Page 114 - artebrasileiros-66
P. 114


                                                                             That right that was united every day by the
                – I would also like to know how   CULTURaL WaR/ pOLITICaL [pageS 50 TO 53]  affection of total war – what psychoanalysts,
          you decided to get involved in this                                since the 1930s and 1940s, knew as the
          monitoring of the networks, of the   INTERVENTION: LOVE            production of a schizo-paranoid psychic
          Bolsonarista mediasphere.        DOESN’T MEAN MUCH                 position, and which Freud named group
            As a trained historian, I have always                            dynamics in 1920 – had fundamental role
            been very interested in the military   a qUeSTION FOR TaLeS ab’SábeR*  in the historical case, by self-organizing
            period. And I read a lot on the subject.                         in networks and given the right to free-
            Furthermore, at my university, two   at thE End oF 2022, on the eve of the most   for-all of all kinds, in fact criminal in a
            colleagues who I always respected   decisive election in Brazil’s destiny, João   democracy. Its main method was the lie,
            greatly for  their  intelligence,  Cezar de Castro Rocha pointed to the   social hyperbole, slander without limits,
            correctness, and integrity, began in   film Intervention: Love doesn’t mean much ,   without charge or need for checking:
            2017 to send messages that I considered   the work of the film collective Rewald and   the unpunished possession of the word,
            curious. To make a long story short,  Ab›Sáber and the free journalist Gustavo   all done to call for the identification of a
            they became radical Bolsonarists,  Aranda , as a prominent understanding  “new” people ready for anything, at least
            which surprised me a lot. So I began   of what led us to the dark times of   in symbol, or in the false symbol. During
            to become interested in trying to   Bolsonarism. At the time, the critic asked   the period of the great national Lavajatist
            understand the phenomenon, how   the following question to Tales Ab›Sáber,   demonstrations called and mobilized by
            these people had allowed themselves   the psychoanalyst and filmmaker who made   groups of the new so-called liberal right, in
            to be so ensnared by such obviously   the film, who reconstructed the history   fact violently neoliberal and contrary to the
            mistaken conspiracy theories.  of its political reception and its revealing   social parameters of the 1988 Constitution,
                                           nature of the country›s impasses.  with the tacit and strategic support of the
                 –  You  always  say  that  you                              large communication networks and the
          promised yourself not to get sick. What    João Cezar de Castro Rocha – In his   political identification of their journalists
          does that mean?                  documentary Intervention, Love doesn’t   so-called professionals with their desire
            This point of not getting sick was   mean much , he anticipated many of the   for impeachment, that anything-goes
            very important for me. I didn’t have   horrors that today want to dominate the   right-wing,  delirium  and  sadism  of
            social media, I didn’t have Twitter or   Brazilian scene. How can we understand   victory through lies – which they excitedly
            Instagram. There was only Facebook.   that the delirium of conspiracy theories   enjoyed – had around 15% of protesters on
            I joined both in February 2020 and   has become a political reality for tens of   the streets, according to research at the
            began to study the culture war in more   thousands of people?    time. They were those who went out with
            depth. When I thought I had some                                 banners asking, crying out, demanding,
            understanding of what was going on.   Such Ab’Sáber –What can a work of   they said in the film, a constitutional
            I decided to start participating in the   culture, art or criticism do if its community   military intervention. In other words, a
            public debate more actively. He took   refuses to see it, accept it, receive it? In   classic Brazilian coup, in which the armed
            it as a civic commitment to decipher   fact, in 2016 we made this film, me, the   forces take power and ruin democracy
            the Bolsonarist sphinx. In fact, initially   filmmaker and professor at eCa USp Rubens   and life in the country. At the end of the
            it was a sphinx, because it was not   Rewald and the editor and free journalist   process of degradation of Brazilian policy
            understood exactly how the man   Gustavo Aranda. When I showed them,   parameters, in 2018,the candidate who
            who was so obviously limited from a   back in 2015, what was happening on the   stated things in those terms of violence
            cognitive point of view, from the point   networks and chats of an extreme right that   and anything goes of all kinds reached 58
            of view of basic knowledge, how it was   was organizing for a new way of warfare   million votes in Brazil... Today the Brazilian
            possible for him to excite such a large   on the internet, they were very impressed   coup plotters, now directed and guided by
            number of people, who saw him literally   and we started working immediately. We   a grotesque fascist leader, with his office
            like a leader, a myth. So there was   followed the entire process of Dilma’s fall,   of professional hatred multiplied on the
            this initial desire for understanding   until mid-2016, observing the life, action   networks, which threatens us every week
            and this desire, once I joined social   and “thought” of this delusional, violent   and every day with the worst of the worst,
            media, for me it was very important   and virulent “new” right, as it expanded   reached 30%: those who accept anything
            to not allow myself to start engaging   in a contagious and widespread way on   and everything for Bolsonaro, from the false
            in the same behavior. And I believe   the networks. Its intensities, facilitations,   remedy to inflation, from global isolation
            that many comrades on the left have   simplistic paranoid logic and right to any   to the preliminary destruction of fragile
            not always managed to successfully   lie, until reaching the strength of delusion,   democracy, from the farcical coup based
            avoid what I call this illness, that is, in   in this case the lie shared as a political   nothing to the corruption and destruction
            this necessarily aggressive, violent   desire – the film demonstrated – immensely   of the State by true imbeciles. The film
            way, the inability to listen to others,   facilitated the adherence of Brazilian social   was at the root of this process, catching
            the inability to accept that someone   resentment and authoritarian ignorance to   in full flight, or egg..., two fundamental
            disagrees with your opinion. In other   that world, a destructive affective, collective   dimensions of the new politics of the
            words, this radicalization, this desire   fictional world. Every political and technical   extreme right, neo-fascist, in Brazil: the
            to reduce the world to a mirror, which   fascist movement seeks to operate at the   system of fascist propaganda of a new
            the extreme right ultimately achieves.   level of a psychic conversion: from the   cultural industry of lies and violence on the
            And it’s curious, because the extreme   subject of the dream, mediated reason   networks, and the fusion of such a material
            right has many structural affinities with   and the social contract, it passes to the   war machine with the war machine of desire,
            the universe of social networks itself.   group of delirium, the immediate fulfillment   the lie/violence/delusion system that
            To some extent, the operation of the   in desire and the passage to the act, the   modulated it. Attracting the false morality
            algorithm is the far-right worldview   right to political violence, which is initially   of authoritarians, creating a unified voice
            itself.                        expressed as an act of language as shock.   for political ignorance, common images

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