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have something different in mind.  within a foreseeable time, in putting an   book Culture Wars: the Struggle to define
           I think the main reason we rebel against   end to the threat of war.  America , published in 1991 and without
          war is that we can’t do anything else. We   We cannot guess by what paths or   translation in Brazil. Appropriating the
          are pacifists because we are obliged to   shortcuts this will take place. But one thing   German expression Kulturkampf (cultural
          be so, for organic, basic reasons. And so,   we can say: everything that stimulates the   war), a concept used by the campaign
          we have difficulty finding arguments that   growth of civilization works simultaneously   against the influence of the Catholic
          justify our attitude.            against war.                      church carried out by Chancellor Otto von
           No doubt this requires some explanation.   I hope you will forgive me if what I said   Bismarck, between 1871 and 1878, Hunter
          I believe it is the following. Over incalculable   disappointed you, and with the expression   observed how his country was polarized in
          periods of time, humanity has undergone   of all esteem, I subscribe.  demonstrations against abortion, against
          a process of cultural evolution (I know that   Cordially,          art and against feminism, to name a few.
          some prefer to use the term ‘civilization’).   Sigmund FReUD       More recently, campaigns defaming
          It is to this process that we owe the best of                      electoral processes and anti-vaccine
          what we have become, as well as a good   *About the copyright relating to this   processes can also be observed in the
          part of what we suffer from.     publication extracted from:       context of cultural wars.
           Although its causes and beginnings are   A dialogue between Einstein and Freud:   More than a simple opposition between
          obscure and its outcome is uncertain, some   why the war? / presentation by Deisy de   conservative or progressive proposals,
          of its characteristics are easy to perceive.   Freitas Lima Ventura, Ricardo Antônio   the agents of this war use logic that
          Perhaps this process is leading to the   Silva Seitenfus oeste Maria: FaDISMa, 2005.   rejects science and even common sense,
          extinction of the human race, as in more   FaDISMa – Faculty of Law of Santa Maria  characterized by denouncing non-existent
          than one sense it impairs sexual function;   About the copyright relating to this   dangers based on false information. In
          Uneducated people and backward layers   publication:               short, it is a crusade that aims to avoid
          of the population are already multiplying   The texts of Einstein and Freud are in   any form of autonomy for citizens so that
          faster than the highly educated layers.  the public domain.        they are subject to the neoliberal system
           Perhaps the process can be compared   Based on the Brazilian (Complete Works   without question and using the sensation
          to the domestication of certain animal   of Sigmund Freud, Standard Brazilian   of panic as a method – a strategy with an
          species, and it is undoubtedly accompanied   edition. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976. v. xxII)   emotional appeal, therefore difficult to
          by physical changes; but we have not yet   and French (DaVID, Christophe. Einstein e   counteract with rational arguments.
          become familiar with the idea that the   Freud. Pour quoi la guerre? Paris: Payot &   In Brazil, Olavo de Carvalho (1947-2022)
          evolution of civilization is an organic   Rivages, 2005)           was one of the great spokespersons for
          process of this order. The psychic changes                         these wars, influencing thousands of people
          that accompany the process of civilization   CULTURaL WaR/DIgITaL [pageS 26 TO 31]  and even appointing state ministers at the
          are notorious and unequivocal. They consist                        beginning of the Bolsonaro government.
          of a progressive displacement of instinctive   CULTURE WARS GROW   It is, as Hunter states, the contest for the
          purposes and a limitation imposed on  ON SOCIAL MEDIA              present and the future: “Ultimately, the
          instinctive impulses. Sensations that were   Why attacks on cultural institutions    battle for this symbolic territory reveals
          pleasant for our ancestors have become   and works of art are used as    a conflict over worldviews – over what
          indifferent or even intolerable for us; There   instruments of the right, based on   standards our communities and our nation
          are organic reasons for changes in our   algorithms that value hate speech  will live by; about what we consider to be
          ethical and aesthetic ideals.    bY FabIO CYpRIaNO                 ‘of lasting value’ in our communities; about
           Among the psychological characteristics                           what we consider a fair representation of
          of civilization, two appear to be the most   laSt JanuarY, a councilor from the pL of   our times, and so on.”
          important:  the  strengthening  of  the   Fortaleza recorded a video, which quickly   Culture wars, however, are an explicit
          intellect, which is beginning to govern   went viral, attacking the Pinacoteca do   strategy of conservative movements that
          the life of instinct, and the internalization   Ceará for exhibiting supposed works against   have lost control of the narrative in the
          of aggressive impulses with all their   Christian morality and the proper training   field of culture and art, in which libertarian
          consequent advantages and dangers.   of children. Without explaining that such   and progressive ideas have come to
          Now, war constitutes the most obvious   work is in areas with specific signs about   dominate debates, especially since the
          opposition to the psychic attitude that was   the indicative age classification, following   counterculture movements of the 1960s/ 70.

          instilled in us by the process of civilization,   parameters of federal rules, the Liberal   As such values  are intrinsically associated
          and for this reason we cannot avoid   Party parliamentarian, whose president   with left-wing parties, it was necessary
          rebelling against it; We simply can no longer   was recently arrested involved in the coup   for conservatives to seek strategies to
          conform to it. This is not just an intellectual   acts of January 8, 2023, accused the pT,   question this field and, therefore, advances
          and emotional repudiation. We, pacifists,   responsible by the government of Ceará   on identity issues, Paulo Freire’s pedagogy
          have a constitutional intolerance to war,   and, consequently, by the management   of the oppressed, contemporary art,
          let’s say, an idiosyncrasy exacerbated to   of the Pinacoteca, using typical hateful   vaccines and abortion, to name the main
          the highest degree.              rhetoric, to use an agenda of customs in   focuses of these wars.
           Indeed, it seems that the lowering of   an electoral manner. After all, despite the   However, the effective objective, even
          aesthetic standards in war plays hardly a   exhibition with such works being open for   if based on customs, is simply to seek
          smaller role in our revolt than its cruelties.  more than a year, the councilor causes   to deconstruct the charm of the left’s
           And how long will we have to wait until   controversy at the beginning of 2024, when   libertarian proposals through fear: “They
          the rest of humanity also becomes pacifist?   there are municipal elections in the country.   will destroy our families”. This motto,
         There’s no way to say it. But it may not be   Coincidence?          however, is as appealing as it is fanciful,
          utopian to expect that these two factors,   These actions are a kind of afterthought   after all, in Brazil today, 48% of Brazilian
          cultural attitude and the justified fear of the   of what the American sociologist James   homes have women as the head of the
          consequences of a future war, will result,   Davison Hunter diagnosed in the   family, to cite a figure that shows how the

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