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way, the conquests of the Romans gave the   extent, they were effective. For example, the   and kill, which we group as aggressive or
          countries close to the Mediterranean the   idea of  panhellenism, the sense of being   destructive instinct.

          invaluable pax Romana, and the ambition of   superior to the barbarians from beyond the   As you see, this is nothing but a
          the French kings to expand their dominions   borders, an idea that was expressed with   theoretical formulation of the universally
          created a peacefully united and flourishing   such vigor in the amphictyonic council, in   known opposition between love and hate,
          France.                          the oracles and in the games, was strong to   which may perhaps have some basic
           Paradoxical as it may seem, it must   the point of mitigating the warlike customs   relationship with the polarity between
          be admitted that war could be a far from   among the Greeks, though, of course,   attraction and repulsion, which plays a
          inadequate means of establishing the   not strong enough to prevent warlike   role in your area of   knowledge. However,
          eagerly desired reign of everlasting peace,   dissensions between the different parts   we should not be too hasty in introducing
          for it is in a position to create the great units   of the Greek nation, or even to prevent a   ethical judgments of good and evil.
          within which a powerful central government   city or confederation of cities from allying   Neither of these two instincts is less
          makes further wars impossible. However,   with the Persian enemy, in order to obtain   essential than the other; the phenomena
          it fails in this regard, as the results of   an advantage against some rival.  of life arise from the confluent or mutually
          conquest are generally short-lived: newly   The identity of feelings among Christians,   contrary action of both. Now, it is as if an
          created units fall apart again, most often   although it was powerful, failed, at the time   instinct of one kind could hardly operate
          due to a lack of cohesion between the parts   of the Renaissance, to prevent Christian   in isolation; it is always accompanied,
          that were united by violence.    States, both large and small, from seeking   or, as we say, amalgamated by a certain
           Furthermore, until today the unifications   the sultan’s help in their wars against each   quantity on the other side, which modifies
          created by the conquest, although of   other. And there is currently no idea that   its objective, or, in certain cases, makes it
          considerable extent, were only partial,   is expected to exercise such a unifying   possible to achieve that objective. Thus, for
          and the conflicts between them gave rise,   authority. In reality, it is very evident that   example, the instinct of self-preservation
          more than ever, to violent solutions. The   the national ideals, by which nations   is certainly erotic in nature; However, you
          result of all these war efforts was, therefore,   are governed today, act in the opposite   must have aggressiveness at your disposal
          only that the human race exchanged the   direction.                to achieve your purpose.
          numerous and truly endless smaller wars   Some people tend to prophesy that it will   Thus, the love instinct, when directed
          for large-scale wars, which are rare, but   not be possible to put an end to the war   towards an object, also needs some
          much more destructive. If we turn to our   as long as the communist way of thinking   contribution from the dominance instinct,
          own times, we reach the same conclusion   has not found universal acceptance. But   in order to obtain possession of that object.
          that you reached by a shorter route.   this objective, in any case, is currently   The difficulty of isolating the two types of
          Wars will only be avoided with certainty   very remote, and could perhaps only   instinct in their real manifestations is, in
          if humanity unites to establish a central   be achieved after the most terrible civil   fact, what has hitherto prevented us from
          authority that will be granted the right   wars. Therefore, at present, the attempt   recognizing them.
          to arbitrate all conflicts of interest. Two   to replace real force with the force of ideas   If you want to follow me a little longer,
          distinct requirements are clearly involved   seems to be doomed to failure. We will be   you will  see that  human actions  are
          in this: creating a supreme authority and   making a wrong calculation if we ignore the   subject  to  another  complication  of  a
          endowing it with the necessary power.   fact that the law was originally brute force   different nature. Very rarely is an action
          One without the other would be useless.   and that, even today, it cannot do without   the work of a single instinctive impulse
         The League of Nations is intended to be   the support of violence.  (which must be composed of Eros and
          an instance of this kind, but the second   I will now add some observations to your   destructiveness). In order to make an
          condition has not been fulfilled: the League   comments. You express surprise at the fact   action possible, there must, as a rule, be
          of Nations has no power of its own, and can   that it is so easy to inflame enthusiasm for   a combination of these compound motives.
          only acquire it if the members of the new   war in men, and introduce the suspicion   This, long ago, was noticed by an expert
          union, the different States, are willing to   that something in their activity requires   in his subject, Professor gC Lichtenberg,
          give it up. And, at the moment, prospects   something, an instinct of hatred and   who taught physics in Göttingen, during
          in this regard seem scarce.      destruction, which cooperates with the   our classicism, although, perhaps, he was
           The institution of the League of Nations   efforts of the merchants of war. . Here too I   even more notable as a psychologist than
          would be completely unintelligible   can only express my complete agreement.   as a physicist. He invented a ‘compass of
          if it ignored the fact that there was a   We believe in the existence of an instinct   reasons’, as he wrote: ‘The reasons that
          courageous attempt, such as has rarely   of this nature, and during the last few   lead us to do something could be arranged
          (perhaps never on such a scale) been made   years we have really been busy studying   in the manner of a compass rose and given
          before. It is an attempt to base authority   its manifestations.   names in a similar way: for example, ‘bread-
          on an appeal to certain idealistic attitudes   Allow me to take this opportunity to   bread-fame’ or ‘fame-fame-bread’. So that,
          of the mind (i.e., coercive influence), which   present to you a part of the theory of   when human beings are incited to war, they
          otherwise rests on the possession of force.   instincts which, after many hesitant   can have a whole range of reasons for
          We have already seen that a community is   attempts and many vacillations of opinion,   letting themselves go, some noble, others
          held together by two things: the coercive   was formulated by those who work in the   vile, some frankly declared, others never
          force of violence and the emotional bonds   field of psychoanalysis?  mentioned. There is no reason to list them
          between its members. If one of the factors   According to our hypothesis, human   all. Among them is certainly the desire for
          is absent, it is possible that the community   instincts are of only two types: those   aggression and destruction: the countless
          will still be maintained by the other factor.  that tend to preserve and unite what we   cruelties that we encounter in history and
           The ideas appealed to can, of course,   call ‘erotic’, in exactly the same sense in   in our everyday lives attest to its existence
          only be important if they express important   which Plato uses the word ‘Eros’ in his   and its strength.
          affinities between the members, and one   Symposium, or ‘sexual’. ‘, with a deliberate   The satisfaction of these naturally
          may wonder how much force these ideas   expansion of the popular conception of   destructive impulses is facilitated by
          can exert. History teaches us that, to some   ‘sexuality’; and those that tend to destroy   their mixing with other motives of an

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