Page 118 - artebrasileiros-66
P. 118


          one of the most violent on the planet in   them, and that therefore they needed to   asking you a million questions, they want
          the history of homo sapiens, because the   be eliminated. So, since the 16th century,  to know “how do you live, what are your
          holocaust of these original peoples that I am   in the conquest of America, the focus has   daughters like? What are your children like?
          reporting in my films, and which began with   been on destroying the cultural identity of   How do you get laid? what do you drink?
          biological warfare, was consolidated by an   the local people. And they understood war   why do you drink? Why don’t you drink?”
          ideological-religious process, a process   very quickly. The Jesuits were strategists.  They’re ultra-curious, that’s really cool. It
          of burning, an inquisition against local   We cannot forget that the Jesuits have a   was a characteristic of the process, of the
          religions in which shamans were burned.  military origin because Ignatius of Loyola,  civilizational encounter, but the Europeans
         There are reports, in Jesuit letters, of taking   this priest (and I think he was even beatified)   were in this place of control the entire time.
          a shaman, in São Vicente (Sp), putting him in   who founded the Jesuit congregation, and   So, in the narratives, the shamans won over
          the mouth of a cannon and firing a cannon   received a lot of money from the Church   the indigenous people; they experimented
          shot in front of everyone. They called all   in the 16th century, he was a military man   with Catholics but returned to their habits.
          the Tupiniquins here and said: “Ah, is this  . He fought, I don’t remember if for the   The problem started when the pandemic
          your badass? OK”. They tied the guy up,  Kingdom of Castile, he participated in   came. The problem was “Covid”. Because
          put him in the mouth of the cannon and   troops, he led troops. So he took to the   Covid didn’t start now, Covid started in the
          exploded the cannon. For everyone to see,  Jesuit congregation of the church, which he   16th century with the arrival of Europeans.
          the guy’s body was torn apart, and then   founded, the Society of Jesus, a principle   But Covid was called flu, called measles,
          they said: “This is how we do it with your   of military strategies, of field diagnostic   called chicken pox, called smallpox, called
          medicine men”. 200, 300 locals saw that.  analysis, of how to act. The structure   rubella: a series of viruses that didn’t exist
         “Then come to our religion.” And it was   of the Jesuits was very military; It is no   here that decimated the people. And that’s
          like that, an extremely violent process of   surprise that they formed indigenous   when the pig twists its tail, that things were
          domination. And it’s not over, it continues.  armies, formed the Seven Peoples of the   reversed: the shamans had a “health plan”,
            The ex-shaman is a documentary in   Missions, which was highly militarized,  the shaman’s card solved everything, there
          which we follow the life of a shaman who   and waged a war against the Spanish   was hospitalization in the network, there
          is being slaughtered by the arrival of the   that was of interest to the Portuguese   were all things from the forest, the shamans
          evangelical church, and the film is all   Crown, when the Spanish tried to enter   already they knew how to do everything
          about that, but it actually reflects what   the south of the country to expand the   with medicine from the forest.
          has been happening since the arrival of   territory in a war against Portugal. And    With healing from the forest and all
          the Europeans, the Portuguese and the   those who held back the wave were the   the spiritual treatment of prayers and
          French, mainly. Because the French also   Jesuits, with an army of Guaranis. So, they   such, the process here was very healthy.
          arrived here with the Capuchins, the   had this military structure. This is, if I’m   A series of worms that Europeans suffered
          Capuchin priests, in Rio de Janeiro and   not mistaken, from the 17th century. But,  from, the indigenous people did not suffer
          Maranhão, and did the same extremely   before that, they always worked like this   from because they knew the stomach and
          violent evangelization work that the Jesuits   and these letters, which are many, have   intestinal cures. There were botflies here, a
          did in the Portuguese colonization process.   several reports in Bahia, reports in São   series of mosquitoes laid their eggs in the
         And there are reports from both to attest to   Paulo, reports on the coast of São Paulo, of   Europeans, their flesh creating mosquito
          this. We have reports on the activities of the   them talking about the evangelization and   eggs. And there are a thousand reports
          Capuchins in Maranhão, we have reports   village process, which is what they called it.   from indigenous people, saying that
          on the activities of the Capuchins there on   The strategy was to bring several villages to   shamans cured this with spider venom.
          Ilha do Governador, in Guanabara Bay, with   the same field, to the same territory, to the   Now they are using spider venom to cure
          the missionaries Jean de Léry (1536-1613)   same place and evangelize these people.  cancer (there is new research from the
          and André Thevet (1516-1590), and there   Evangelizing, understand, consisted of   Butantã Institute that shows the potential
          in Maranhão, Claude D›Abbeville (d. 1632).  selling the idea of   Christ and destroying   of spider venom against leukemia). So,
            In their description of the evangelization   the ideas of spiritual religiosity that existed   the shamans already mastered this, but
          process in Maranhão, they report that they   here in America.      the shamans had no knowledge against
          burned shamans and shamans. And we     And they had work. Historical and  “Covid”. They didn’t know how to deal with
          have reports of the Jesuits writing to the   anthropological research, based on these   chickenpox, smallpox, measles, there
          Pope, also writing to Ignatius of Loyola   original letters, makes it very clear to us   was no such knowledge. So when these
          (1491-1556), who was the head of the Jesuit   that they were successful in this process   outbreaks arrived, entire villages died from
          congregation. Loyola stayed in Spain for a   not because the Christian narratives were   the pandemic with the covid at the time,
          while, then he was in Rome and the letters   so strong and better than the shamans’   which was the flu.
          at that time were addressed to him and   narratives. No, then they took a beating.    And then there are hundreds of reports
          the Pope, hundreds of letters that are all   (Ailton) Krenak himself, Viveiros de Castro,  in these separate Jesuit letters, hundreds
          collected in separate correspondence from   this great anthropologist, philosopher and   of reports from Father Manoel da Nóbrega,
          the Jesuits in the 16th century. I read, I   thinker, they say that original peoples are   Father Anchieta and a bunch more Jesuits
          read not all, but some considerable of   very curious and open to others, unlike   saying that everyone was dying in the
          them, there are three or four giant volumes   the process of the European civilizational   surrounding villages. It was a race that killed
          published in Italian and Portuguese, of   vision which is “the other is someone I fear   more than Covid, it decimated the original
          which I have both editions.      and that I need to dominate, control and   peoples. And what did the evangelists say?
            They are impressive accounts of the   destroy”; the original peoples, no, they   What were these sons of bitches talking
          evangelization process, in which they   are extremely curious, they want to taste,  about? “You are being punished because
          describe with extreme violence how   they want to taste, they want to eat, they   you did not accept Jesus; your shaman is a
          the great enemy of evangelization were   want to fuck, they want to lick, they want to   demon, and my xapiri, my great Spirit, who
          the shamans. That they achieve several   have dinner, they want to have lunch, they   is Jesus, is killing you all.” In the cosmogony
         “advances”, but that the shamans’  want to ask and to this day it is like that,  of the original peoples, there was a war,
          resistance was an impressive feat against   you will When you live with them, they start   and Pierre Clasters (1934-1977) himself

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