Page 106 - artebrasileiros-66
P. 106


          erotic and idealistic nature. When we   aggression. I can hardly believe it, and   of a class of this type. The ideal situation,
          read about the atrocities of the past, it is   I would like to know more about such   naturally, would be the human community
          often as if idealistic motives merely served   fortunate things. Bolsheviks also hope to   that has subordinated its instinctual life to
          as an excuse for destructive desires; and   be able to make human aggressiveness   the domain of reason. Nothing else could
          sometimes, for example, in the case of the   disappear by ensuring the satisfaction of   unite men so completely and firmly, even
          cruelties of the Inquisition, it is as if the   all material needs and establishing equality,   if there were no emotional bonds between
          idealistic motives had come to the fore   in other respects, among all members of   them. However, in all likelihood this is a
          in consciousness, while the destructive   the community. This, in my opinion, is an   utopian expectation. There is no doubt
          ones had given them an unconscious   illusion. They themselves, nowadays, are   that other indirect methods of avoiding
          reinforcement. Both can be true.  armed in the most cautious manner, and   war are more feasible, although they do
           I am afraid that I may be abusing your   the no less important method they employ   not promise immediate success. It’s worth
          interest, which, after all, is directed towards   to keep their adherents together is hatred   remembering that disturbing image of the
          the prevention of war and not towards our   against anyone beyond their borders.  mill that grinds so slowly that people can
          theories. I would, however, like to dwell a   In any case, as you yourself observed,   starve to death before it can provide their
          little longer on our destructive instinct,   there is no way to completely eliminate   flour.
          whose popularity is by no means equal   man’s aggressive impulses; one can try   The result, as you see, is not very fruitful
          to its importance. As a consequence of a   to divert them to such a degree that they   when a disinterested theorist is called upon
          little speculation, we were able to suppose   need not find expression in war.  to give his opinion on an urgent practical
          that this instinct is active in every living   Our mythological theory of instincts   problem. It is better for a person, in any
          creature and seeks to lead it to annihilation,   makes it easy for us to find the formula   special case, to devote himself to meeting
          to reduce life to the original condition of   for indirect methods of fighting war. If the   the danger with all the means at hand.
          inanimate matter.                desire to join the war is an effect of the   I would, however, like to discuss one
           Therefore, it deserves, in all seriousness,   destructive instinct, the most obvious   more issue that you do not mention in your
          to be called the death instinct, while erotic   recommendation would be to oppose it   letter, which interests me in particular. Why
          instincts represent the effort to live. The   to its antagonist, Eros. Everything that   did you, I and so many other people rebel
          death instinct becomes a destructive   favors the strengthening of emotional   so violently against the war? Why don’t
          instinct when, with the help of special   bonds between men must act against war.   we accept it as just one of life’s many
          organs, it is directed outwards, towards   These links can be of two types.  calamities? After all, it seems to be a very
          objects. The organism preserves its own   Firstly, they can be relationships   natural thing, it seems to have a biological
          life, so to speak, by destroying the life of   similar to those relating to a loved object,   basis and is difficult to avoid in practice.
          others. A part of the death instinct, however,   although they  do not have a  sexual   There is no reason to be surprised that I
          continues to be active within the organism,   purpose. Psychoanalysis has no reason   raise this question. For the purposes of an
          and we have tried to attribute numerous   to be ashamed if it talks about love at this   investigation like this, one could, perhaps,
          normal and pathological phenomena to this   point, because religion itself uses the same   be permitted to wear a mask of supposed
          internalization of the destruction instinct.   words: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’   obliviousness. The answer to my question
          We were even blamed for the heresy of   This, however, is more easily said than   will be that we react to war in this way,
          attributing the origin of conscience to this   practiced.          because everyone has the right to their
          inward deviation of aggressiveness.  The second emotional bond is the one   own life, because war puts an end to lives
           You will realize that it is not absolutely   that uses identification. Everything that   full of hope, because it leads individual
          irrelevant whether this process goes too   leads men to share important interests   men into humiliating situations, because it
          far: it is positively insane. On the other   produces this communion of feeling, these   compels them , against his will, to kill other
          hand, if these forces turn to destruction   identifications. And the structure of human   men and because he destroys precious
          in the external world, the organism will be   society is based on them, to a large extent.  material objects, produced by the work
          relieved and the effect must be beneficial.   A complaint you made about the abuse of   of humanity.
         This would serve as biological justification   authority leads me to another suggestion   Other reasons could be presented, such
          for all the reprehensible and dangerous   for indirectly combating the propensity   as that, in its current form, war is no longer
          impulses we struggle with. It must be   for war. An example of the innate and   an opportunity to achieve the old ideals of
          admitted that they are closer to Nature   irremovable inequality of men is their   heroism, and that, due to the improvement
          than our resistance, for which it is also   tendency to classify themselves into two   of instruments of destruction, a future
          necessary to find an explanation.  types, that of leaders and that of followers.   war could involve the extermination of one
           Perhaps it may seem to you that our   The latter constitute the vast majority; They   of the antagonists or, perhaps, both. All
          theories are a kind of mythology and, in this   need an authority that makes decisions   this is true, and so incontestably true, that
          case, not a pleasant mythology. However,   for them and to which, for the most part,   one cannot but feel perplexed at the fact
          do not all sciences ultimately arrive at a   they devote unlimited submission. This   that the war has not yet been unanimously
          kind of mythology like this? Can’t the same   suggests that more attention should be   repudiated.
          be said today about your physics? For our   given, than has been given to date, to   Undoubtedly, debate around some of
          immediate purposes, therefore, this is all   the education of the upper class of men   these points is possible. One may ask
          that follows from what has been said:   endowed with an independent mentality,   whether a community should not have the
          there is no point in trying to eliminate the   not susceptible to intimidation and willing   right to dispose of the lives of individuals;
          aggressive inclinations of men.  to remain faithful to the truth, whose   not all war is condemnable in equal
           According to what we are told, in certain   concern is to direct the dependent masses.  measure; Since there are countries and
          privileged regions of the Earth, where   It is needless to say that the usurpations   nations that are prepared for the merciless
          nature provides in abundance everything   committed by the executive power of the   destruction of others, these others must
          that is necessary for man, there are people   State and the prohibition established by   be armed for war. But I will not dwell on any
          whose lives pass in the midst of tranquility,   the Church against freedom of thought   of these aspects; They do not constitute
          people who know neither coercion nor   are not at all favorable to the formation   what you wish to discuss with me, and I

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