Page 111 - artebrasileiros-66
P. 111

– And how can we, seen as the   the  issue.  Steve  Bannon  has  a   the sphinx deciphered, the ending
          enemy, combat this attack? What is   documentary, Generation Zero , that   of Oedipus is not happy. It is not
          your method?                        discusses the financial bubble, the   enough to decipher the sphinx,
            Firstly, we have to be aware that this war   housing crisis. Do you know who, for   contrary to what we think. The really
            is ongoing. This is important because,   him, is to blame for the 2008 crisis?  new hypothesis that I propose is the
            sometimes,  everything  seems  so   It’s from the Frankfurt School! Why   following: what we call human, as a
            delusional, so far from reality, that our   this obsession? Because Marcuse, at   form of time and space operation,
            tendency is not to pay attention to the   the end of the 60s, was the inspirer of   does not exist without temporal
            articulated speeches. Here, I believe,   the counterculture, the guru of North   lag. What characterizes the human
            my collaboration comes in. I have   American youth, of youth in Paris.   is the need for a time lag between
            now discussed Dominion Theology   The cultural war assumes that what   the following acts: an action, its
            a lot. I’m not a theologian, there are   is at stake, in fact, is a battle for the   transmission, its reception and its
            many people in Brazil who know the   definition of civilization. And there is a   subsequent interpretation. What
            subject two hundred times more than I   complete embrace here: what is being   social networks truly establish that
            do. The contribution I try to make is to   defended is the Greco-Roman-Judeo-  is unprecedented in the history of
            carefully analyze the discourse and the   Christian civilization, understand that   human communication is the promise
            translation of the project behind that   however you want.          of impossible simultaneity. See,
            discourse. I work on the texts in detail,                           on social media, an act, an action,
            reading them two, three, five times,    – White, male, who does     before being completed, is already
            sometimes spending years thinking,   not question slavery, capitalism,   transmitted; being transmitted, it
            looking for links that are not visible   colonialism, in other words, everything   is already received; and often the
            at first.                      that needs to be questioned cannot be   interpretation of the action that has
                                           questioned.                          not yet been completed impacts
                – Would it almost be a literary   Yes. As Machado de Assis said, “it is   the course of the action itself. This
          analysis of the phenomenon?         easier to appreciate the whip when you   axis of  simultaneity produces  a
            What I try to do is carefully analyze the   have the handle in your hand”. When   hermeneutic collapse. And see,
            speeches and, as I have training as a   it is wielded, not when it is received in   there is no possibility of aesthetic
            historian, I always try to contextualize   the back. But let us remember that the   experience without contemplation.
            them in the long term, over a long   cultural war predates the expansion   But contemplation is a way of slowing
            period of time. The cultural war, at first,   of the digital universe, through the   down time. How many times, when
            is a reaction to the counterculture in   everyday ubiquity of social networks.   faced with a story, a poem, a painting,
            the United States and also in Europe.   Now, the extreme right is the great   a symphony, a ballet, do you have the
            In France, for example, it is a reaction   political phenomenon of the first two   impression that you switch off, close
            to May 68. In the United States, to   decades of the 21st century. And it is   your eyes. You need time, don›t you?
            the hippie movement, but also to the   very important to recognize here that   Because what we call hermeneutics
            Black Panthers. Counterculture, as a   the extreme right comes to power, at   is the fundamental idea that between
            movement, ended up being assimilated   least for the first time, through free and   us, in the present, and the language
            by the very capitalism it challenged. But   democratic elections. Bolsonaro won   of the past – although it is the same
            counterculture as an attitude affected   the elections in 2018; in 2016, Trump did   – a hole has opened up. There is no
            the basis of the capitalist system. He   not win the popular vote, but he won   longer immediate communication,
            gave up private property at all levels,   the American Electoral College; Viktor   time has passed, the time lag is
            especially in personal relationships; the   Orbán, who was left-wing in his youth –   what makes us human. Is the world
            counterculture considered experience,   imagine that – also won the first election   increasingly inhumane? Yes, because
            not possession, and not wealth, as the   in Hungary; Javier Milei obtained 55%   in this dizziness of a simultaneous
            highest value. Wealth meant a rich   of the votes in the Argentine election…   time between action-transmission-
            experience and not a bank account. She   What happens? The extreme right   reception-interpretation-impact, the
            also proposed a radical transformation   understood the unprecedented   extreme right does nothing.
            in interpersonal relationships, the way   potential of social networks long
            women related to their husbands,   before the progressive camp. And this    – Authoritarianism follows a
            etc. And the counterculture was   potential is the production of cognitive   logic of pure and simple acceptance
            identified in the cultural war mainly   chaos. Cognitive chaos due to excess   or denial. It’s pure Manichaeism.
            with the Frankfurt school. And this   information, not its absence. And social   Yes, Manichaeism is pure verticality,
            has a concrete reason: in World   networks, in relation to the issue of time,   it has no nuance. There is no time lag.
            War II the most important thinkers   produce something that if we don’t   Everything is here, now, already.
            of the Frankfurt School went to the   understand, we won’t be able to face.
            United States: Adorno, Horkheimer,                                     – Did you see the art produced
            Lowenthal, Herbert Marcuse. If the    – Is it like fighting a hydra, where   by artificial intelligence to publicize
            former returned to Germany, Marcuse   you cut off one head and then three   the demonstration on February 25th
            stayed in California, at the University   more are born?         in Paulista? They were created from a
            of San Diego. Do you know who he had   You know that I have been   basic command. The power of the white
            as a student? Angela Davis! Marcuse   revisiting Oedipus Rex , by Sophocles.   man and divine power over this crowd.
            wrote works that were absolutely iconic   I have been rereading many classics   I saw it. Was that artificial intelligence?!
            and fundamental to the movement of   to think about the contemporary   It’s unbelievable! In fact, there
            ‘68. Again, what I try to do is establish   situation. Oedipus deciphers the   are practically only white people.
            these links that are almost narrative,   sphinx. That›s the reference we   Impressive. Look how crazy I realized
            almost a literary way of approaching   always make, isn›t it? But even with   now. There are two closed traffic lights,

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