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          the early years of the 1960s, until it was   sought greater regional integration by   literature at the Federal University of
          closed by the coup. There will be more   imposing a development model at any   Rio de Janeiro, João Cezar de Castro
          than 60 photographs and more than 100   cost and intensifying inequalities. The   Rocha, dedicated himself to examining
          documents, posters, folders, works of art,   exhibition has four core themes: the   the discourse of the extreme right in
          period publications, etc. reunited for the   transformation in cities and ways of living,   an attempt to understand the reasons
          first time. Opened in April, the exhibition   with the emergence of suburbs and the   for the movement, its strategies and
          will remain on view for six months.  widespread presence of slums throughout   the paths that led to radicalization,
           The connection between memory and   the country; the relationship between   around the world and particularly in
          erasure, construction and deconstruction   industrialization and mining; projects for   Brazil. A country that, according to him,
          of ideological discourses that permeate the   regional integration and expansion, which   would be “a global laboratory for the
          most different dimensions of society is not   ultimately led to the material prosperity   methodical creation of parallel reality”.
          only a fertile field of work for researchers,   of the Midwest and the Amazon and   Synthesized in books such as Guerra
          but also for artists. In October last year,   entrenched in the Northeast an agricultural   Cultural e Retórica do Odio , by 2021,
          Rivane Neuenschwander exhibited in São   model supported by old oligarchies; and   and Bolsonarismo: da Guerra Cultural
          Paulo a set of works in which she revisits   the development of highways, roads, as a   ao Terrorismo Méstico , from 2023, his
          memories and traumas connected to the   means of promoting national integration   analysis treats radicalized discourse as a
          political use of fear, continuing research   and resource exploitation.  narrative process and suggests ways of
          she began in 2014 into childhood memories   The exhibition brings together visual   interpretation and confrontation through
          and fears. Part of this research will also   production by filmmaker Jorge Bodanzky   dialogue and affection. In an interview
          be shown in the large exhibition that the   (photos and films) throughout the period   with artE!Brasileiros , he talks about
          artist is due to hold in October, in Inhotim.  of the dictatorship. In it, Bodanzky   the origins and consequences of the use
           For a long time, Rivane collected   deconstructs the idea of progress   of hate rhetoric, which combines absolute
          testimonies  of  memories about  the   propagated by the military governments   denial of diversity, cognitive chaos and
          period of the dictatorship and some of   and exposes fundamental issues such as   the creation of a perverse mediasphere,
          these stories were given new meaning   repression, violence, and environmental   strengthening an authoritarian and
          in the form of works. “It works like a ball   destruction. In addition to the exhibition,   theocratic discourse of power.
          of yarn that you unwind,” says the artist.   there is also a retrospective of the author’s
         There are impressive stories, such as the   films, including titles such as Iracema, uma    – The Cultural War is one of the
          reference to the arrest and torture of nine   Transa Amazônica.    hallmarks of our recent history. How
          Chinese shortly before the coup, accused                           do you define the phenomenon?
          of subversion and trying to “assassinate”  rESiStanCES, at PuC-SP     João Cezar de Castro Rocha – Let’s
          the then governor of Guanabara, Carlos   An exhibition at the Memorial da   think together. The cultural war is a
          Lacerda, with acupuncture needles. It   Resistência, in Largo General Osório, brings   spearhead of the transnational far
          would be laughable if it weren’t dramatic,   together images of the invasion that took   right and is a very well articulated
          generating an interesting metaphor about   place in September 1977 at pUC São Paulo.   movement. The central idea is that,
          the “tension points” of the Brazilian social   Soldiers of the dictatorship commanded by   to truly come to power, you have to
          organism. Alternative press, business   Colonel Erasmo Dias invaded the university.   do so by winning hearts and minds. In
          complicity with the coup, persecution of   About a thousand students were arrested,   other words, through culture. Hence
         African-based religions are among the   some were injured. In the photos by Helio   the extreme right around the world has
          threads that the artist follows, symbolically   Campos Mello above, students and police   as its preferred targets the free press,
          recreating what she calls a “subjective   confront each other, and inside the vandalized   art and universities: critical instances
          portrait of Brazil at that time”, recalling a   Student Union, a soldier rummages through   of reflection on reality. It is a kind of
          violence that still reverberates. And not   and examines documents.   skewed, perverse reading of Antonio
          just in the symbolic field.                                           Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. In
           Sometimes the help of chance also   BlaZing Sun: arChiVES oF liFE and   1992, Pat Buchanan (who ran in the
          contributes to the encounter between   rESiStanCE/EStação PinaCotECa  Republican Party’s presidential
          memory indices becoming a poetic reflection   The exhibition is based on the Alípio Freire   primaries) surprised the world when
          on social traumas. This is the case, for   Collection, donated to the Memorial da   he said in his speech that this was
          example, of Juliana Kase. Through a friend,   Resistência in 2023, in dialogue with   not an election like the others: “We
          a large set of propaganda clichés from the   contemporary works created by people   are fighting for the soul of America”,
          military regime came into his hands, which   in carceral situations, as well as works   he literally says. The comparison here
          were distributed throughout the country to   belonging to the collection of the Pinacoteca   would be with Michelle Bolsonaro’s
          broadcast propaganda about the regime’s   de São Paulo and the collectives Mulheres   speech at the demonstration on
         “deeds”. She reprinted all this material and   Possíveis and Bajubá.   February 25th, in Paulista.
          developed extensive research, exhibited a
          few years ago at Paço das Artes. “Aesthetics   CULTURaL WaR/ pOLITICaL [pageS 42 TO 49]   – They repeat this all the time,
          become ethics”, summarized the artist,                             trying to feed this feeling of newness,
          emphasizing: “because even those who   CIVILIZATION IN DISPUTE     pressure and war, so that they don’t
          have not been victims of torture or violence   Professor and literary critic João Cezar   let their guard down.
          practiced by the State are also victims of   de Castro Rocha talks about the various   All the time. It’s a war for culture. And
          ideological conditioning and a brutalization   aspects of the far-right discourse:   this has tremendous consequences.
          of human relationships without realizing it.”  authoritarianism, cultural warfare,   Because, if it is a war, we are not dealing
                                           and cognitive chaos
           MariAntonia Institute / Landscape and                                with the other, the different, the diverse.
          Power Exhibition                 bY MaRIa HIRzMaN                     We are dealing with the enemy. In a war,
           The exhibition showcases the marks of                                there is only one way to deal with the
          military intervention in the country, which   thE hiStorian and professor of comparative   enemy. Delete it.

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