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          traditional equation of mom and dad is   about the jewelry received by Bolsonaro   facts have less influence in shaping public
          increasingly in question.        irregularly.                      opinion than appeals to emotion and
           There is no doubt that Bolsonaro’s   The neoliberal resumption, which began   personal beliefs”.
          election in 2018 was largely built on the   with the 2016 coup under the leadership   Of course, rumors have always existed,
          backdrop of cultural wars, such as the   of speculative financial capital, has been   but the strength of false truths currently
         “denouncements” of the gay kit or the “dick   financing groups that propagate themselves   stems from two factors: the use of
          bottle”, fake news generated precisely to   as defenders of liberal values, but, in reality,   social media and the bubble that forms
          spread the panic. The recent attacks on   are willing to defend all types of censorship   around groups with the same opinion.
          the Pinacoteca do Ceará, in this sense, are   and attacks on artists, one of the segments   The algorithms used by Facebook, for
          very similar to the combined attacks on the   that, almost unanimously, denounced social   example, mean that its users tend to receive
          arts in Brazil in 2017.          dismantling. It is no coincidence that one   information that is in accordance with their
           In this single year, on the eve of the   of the first acts of President Michel Temer   own point of view, reinforcing the idea that
          presidential elections, at least three Sesc   was to abolish the Ministry of Culture in   the shows defend pedophilia and giving
          actions were victims of hate speech – a   2016, an action that was quickly revised, due   the impression, to those who have such
          performance in Brasília, a play in Jundiaí   to pressure from artists and the resulting   an opinion, of that everyone agrees with
          and a speech in São Paulo by Canadian   negative repercussions.    him. On the other hand, WhatsApp ends
         Judith Butler, in addition to an exhibition   In October 2017, Piaui  magazine   up being another source of fake news, as
          at the Art Museum Moderna in São Paulo   reporter  Bruno Abbud published an   people who receive information through this
          and another at Santander Cultural in Porto   article after having access to two months   application tend to believe what they read,
         Alegre. The Free Brazil Movement (MbL)   of conversation in a WhatsApp group of   as they receive messages from friends or
          led these actions to spread lies, one of   Movimento Brasil Livre (MbL), called MBL   relatives, without checking their veracity.
          the pillars of support for Bolsonarism at   Mercado , which included at least 158      This is, in fact, a global phenomenon that
          that time. The accusations are exactly in   employees from institutions such as   occurs even in societies with good levels of
          the format described by Hunter for the   Banco Safra, xp Investimentos and Merrill   access to information through newspapers.
          United States: “They observe some artistic   Lynch, to raise funds for the group and   Brexit, for example, was approved due to
          object in isolation, decontextualized from  “take the executives’ agendas to public   rumors that remaining in the European
          the artist’s broader aesthetic project, and   discussions and closed-door meetings that   Union was costing Great Britain US$470
          consider it obscene, pornographic and   MbL members would have with politicians   million per week. One of those responsible
          lascivious.”                     and national leaders”, according to Abbud   for this campaign would be the British
           In this case, the sociologist took as a basis   in reporting.     company Cambridge Analytica, partially
          the controversies that involved artists such   In two weeks, the group raised R$50,000   owned by the American investor Robert
          as photographer Robert Mapplethorpe   from investors, but donations are also   Mercer, defender of conservative agendas.
          (1946-1989) with his last retrospective   made in miles, which guarantees free   The company would also have been in
          organized during his lifetime, The Perfect   plane tickets to neoliberal activists. The   charge of Donald Trump’s first campaign for
          Moment , which would be exhibited in   content of these conversations reveals   the US presidency and, among its activities,
          several North American museums and had   some strategies behind the motivations   would have been the attempted leak of
          its itinerary in Washington canceled, after   of this group that attacks the “degenerate   33,000 emails from then-candidate Hillary
          fierce attacks from the American Family   art” of the beginning of the 21st century.  Clinton, as reported by Julian Assange.
         Association.                        The exchanges of messages date back   In exchanges of messages on the MbL
           Returning to Brazil in the 21st century, the   to the time when the then mayor of São   WhatsApp group with the financial market,
          use of social networks in a synchronized   Paulo João Doria (pSDb) launched himself   it was even suggested that João Doria
          manner played an essential role in the   as a candidate for president of Brazil, which   (pSDb) hire Cambridge Analytica for his
          attacks on the arts in 2017, something   the MbL leaders celebrated and defended:   campaign for the presidency, which ended
          very similar to what happened with the  “With or without psdb. The alliance that can   up being dismantled by the party itself.
          attempted  coup  on  January  8,  2023.   elect you is in the pmdb of agro and mbl   In the United States, billionaire brothers
         The violent way in which works of art   evangelicals. Our work will be to unite this   Charles and David Koch, sons of an
          were destroyed at the headquarters of   group in a common project”, posted Renan   oil businessman, are considered other
          the Three Powers, in Brasília, attests to   Santos, one of its founders.  possible financiers of liberal movements
          how the campaign started years before   It is precisely this alliance of “neoliberals”  that use fake news . In Brazil, members
          was essential for the mass formation of   with reactionary sectors, such as   of the MbL would be related to institutes
          cognitive dissonant.             evangelicals and ruralists, that aims to   sponsored by the Koch brothers.
           At the same time, attacks on culture serve   defame cultural agents, in terms of what    
          as smoke screens, which seek to divert   happened throughout 2017. If there was   FaCEBook, thE EnCouragEMEnt oF
          public attention from relevant facts, such   no confiscation of works or exhibitions   diSCord and Moral ExhiBitioniSM
          as what occurred on March 8, 2023, when   to ridicule the avant-gardes of the time,   Diverse analysts, such as James Ball, in the
          the most voted federal deputy in Brazil with   Just as when the Nazis came to power, the   book Post-Truth. How Bullshit conquered
         1,492,047 votes, Nikolas Ferreira, took to  “propaganda” against contemporary art   the world, point out how fake news was
          the stand on Women’s Day with a female   continues stridently, as it does now in Ceará.  important both for Donald Trump›s victory,
          wig and made a transphobic speech. A   And the battlefield is on social media,   in the USa, in 2016, and for Brexit, in England,
          Bolsonaro supporter, the deputy had   the most suitable place to bring together   in the same year, results of deliberate
          just returned from the conservative CpaC   moralistic groups based on fake news ,   strategies by agencies with expertise in
          conference, in the United States, where   generating what is called “post-truth” , the   the area and which deceive public opinion
          Eduardo Bolsonaro was also present, who   word of the year 2016, according to the   with campaigns with exaggerated and even
          took criticism of trans culture as one of his   English dictionary Oxford. According to   false content. In Brazil, there is no doubt
          strategies. His action was on the cover of   its definition, it is a noun “that relates to or   about the impact of fake news on Jair
          newspapers and competed with the stories   denotes circumstances in which objective   Bolsonaro’s election, disseminated mainly

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