is there in common between Donald   promote a “purge” of an icon of Afro cults.
          the opposite direction, according to the   Trump’s ‘Bible’, the narco-Pentecostalism   In the song “Caranguejo”, which is 20 years
          published news. Probably, the conclusion   of Complexo do Alemão, the little aunt   old, Claudia – who got rich singing the Afro
          was reached that a university is not the   who wears the Israeli flag on her back in   tradition in Bahia – changed a part of the
          appropriate space to practice cancellations.   extreme right-wing events and Claudia   lyrics and replaced Iemanjá with “Yeshua”,
                                           Leitte’s refusal to sing the Afro tradition
          If this were the case, IEL would be violating   that made her rich?  the name of Jesus in Hebrew. And the veto
          its institutional mission of preserving the                        on the use of the Maracanã Stadium, in
          memory of Brazilian culture and literature,   bY JOTabê MeDeIROS   Rio de Janeiro, for the Caetano Veloso
          violating the collective right of access to                        and Maria Bethânia tour, recently revealed,
          this memory. There are the collections of   thE oMniPrESEnCE oF FlagS of the State of   doubly opposes freedom of expression
          Oswald de Andrade, Menotti Del Picchia,   Israel at a recent far-right demonstration on   and politics: the boycott came from
          Hilda Hilst and many other artists and   Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, emerged as   governor Cláudio Castro, former gospel
          intellectuals who could one day enter the   confirmation of an expanding phenomenon:   and evangelical singer that took place in
          spotlight as “the canceled one of the time”.  theological confusion and biblical quackery   politics under the umbrella of faith.
           Professors know – or should know   as strategies for ideological and political   The movable scaffold on which
         – that collections are assets of public   combat. On that occasion, two women with   religious and cultural intolerance is
          interest, as does the university. Archives   Israeli flags on their backs, approached   based, throughout the History of Brazil
          in custody institutions such as CEDAE are   by reporters, responded to the question   (and the world), has in the past promoted
          not “cancelable”, therefore the discussion,  “Why are you with Israel?”: “Because you   (and continues to promote) ethnocide,
          in the terms in which it was stated, lacks   are Christians like us”. In fact, Christians   becoming the basis for the extermination
          merit and relevance. Due to its social and   make up just 1.9% of the Israeli population,  of original peoples. Afterwards, it was
          educational mission, the university has   with Jews making up about 83% of the   consolidated in the growing persecution
          the duty to discuss the cancellations of   people of Israel. Christ is not recognized   of cults of African origin in Brazil. It spreads
          literary works and their consequences,   as the Messiah by Israel. In other words:   across behavioral territories, besieging
          but it is expected that the discussion   Israel is not Christian.  gays, women, black people, transgender
          will be conducted from a perspective   The escalation of this schizophrenia   people and dissidents of all kinds, such as
          of understanding the phenomenon and   that grows by deliberately mixing creeds   artists and cultural manifestations. Arte!
          analyzing the works in all their complexity,   and hybrid beliefs, which relies on the   Brasileiros publica nesta edição textos
          considering its aesthetic, social and   demonization of others, purging and   que remontam às raízes históricas dessas
          historical dimensions.           censorship to trigger political, cultural,  guerras, buscando esclarecer como as
           The racism present in the biography or   social and anthropological persecutions,  milícias da fé agem – com o beneplácito
          work of a writer or artist is not denied, it   is spreading with astonishing speed   dos extremistas alocados na ordem política.
          is discussed. The danger of universities   throughout the country and the world. It   There are recent cases that illustrate
          adhering to mass communication   is absolutely no coincidence that, a few   how religious intolerance seeks to find
          strategies specific to social networks is   days ago, former US President Donald   shelter in the institutions of the Brazilian
          the lowering of the level of discussions,  Trump loudly launched his own version   State. In 2021, art! Brazilian exclusively
          when their role is to qualify the debate,   of the Bible, dubbed God Bless the USa,  denounced an insidious maneuver within
          present arguments based on reading   in the United States. In the middle of his   the Brazilian Institute of Museums and
          and research, stimulate critical thinking   re-election campaign, Trump is betting   Iphan: the attempt, by a representative of
          through which can disagree in a democratic   on this gospel reiteration of white power   neo-Pentecostal extremism sheltered in
          and civilized way.               supremacy  to  continue  sowing  terror   the Bolsonaro government, to sabotage the
           Social  media  users  cancel  writers   in international politics. Subsequently,  cataloging and preparation of a historical
          daily; educational institutions, no. Digital   Harvard’s theological studies sector   collection of historical cultural objects
          influencers manipulate other people’s   published an extensive analysis of Trump’s   Afro-Brazilian – the Our Sacred Collection.

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