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          tread familiar and commonly accepted   defeated by unity, and the power of those   room for the rights of those in a state of
          ground, as if this were new. The thread of   who united now represents the law, as   subjection.
          my arguments demands it.         opposed to the violence of the individual   From that time on, there were two factors
           It is, therefore, a general principle that   alone. We see, therefore, that the law is   at work in the community that were a source
          conflicts of interest between men are   the strength of a community.  of concern regarding matters of the law,
          resolved through the use of violence. This   However, it is still violence, ready to   but which tended, at the same time, to a
          is what happens throughout the animal   turn against any individual who opposes   greater growth of the law.
          kingdom, from which man has no reason   it. It works by the same methods and   Firstly, attempts are made by certain
          to exclude himself. In the case of man,   pursues the same objectives. The only real   holders of power to place themselves above
          conflicts of opinion undoubtedly also   difference lies in the fact that what prevails   the prohibitions that apply to
          occur that can reach the rarest nuances   is no longer the violence of an individual,   Everyone, that is, seeks to escape from
          of abstraction and that seem to require   but the violence of the community.  rule by law to rule by violence.
          some other technique for their solution.   In order for the transition from violence   Secondly, the oppressed members of
         This is, however, an additional complication.  to this new right or justice to be effected,   the group make constant efforts to obtain
           In the beginning, in a small human horde,   however, a psychological condition had to   more power and see some changes made
          it was the superiority of muscular strength   be fulfilled. The union of the majority should   in this regard recognized in the law, that is,
          that decided who had possession of things   be stable and lasting. If it had only been put   they push to move from unequal justice to
          or who made their will prevail. Muscular   into practice for the purpose of combating   equal justice for all. This second tendency
          strength was soon supplemented and   an isolated and dominant individual, and   becomes especially important if a real shift
          replaced by the use of instruments: the   had been dissolved after his defeat, nothing   in power occurs within the community,
          winner was the one who had the best   would have been accomplished.  as may occur as a result of a number of
          weapons or the one who had the greatest   The next person, who considered himself   historical factors. In this case, the law can
          skill in handling them.          superior in strength, would once again try to   gradually adapt to the new distribution of
           From the moment weapons were    establish dominance through violence, and   power; or, as happens more frequently,
          introduced, intellectual superiority began   the game would be repeated ad infinitum.   the ruling class refuses to admit change
          to replace brute muscular strength; but the   The  community must maintain itself   and rebellion and civil war ensue, with a
          ultimate object of the struggle remained the   permanently, must organize itself, must   temporary suspension of the law and new
          same oeste or other had to be compelled to   establish regulations to anticipate the risk   attempts at a solution through violence,
          abandon its pretensions or its objections,   of rebellion and must institute authorities   ending with the establishment of a new
          because of the damage that had been   to ensure that these regulations, that the   system of laws.
          inflicted on it by the dismantling of its force.  laws are respected, and to supervise the   There is still a third source from
           This objective was achieved more   execution of legal acts of violence.  which changes in the law can arise, and
          completely if the victor’s violence eliminated   The recognition of an entity of interests   which is invariably expressed through
          his opponent forever, that is, if he killed him.   such as these has led to the emergence   peaceful means: it consists in the cultural
         This had two advantages: the vanquished   of emotional bonds between members   transformation of the members of the
          could not reestablish his opposition and his   of a group of people united by common   community. This, however, is properly
          fate would dissuade others from following   feelings, which are the true source of their   part of another correlation and must be
          his example. Furthermore, killing an enemy   strength. I believe that, with this, we already   considered later.
          satisfied an instinctual inclination, which   have all the essential elements: violence   We see, therefore, that the violent
          I will mention later.            supplanted by the transfer of power to   solution of conflicts of interest is not
           The intention to kill would be opposed   a larger unit, which is held together by   avoided even within a community. Everyday
          by the reflection that the enemy could be   emotional ties between its members. What   needs and common interests, inevitable
          used to perform useful services, if he were   remains to be said is nothing more than an   where people live together in one place,
          left alive and in a state of intimidation. In   amplification and a repetition of this fact.  tend, however, to bring these struggles
          this case, the victor’s violence was content   The situation is simple as long as the   to a quick conclusion, and under such
          with subduing, rather than killing, the   community consists of only a few equally   conditions there is an increasing probability
          vanquished. This was the beginning of   strong individuals. The laws of such an   of finding a peaceful solution. Furthermore,
          the idea of  sparing the life of an enemy, but   association will determine the degree to   a quick look at the history of the human

          from then on the victor had to rely on the   which, if the security of communal life is to   race reveals an endless series of conflicts
          hidden thirst for revenge of the defeated   be guaranteed, each individual must give   between one community and another, or
          opponent and sacrificed part of his own   up his personal freedom to use his force   several others, between larger and smaller
          safety.                          for violent purposes.             units, between cities, provinces, races,
           This was, therefore, the initial situation   A state of equilibrium of this kind,   nations, empires, which were almost always
          of the facts: domination by anyone who   however, is only conceivable theoretically.   formed by force. of weapons. Wars of
          had power greater than domination by   In reality, the situation is complicated by   this kind end either by looting or by the
          brute violence or violence supported by   the fact that, from its beginnings, the   complete annihilation and conquest of
          the intellect. As we know, this regime was   community encompasses elements of   one of the parties.
          modified in the course of evolution. There   unequal strength, men and women, parents   It is impossible to establish any general
          was a path that extended from violence   and children, and soon, as a consequence   judgment of wars of conquest. Some, like
          to law or law.                   of war and conquest, it also begins to   those undertaken by the Mongols and Turks,
           What path was this? I think there was only   include victors and defeated, who become   brought nothing but harm. Others, on the
          one: the path that led to the recognition   masters and slaves.    contrary, contributed to the transformation
          of the fact that the superior strength of   The justice of the community then begins   of violence into law, by establishing larger
          a single individual could be countered   to express unequal degrees of power in   units, among which the use of violence
          by the union of several weak individuals:   force within it. Laws are made by and for   became impossible and in which a new
          union makes strength. Violence could be   the governing members and leave little   system of laws resolved conflicts. In this

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