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progress of modern science, this topic   Recognition of this fact, however, is   answers, explicit or implicit, to all aspects
          has acquired the significance of a matter   simply the first step towards an assessment   of this urgent and obsessive problem. But
          of life and death for civilization, as we know   of the current situation. Another question   it would be of the greatest use to us all if
          it; However, despite all the commitment   soon arises: how is it possible for this small   you presented the problem of world peace
          shown, all attempts to resolve it ended in   group to bend the will of the majority, which   from the perspective of your most recent
          regrettable failure.             is resigned to losing and suffering from   discoveries, as such a presentation could
           … As for me, the habitual aim of my   a situation of war, in the service of the   well mark the path for new and fruitful
          thought does not permit me an inner   ambition of a few? (When speaking of the   methods of action.
          understanding of the obscure regions of   majority, I do not exclude soldiers, of all   Very cordially,
          human will and feeling. Thus, in the inquiry   ranks, who chose war as a profession, in   Albert eINSTeIN
          now proposed, I can do little more than   the belief that they are serving to defend
          seek to clarify the question in question   the highest interests of their race and that   in rESPonSE, FrEud WritES:
          and, by preparing the ground for the most   attack is often the best means of defense).  ViEnna, SEPtEMBEr 1932
          obvious solutions, enable you to provide   It seems that an obvious answer to this
          an elucidation of the problem with the   question would be that the minority, the   Dear Professor Einstein,
          help of your profound knowledge of man’s   current ruling class, has the schools, the   When I learned that you intended to invite
          instinctive life. .              press and, generally, also the Church,   me to an exchange of views on a subject that
           … As a person free from nationalist   under its power. This makes it possible   interested you and that seemed to deserve
          prejudices, I personally see a simple way   to organize and dominate the emotions of   the interest of others besides you, I readily
          of approaching the superficial (that is,   the masses and make them an instrument   accepted. I was hoping that you would
          administrative) aspect of the problem:   of this minority.         choose a problem located on the frontiers
          the establishment, through international   Still, even this answer does not provide a   of what is currently knowable, a problem in
          agreement, of a legislative and judicial body   complete solution. Hence a new question   relation to which each of us, physicist and
          to arbitrate any conflict that arises between   arises: how do these mechanisms manage   psychologist, could have our own special
          nations . Each nation would submit to   to awaken such extreme enthusiasm in   angle of approach, and in which we could
          obedience to the orders issued by this   men, to the point of them sacrificing their   find ourselves, on the same terrain, although
          legislative body, to resort to its decisions   lives? There can be only one answer. It is   starting from different directions.
          in all disputes, to accept its decisions   because man contains within himself a   You caught me by surprise, however,
          unrestrictedly and to put into practice   desire for hatred and destruction.  when you asked what can be done to
          all measures that the court considered   In normal times, this passion exists in a   protect humanity from the curse of war.
          necessary for the execution of its decrees. .  latent state, it emerges only in abnormal   Initially I was frightened by the thought
           Right from the start, however, I am   circumstances: it is, however, relatively   of my – I almost wrote ‘our’ – inability to
          faced with a difficulty: a court is a human   easy to awaken it and raise it to the power   deal with what seemed to be a practical
          institution that, in relation to the power   of collective psychosis. Perhaps this is the   problem, a matter for Statesmen. Later,
          at its disposal, is inadequate to enforce   crux of the entire complex of factors we are   however, I realized that you had proposed
          its verdicts and is very prone to seeing   considering, an enigma that only an expert   the question, not as a natural scientist and
          its decisions annulled by extrajudicial   in the science of human instincts can solve.  physicist, but as a philanthropist: you were
          pressure. This is a fact we have to reckon   With that, we come to our last question. Is   following the suggestion of the League of
          with; law and power inevitably go hand   it possible to control the evolution of man’s   Nations, just as Fridtjof Nansen, the polar
          in hand, and legal decisions come closer   mind, so as to make him proof against the   explorer, took up the task of helping the
          to the ideal justice demanded by the   psychoses of hatred and destructiveness?   hungry and homeless victims of world war.
          community (in whose name and in whose   Here  I  am  not just  referring  to  the   Furthermore, I considered that I was
          interests these verdicts are pronounced),   so-called uneducated masses. Experience   not being asked to propose practical
          insofar as the community effectively has   proves that it is, above all, the so-called   measures, but simply to define the problem
          the power to impose respect for its legal   Intelligentzia that is most inclined to give in   to avoid war as it appears in the eyes of a
          ideal. “…                        to these disastrous collective suggestions,   psychological scientist. Also on this point,
           …” The failure, despite the evident   since the intellectual does not have direct   you have said almost everything there is
          sincerity, of all efforts over the last decade   contact with the rude side of life, but finds it   to say on the subject. Although you have
          to achieve this goal leaves no room for doubt   in its easiest synthetic form in printed page.  anticipated me, I will be happy to follow
          that major psychological factors are at play   To conclude: so far I have only spoken   in your wake and I will be satisfied with
          that paralyze such efforts. Some of these   about wars between nations, those known   confirming everything you said, expanding
          factors are easier to detect. The intense   as international conflicts. I am, however,   it to the best of my knowledge or my
          desire for power, which characterizes the   well aware that the aggressive instinct   conjectures.
          ruling class in every nation, is hostile to any   operates in other forms and under other   You started with the relationship between
          limitation of its national sovereignty. This   circumstances. (I think of civil wars, for   law and power. There can be no doubt
          hunger for political power is accustomed to   example, due to religious intolerance, in   that this is the correct starting point of
          flourishing in the activities of another group,   previous times, nowadays, however, due   our investigation. But, allow me to replace
          whose aspirations are of an economic,   to social factors; furthermore, also of the   the word ‘power’ with the more naked word
          purely mercenary nature. I refer especially   persecution of racial minorities.)  ‘violence’?
          to that small but determined group existing   My insistence on what is the most typical,   Currently, law and violence appear to
          in each nation, made up of individuals who,   most cruel and extravagant form of conflict   us as antitheses. However, it is easy to
          indifferent to social conditions and controls,   between men was deliberate, as here we   show that one developed from the other,
          consider war, the manufacture and sale   have the best opportunity to discover ways   and if we go back to the earliest origins
          of weapons simply as an opportunity to   and means of making any armed conflict   and examine how these things happened,
          expand their personal interests and expand   impossible.           the problem is easily solved. Forgive me
          your personal authority.           I know that in your writings we can find   if, in these considerations that follow, I

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