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P. 112


            before you, and then they are all open,   view, the extreme right manages, in   understanding of this transformation
            with the horizon in the background.  the first place, to transform the error   and uses it. Because, to a large
                                              in illusion. That is, capture the desire.   extent, the extreme right’s cultural
                – You indicate in your books that   Secondly, how it manages to transform   war is an advanced arm of the savage
          after the pandemic, the cultural war is   illusion into collective illusion. And   neoliberalism we live in today, a
          no longer the great and only weapon of   how can this be done? Through social   neoliberalism that faces for the first
          the extreme right. Could you explain?  networks.                      time in a concrete way the need to
            In the beginning, the cultural war                                  recognize that natural resources are
            was the most powerful electoral       – It’s almost a psychiatric   not unlimited, as was believed.
            machine of the 21st century. At a   diagnosis, isn’t it? Can we turn to
            time when the progressive camp did   several authors who think about the    – Let’s talk about Brazil again.
            not yet understand the mechanics   effects of this modernity to help reflect   In addition to this new flavor of social
            of social media, the extreme right   on this cognitive chaos?    networks, we have another specificity,
            produced cognitive chaos, initially   Yes,  it  is  a  very  difficult  psychic   which is this eternal return to the
            through climate denialism. And after   question. There are many thinkers who   issue of military dictatorship and the
            historical revisionism. In the presence   attribute long-term anthropological   strength of neo-Pentecostalism. Do
            of cognitive chaos there is only one   transformations to the introduction of   you see a certain weakening of the
            possible response: it is pure affection.   powerful new means of communication.   cultural war?
            So the cultural war allows, paradoxically,   Raymond Williams – an important   This is somewhat the basic
            to depoliticize the polis through the   British cultural critic and one of the   hypothesis of my latest book. Since
            hyper-politicization of everyday life.   creators of Cultural Studies – has   the campaign, until the beginning
            The concrete result is that no one   a book that is very little known in   of 2020, the Bolsonaro government
            discusses polis projects anymore .   Brazil, On Television . At the beginning   has been the government of the
            Hence the importance of the customs   of this book, he says something   cultural war. That is, a machine for
            agenda, which is very favorable for   very impressive. According to him,   producing narratives that, based on
            creating social panic. People stuck   people think that a new means of   “fake news” and conspiracy theories,
            to customs do not deal with income   communication is just another way   constantly invents enemies that must
            redistribution, inequality, the utopia   of storing and transmitting data. He   be eliminated. And this keeps the
            of a fairer world. No! In the customs   says no, that they can profoundly   militancy permanently mobilized. The
            agenda it goes like this: “tomorrow,   alter the perception of reality. And   cultural war is a powerful electoral
            your daughter at school will go into   therefore, they have unpredictable   machine, because it is a powerful
            the bathroom and there will be a man”,   anthropological consequences. See,   narrative machine of radicalizations:
            “tomorrow, your son will receive a   you have a whole generation between   good and evil, the righteous and
            gender ideology class, etc.       the ages of ten and twenty, who spend   the  wicked, etc.  It  seems  to  me
                                              ten to 12 hours a day with their cell   that, with the pandemic, something
                – This recalls Damares’ fake   phones in their hands, you get on the   fundamental broke. Because, in the
          speech about children victims of    subway and people don›t look at each   beginning, the reaction – both in the
          pedophilia in Marajó, for example.  other; you go to the restaurant and   United States and in Brazil, Trump and
            Since you mentioned Damares, look   there are couples who don›t talk. For   Bolsonaro – was to either minimize or
            at this example of collective cognitive   the first time in the history of humanity   deny the pandemic. In Brazil, Carla
            dissonance. In 2013, Damares Alves   there is a means of communication   Zambelli had the courage to spread
            – I have no difficulty recognizing   that can be used 24 hours a day,   “fake news” that coffins were buried
            that Damares is very charismatic   seven days a week. The book wasn›t   with stones and not bodies. And the
            and adored in certain evangelical   like that, television wasn›t like that,   Bolsonarists disputed narratives
            communities – traveled the entire   cinema never was like that. Social   about the origin of the virus, about the
            country as an advisor to the Evangelical   agents, in the digital universe, have   number of deaths, about statistics,
            Parliamentary Front to denounce the   an extraordinary capacity to keep us   as if it were just another meme. It
            existence of the “gay kit”, which never   hostage within them. This is the first   turns out that there was a moment all
            existed. In 2018, Bolsonaro made use   time that a media outlet has done this.   over the world when the deaths from
            of this complaint and it is as if he came   We need to start thinking about the   Covid stopped being numbers. They
            into existence. In other words, when a   anthropological consequences of this   became faces: my cousin, a close
            cognitive dissonance is made collective   fact. A fundamental anthropological   relative, a childhood friend. The dead
            and millions of people embrace it, it   consequence is that art and literature   are no longer disputed as narrative
            becomes real. It’s like Freud says when   become absolutely exceptional,   objects, because they start to affect
            discussing error and illusion: error is an   something apart, because both literary   us all. When this happens, the cultural
            objective mistake, illusion is a mistake,   reading and aesthetic contemplation   war loses a lot of its validity, because
            but it is above all the projection of a   depend on another enjoyment of time.  it is not possible to transform life into
            desire. If I project my desire and that                             a simple narrative dispute, especially
            desire is also projected by 58 million    – In other words, is the utopian   when your father, your brother dies...
            people, it stops being an equivocation   desire to universalize art also defeated?  There is a limit to cognitive chaos.
            and becomes an objective political   Completely. For example, in these two
            reality. The “gay kit” that never existed   images that you showed, it is a kind of    – In a way, we are seeing the
            came into existence and was important   incredible throwback to a conception   same thing in Palestine, right?
            in the 2018 campaign. All my work   of literature or academicism of art.   That’s it! There is a limit to the narrative
            consists of trying to understand how,   It is curious to think to what extent   dispute and the limit is what made us
            discursively, from a rhetorical point of   the extreme right has a very acute   human: the awareness of finitude.

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