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An indifferent society may end up   To the advance of obscurantism, it is   began to be punished for expressing
          victimized by its inertia. Brazil is a secular   necessary to respond with information   themselves critically about the ongoing
          country, the Constitution protects all   and legal action. The darkness has always   conflict in the Middle East, particularly if
          religious manifestations and there is   used an alliance with violence to reach   it was unfavorable to the State of Israel.
          freedom of worship. It is necessary   its objective, which is undoubtedly the   Attacks against free expression have
          to report and react. The denunciation   establishment of a theocracy, a theocratic,  become commonplace. In November, the
          of art! Brazilian report on the case of   dogmatic and authoritarian State. We   venerable Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei had
          sabotage of the Our Sacred Collection   are now witnessing the emergence of an   his exhibitions in London, New York and
          had positive repercussions from civil  “evangelical” current of drug trafficking,  Paris suspended after questioning the war’s
          society. IpHaN, responding to a request   the so-called “narcopentecostalism”,  arguments on social media. Other artists,
          from the Museum of the Republic, officially   claiming prominence in the communities   such as actress Susan Sarandon and singer
          adopted the collection›s name as Nosso   and hills of Rio de Janeiro. The mystical   Roger Waters, lost agents and contracts
          Sagrado (its previous name, coined by the   association between evangelicals and   because of their critical attitude.
          Civil Police, was Black Magic Collection).  Israeli symbols is also pronounced in this   But it’s difficult to cover the sun with
          In 2023, the Minister of Human Rights   context – there is even an area named Israel   a sieve. On Hollywood Oscar night in
          and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida, signed   Complex by a criminal faction. Complexo   early March, music and film superstars
          an agreement with the Museum of the   de Israel is the name given to the group   like Billie Eilish and Mark Ruffalo sported
          Republic to promote a survey of all   of favelas dominated by drug trafficker   red pins in support of a ceasefire in the
          processes in Brazil involving the seizure   Álvaro Malaquias Santa Rosa, known as   Gaza Strip. There were also protests
          of objects from Afro-Brazilian cults. Shared   Peixão, who dominates the areas of Cidade   outside the Kodak Theater, one of the
          management was also established (the first   Alta, Vigário Geral, Parada de Lucas, Cinco   places where the Oscars ceremony was
          in the country) between the museum and   Bocas and Pica-pau. Around 134 thousand   held, with hundreds of protesters calling
          religious leaders of African origin (led by   people live there. The expansion of the   for an end to the massacre. And, upon
          Mãe Meninazinha, from Ilê Omolu Oxum,  gang to two locations that have never been   receiving his award for Best Foreign Film,
          in São João do Meriti). Now, the researcher   dominated by drug traffickers is also being   Briton Jonathan Glazer, the director of
          and former curator of the Instituto dos   investigated: Estrada do Porto Velho and   Zone of Interest, a film based on a story
          Pretos Novos, Marco Antônio Teobaldo,  Rua Lyrio Maurício da Fonseca, in the Brás   about the Nazi concentration camp in
          is doing a pioneering master›s thesis   de Pina region.            Auschwitz (based on a novel by Martin
          (supervised by Mario Chagas, director   Theologian Romi Bencke, who is pastor   Amis), also drew attention to the massacre
          of the Museu da República), on Terreiro   of the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran   in the Middle East. Taking the stage with
          Museology, to update the academy on the   Confession in Brazil, points out a clear   producer James Wilson, Glazer, who is
          importance for the historical and intangible   polarization around the biblical image   Jewish, said: “All of our choices are made
          heritage of the terreiros. He himself is an   of the God of War (or God of Armies), an   to reflect and confront ourselves with the
          iaô (son of a saint) of Ilê Omolu Oxum,  image that sacralizes the subjugation of one   present. Not just to say ‘look what they did’,
          and has already had other agreements   people over another and ethnic cleansing;   but also ‘look at what we’re doing now’. Our
          between Ilê and the museology faculty at   an anti-image of the sacred, contrary to   film shows that dehumanization leads us
          Unirio. And, recently, at an international   life, because it authorizes bombings,  to the worst,” he said.
          museum congress in Sicily, he included   censorship and prohibits any attempt at
          the Museology of Terreiro in the event’s   peace. “There is a tendency towards the   CULTURaL WaR / ReLIgION [pageS 62 TO 71]
          final document. The importance of this is   advancement of a religious culture that
          the technical recognition, on the part of   is less open in relation to behavior, arts   AGAINST
          museology, that one cannot take a piece of   and acceptance of other religions. This is  FUNDAMENTALIST
          land, a sacred artifact of ancestral worship,  noticeable in Brazil through a Christianity   ERASION, THE STRENGTH
          and treat it with conventional European   that is increasingly self-centered and
          methods: placing it in a showcase,  closed to accepting new agendas on   OF THE SHAMANS
          classifying and restoring the based on   human rights and cultural and religious   bY LUIz bOLOgNeSI*
          the traditional parameters of museology.  diversity. Moralism is taking precedence
          It is a significant advance.     over the ability to welcome, without prior   thE  EVangEliCal, Jesuit, Capuchin
           Afro cults have been the target of religious   censorship, the different manifestations   and now neo-Pentecostal Protestant
          hatred for centuries, and this hatred is being   of human creativity”, analyzed Romi. “In   violence, which is based on this evangelical
          renewed among neo-Pentecostal hosts.  other countries, like India, we see the same   Protestant church that comes from the
         A few days ago, in Sepetiba, in the West   thing, only in the Hindu version. I think that,  United States and invades Latin America
         Zone of Rio, faithful from the Ogum Beira   if the Brazilian State better understood the   from  the  1960s onwards  –  begins,  in
          Mar Spiritist Center found their Umbanda   meaning of secularism guaranteed in the   fact, in the 1950s, but it is in the 1960
          terreiro overturned and with images of saints   Constitution, its agents could play a relevant   that it invades –, which takes over here,
          broken, an action that has been constantly   role in guaranteeing coexistence between   is an ideological process of capital
          repeated. It is not exclusive to Brazil: there is   different world views. Unfortunately,  domination. These neo-Pentecostals are
          intolerance on all sides. Often, fear is an ally   however, governments tend to establish a   also attacking indigenous villages, places
          of obscurantists, as in the recent case of a   utilitarian relationship with religious groups,   of African religiosity, Candomblés and
          university in Texas, Houston, which canceled   with only possible electoral gains as their   Umbandas, and destroying everything,
          Pakistani artist Shahzia Sikander’s lecture   horizon. This happens both from parties   but it is a process that begins in the 16th
          due to attacks she suffered for a public art   that present themselves as left-wing or   century, so we have to have this historical,
          sculpture called Witness, a figure with goat   progressive, as well as from right-wing   retrospective view.
          horns and tentacular arms. A Texas far-  and extreme-right parties.”   I understand that it is an extremely
          right group accused the figure of praising   Censorship is also expanding. In the   violent process. Alongside gender violence,
         “satanic images”.                 wake of informational hegemony, artists   it is the most violent process in America,

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