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          to be able to prey and continue building a   film A Story of Love and Fury (2013), Best   Maurício Dias – What took us to Atalaia
          comfortable way of life. Now, resources   Feature Film in Annecy (France); the   do Norte was the idea of   doing work on
          have run out, and man finds himself on the   film ex-shaman (2018), honorable mention   Jerusalem syndrome. It actually emerged
          verge of killing his own sapiens in order to   for best documentary at the 2018 Berlin Film   in 2013, from the residency invited by
          compete for resources. There is already a   Festival, Best Photography at the Festival   Benjamin Seroussi at the Jerusalem Visual
          lack of water and the water will be disputed   Présence Autochtone (Canada, 2018) and   Arts Center, in Israel.
          and man knows that now it is no longer a   Silver Hugo at the Chicago International   We stayed in Jerusalem for a while.
          question of killing Neanderthals, wolves,  Film Festival (2018), in addition to Best   And what impressed us most there was
          panthers, jaguars, wild boars, insects,  film at the festival documentary It›s All   the “crazy devotion”. I call it crazy because
          entire biomes to survive. He will have to   True 2018. His most recent work, The Last   it is actually this heightened veneration,
          kill Sapiens himself. It’s already happening,  Forest , about an isolated Yanomami village,  exhibited by hundreds of pilgrims
          right? This is already happening and within   had its world premiere at the Berlin Film   every time they encounter the almost
          this ideological thinking of the extreme   Festival in 2021.       mythological references and monuments
          right, which has already realized this, it                         of their religions. This happens among
          needs to identify the other and take the front   CULTURaL WaR / ReLIgION [pageS 72 TO 77]  Jews, Christians and Muslims. In this region
          line, arming itself, because the idea will be                      there is the Al-Aqsa mosque, from where
          to eliminate the other. This is the process  FILM ADDRESSES THE    Muhammad supposedly transformed into
          of the extreme right, and in this sense they   MADNESS OF THE      a winged horse and went to the heavens,
          are taking great advantage of this process   EVANGELIZATION OF     there is the extinct and destroyed Temple of
          of winning hearts and minds through                                Solomon, where Jews pray at the Western
          the neo-entecostal church, creating  INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IN          Wall, and all this next to the Holy Sepulcher
          the tendency to create a fundamentalist   JAVARI                   , where Jesus is supposedly buried and
          state, like Iran. Yes, Brazil is becoming                          where hundreds of Catholic and evangelical
          the Iran if we are not careful, if we do not   Avesso do Céu , by the duo Dias & Riedweg,  pilgrims make the Via Dolorosa, that
          create (containment) devices. If we don’t   was filmed in the Javari Reserve, in the far   path to the Cross, repeating the stations
          think about a large-scale confrontation   west of the Amazon, and has as its theme   until Calvary. And several believers thus
          to maintain the secular state, in 15 or 20   the conversion practiced by dozens of neo-  enter a trance, which is called Jerusalem
                                           Pentecostal churches, even with recently
          years we will enter a fundamentalist state.   contacted indigenous people  Syndrome. This is such a recurring thing
          See for example the case of the Brazilian                          that the State of Israel didn’t know what to
          Senate. There are evangelical cults inside.    bY FabIO CYpRIaNO   do, because it disrupted local life, as these
         Alright? It might be. But what if he wanted                         psychotic trances sometimes become
          to do some dirty work at a crossroads in the   it iS VErY diFFiCult to lEaVE impassive   violent. Therefore, they ended up creating
          Senate corridors. I could? I don’t think so.  after a screening of the film O Avesso do   [in 1951] a clinic to treat this, called Kfar
          So, we are already in this process.  Céu , by the duo Dias & Riedweg, showing at   Shaul, built in an old Palestinian village.
            It’s not about focusing and saying that   Galeria Vermelho until May 11th. It portrays
          the evangelical church is an enemy, it’s   the violence of religious manipulation in   ***
          about giving light and visibility to what is   the Tikuna indigenous territory, in the Alto   This Jerusalem syndrome is something that
          happening, the process that is happening   Solimões and Javari region, on the border   we have been trying to address in our work
          and what consequences this will have so   of Brazil with Peru and Colombia, in real   since 2013. We have been doing a series
          that people can make their decisions.  scenes, which mix rituals with images of   of work with psychiatric patients, and in
          choices. An example of a fundamentalist   deforestation in the Amazon, making it   these works, in these immersions that we
          state is Iran, where women have to cover   impossible not to notice the intrinsic link   do with a group of patients from IpUb, the
          their faces, women are hanged if they   between the two.           Institute of Psychiatry at UFRJ, we often
          leave their faces visible, their hair showing.     The duo, formed 30 years ago by   see the problem of faith, mythology, of
         That’s what we’re heading towards. I know,  Brazilian Maurício Dias and Swiss Walter   the existence of God. This issue is, among
          I have friends from my youth in the south   Riedweg, is known for working with   psychiatric patients, even stronger than in
          of Bahia who played ball with me and who   specific communities, whether building   society in general. So Jerusalem syndrome
          today don’t play ball anymore because   doormen, police officers, street children   became a strong issue in these works and
          the church won’t let them. They don’t   or inmates of psychiatric clinics, in a rare   ended up generating a series of works in the
          go to forró anymore because the church   example of emotional involvement in the   context of psychiatry that we have done in
          doesn’t allow women, so no way. A friend   panorama of Brazilian art. This new work,  recent years: Cocoon , which won the IMS
          of mine, a capoeira student who became   completed in 2023, however, is built again in   Zum grant in 2018, the work that we he did
          a capoeira master, who became one of   a three-month immersion with two groups:   for Casa Daros, in 2015, Nada absolutely
          the greatest capoeiristas in the southern   indigenous and evangelicals, but in the   nada and Nada almost nada , which we
          region of Bahia and who stopped capoeira   latter without the usual empathy.  presented at Verbo, at Vermelho, in 2016,
          because the pastor said that capoeira is not     Therefore, I decided to send two   which is a performance based on texts by
          something to do, that it disrespects Jesus.  questions to Maurício, who was in São   Robert Walser.
         And then the Grand Master of capoeira   Paulo for the opening, which were answered
          from Southern Bahia abandons his art   in a series of 13 audios transcribed below.   ***
          for the sake of the church. This is what is   The questions were: what led them to   And The Inside Out , this new film, also
          happening in Brazil, we are moving towards   produce a work in Atalaia do Norte; and   appears in this context. It is not a film about
          the configuration of a fundamentalist state,  how the involvement that you generally   indigenous people, nor about evangelicals.
          a fundamentalist church.         dedicate to your work came about. Read   It is a film about madness, about the
             *Screenwriter  and  filmmaker  Luiz   the answers below:        inside out state, the state of being of faith
          Bolognesi directed, among other                                    dominated by religion. We understand faith
          productions, the animated feature   ***                            as an individual expression of any individual

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