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via WhatsApp, as revealed by journalist   thE  MilitarY  CouP oF  aPril  1, 1964   Another institution whose trajectory
          Patrícia Campos Mello, unlike previous   inaugurated a long period of authoritarianism,   is closely linked to antagonism towards
          cases, where Facebook was the most used   repression, abuse and violence in the   the dictatorship – being even listed by
          media for sharing information.   country. Officially, the regime lasted 21   the municipality and state of São Paulo
           With  all  this,  the  debate  on  the   years. But its echoes and consequences   as a “place of memory of resistance” – is
          control of social networks becomes   are felt to this day, intensified by the   the MariAntonia Center. On view from
          increasingly urgent, considering that it   recent authoritarian deviations of the Jair   March 19th, the exhibition “Landscape and
          is already becoming consensual that   Bolsonaro government, which culminated in   power: constructions of Brazil during the
          Facebook has become a network based   the failed attempt at uprising and seizure of   dictatorship”, focuses on a fundamental,
          on the exploitation of “the human brain’s   power on January 8, 2023. The resurgence   but less elaborate, aspect of the effects left
          attraction to discord”, as points out the   of speeches (and actions) of character   by more than 20 years of authoritarianism
          North American journalist Max Fisher, in   authoritarianism ended up expanding the   in the country: the form how successive
          the book The Machine of Chaos. How social   symbolic dimension of the 60th anniversary   military governments changed spatiality
          media has reprogrammed our minds and   of the civil-military movement, further   in the country, consolidating a model
          our world. According to him, “social media   reinforcing the importance of the events   of greater regional integration, very
          technology has such a powerful pull on   planned to reflect and address the deeds   centralized  planning  institutions  and
          our psychology and our identity, and is so   and effects of the coup.  intensification of inequalities.
          prevalent in our lives, that it transforms the   First of all, there is a network of   “They acted with a heavy hand, imposing
          way we think, how we behave and how we   institutions spread across the country   a development model at any cost and
          relate to each other.”           whose primary function is to investigate   stifling many voices”, explains José Lira,
           Social networks, especially Facebook and   and denounce the abuses of the period   director of MariAntonia and curator of
          Instagram, have become breeding grounds   and which are planning major actions   the exhibition together with other invited
          for criminals, stimulated by algorithms that   for this year, with exhibitions, debates   researchers and – like him – linked to the
          enhance hate speech. Miguel Lago, in an   and publications. To this permanent   Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of
          article in Piaui magazine in February 2023,   effort are added occasional exhibitions,   the USp. This is a historical, documentary
         “Arrest the profiles!” , pointed out how these   strongly in tune with the theme, or specific   exhibition, which will be divided into four
          networks were essential for the 8J: “Never   poetic creations, efforts of reflection and   main axes, which function as layers of the
          before has a Brazilian historical event been   regimentation of content that help to   same process: the transformation in cities
          recorded from so many angles and cameras.   illuminate, in historical and conceptual   and ways of living, with the emergence
          (…) Even before the press and authorities   terms, these moments of inflection in   of peripheries and the generalization of
          understood what was happening, millions of   history. This brings about a practical and   favelas throughout the world. country; the
          Bolsonaristas watched the invasion through   constructive effort to remember the past as   relationship between industrialization and
          the attackers’ cell phones. It’s almost as if   a tool – theoretical and political – so that it   mining; regional integration and expansion
          everything was being done by profiles solely   does not haunt us permanently, combating   projects, which end up being responsible
          with the intention of creating content for   denialism and repression.  for the material prosperity of the center-
          social media.” It is no coincidence that the   The São Paulo Resistance Memorial,   west and Amazonia and consolidate in the
          councilwoman who attacked the Pinacoteca   in addition to continuing its normal   northeast an agricultural model supported
          do Ceará speaks through her cell phone,   programming, will expand beyond its   by the old oligarchies; and the development
          from inside the exhibition itself, as did the   limits, holding events in partnership with   of highways, roads, as a way of promoting
          crazy people on January 8th.     other institutions, such as its neighboring   national integration and exploitation of
           Because it is exactly this mixture of   Estação Pinacoteca. On the third floor of   resources. In addition to the exhibition,
          discord encouraged by social networks and   the building occupied by DeOpS, there   which also has a specific room about São
          campaigns against culture that “defenders”  will be a large exhibition of Alípio Freire’s   Paulo, a series of events, debates, seminars
          of good customs use. If this is a war that is   collection, which was recently donated to   and intense educational work will be held,
          here to stay, it needs and can be minimized   the Memorial and which brings together a   offering visits to schools and universities,
          with some type of control on the networks,   series of memories of the struggle, prison   enhancing the effects of research that
          a more than necessary debate, even more   and resistance produced by the journalist,   covers many themes. , such as geography,
          so now with the sophistication of Generative   artist and political activist . The Memorial   history, social and natural sciences.
         Artificial Intelligence.          also forms a partnership with pUC-Sp, which   The  CCbb will bring, at its four
           However, more than some type of control,   brings the Resistances exhibition to the   headquar ters (São Paulo, Belo
          the progressive camp needs to continue   museum space , an exhibition that tells   Horizonte, Brasília and Rio de Janeiro),
          with its actions in the field of culture that   the story of pUC and deals with important   the Arte Underdesenvolvida exhibition .
          values   libertarian agendas. Against the   moments of the institution’s resistance to   According to curator Moacir dos Anjos,
         “cabinet of hate” the best strategy is the   the excesses of the dictatorship.  this is an investigation, from the field of
         “cabinet of love”                   The Pernambuco Democracy Memorial,   art and culture, into the challenges of
                                           an institution opened at the end of 2022, also   underdevelopment in Brazil and important
         CULTURaL WaR/pOLITICS [pageS 32 TO 41]  scheduled a series of actions commemorating   sections of the exhibition deal with the
                                           the date of the uprising. On April 1st, the   effects and resistance to the violence of
          REMEMBER NOT                     democracy square will be inaugurated in   the coup and its subsequent hardening,
         TO REPEAT                         Abreu e Lima (pe), the same place where the   with Institutional Act no. 5 , such as the
                                           first act of the Diretas Já movement took   texts Eztetyka da Fome , by Glauber Rocha,
         A series of exhibitions and events recalls 60   place, and an act in favor of democracy and   and Brasil Diarréia , by Hélio Oiticica. Dos
          years of the military dictatorship, revisiting   repudiation of dictatorship took place. In   Anjos is also preparing for the Joaquim
          traumas and legacies and connecting the   the following days, a literary exhibition and   Nabuco Foundation, in Recife, a historical
          past to recent threats to democracy  the Art and Resistance exhibition will open   exhibition about the Popular Culture
         bY MaRIa HIRSzMaN                 in the new space .                Movement (MCp), which was active in

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