Page 124 - artebrasileiros-66
P. 124


         JuaZEiro do nortE, in Ceará, is located   and bees and has become one of the most   and memory of the place. This is a clear
          in a curious region, in the center of the   important guides in the region.  intention of the center’s director and
          Northeast, close to the borders with Piauí,   In Potengi, next to Lagoa de Sassaré,  curator Bitu Cassundé, Heritage and
          Pernambuco and Paraíba. It was left out of   Master Antônio Luiz, the oldest   Memory manager.
          the colonizers’ routes that took all types   representative of the Reisado do Couro   The experience  appears to  be
          of minerals from Brazil to Europe. On the   (one of the traditions created alongside the   collaborative, as it should always be,
          other hand, the climate allowed grazing   Reisado do Congo), born in 1957, teaches   it houses artists and curators who
          and, with it, rich leather production.  the rituals to the new generations who learn   participated in the construction of the
           This region forms a kind of valley,  to “play ” with the same masks, clothing   center, such as Luiz Santos and Carlos
          surrounded by mountains and a forest,  and in-betweens, built in 1978.  Henrique Soares, who put together Amostra
          the first to be preserved in Brazil by Unesco,   The legend of Reisado is originally   Prenascimento , with works created from
          the Araripe-Apodi National Forest, which   European, here in Brazil it has been revisited   materials from the demolition of the old
          is managed by the Chico Mendes Institute   in the poorest neighborhoods since the 19th   building.
          for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMbio).  century, where, through “facetas”, typical   The exhibition by Efrain Almeida, from
           It  received  and  receives  different   masks, children transform into kings during   Ceará, incarnate , brings together, in
          migrations from the Northeast, but its   the performances.         addition to his traditional sculptures, a
          greatest influence came from the presence   In Crato, the Cariri Sérvulo Esmeraldo   sequence of paintings specially developed
          of the Catholic priest, born in 1844, in Crato,  Cultural Center was built during the   for the celebrations of the center’s two
          Cícero Romão Batista, known as Padre   pandemic, opened on April 1, 2022 and is   years.
          Cícero or Padim Ciço.            part of the cultural equipment network of   Photography curator, writer and editor
           Expelled from the traditional Catholic   the Ceará State Department of Culture.  Diógenes Moura was invited to revisit
          church for his adherence to syncretism and   A deactivated historic building is located,  the exhibition initially set up in 2018, for
          his respect for other religions, considered   measuring around 50 thousand square   the Fotofestival SOLaR, held in the city of
          heresies, he encouraged, among the city’s   meters, built in the 1940s to house the   Fortaleza and which was later presented
          population, the idea that in each house it   Seminary of the Order of the Holy Family   at the Afro Brasil Museum in São Paulo,
          was necessary to have an altar in the front   for religious education and closed in   adding themes such as the national tragedy
          and a studio in the back. . Understanding   1969. From 1973 it operated as the Manoel   caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the
          a studio as a space for everything that   de Abreu Hospital and ended being   fires in the Amazon. In Rio de Janeiro,
          refers to “doing”. Be it food, masks, toys,  deactivated in 2014.  with more than 300 photographs, earth
          sculptures, musical instruments, tools. A   “The Carirí Cultural Center is managed   in trance expanded the portrait of a country
          highly respected educator and considered   through a partnership between the   marked by enormous contradictions.
          a reference for social behavior.  Department of Culture of the Government   “To update the exhibition at the Cultural
           This may be one of the explanations for   of Ceará, Secult Ceará and the Instituto   Center, the editing was done alongside
          the sensation of being in the middle of an   Mirante de Cultura e Arte, which   photographer Allan Bastos. (…) earth in
          exceptionally horizontal society, apparently   understands the need to invest as a public   trance is an exhibition made to hurt, silent,
          frozen in time, almost pre-industrial.  policy in education, health, territory, in a   merciless about the great abyss that is
          Since then, no large factories have been   survival strategy where Culture is the result   Brazil. For this reason, each photograph
          installed on the outskirts and, as a result,  of several structural actions for human   needs time to be seen. It is an exhibition
          a working class resulting from a traditional   development”, says Rosely Nakagawa,  contrary to the world of speed.”
          bourgeoisie, that of the production line,  director of the Centro Cultural do Cariri,   The Centro Cutural do Carirí is a precious
          which clocks in with cards, has not been   created Galeria Fotoptica with Thomas   space, which hosts conversation circles,
          created. The majority work in services,  Farkas in 1979, is a curator and cultural   picnics in its park, outdoor music shows,
          education, commerce and crafts. It is a   manager, and She was one of the first   an initiative worthy of being told and
          society that respects and worships masters,  curators at SeSC Pompéia in São Paulo   supported.
          citizens who brought their family stories of   in the 1980s.
          popular culture to the community.  The Center, with support from the   thankS:
           In 2003, the Living Treasures Law was   population, technicians and professionals   To the entire team that welcomed us, helpful
          enacted, which recognizes more than 120   from  universities, institutes  and   and full of stories to tell. People who like
          masters from the region and grants them a   associations, has become a source of   what they do. Thank you Bibiana Belisário,
          lifetime scholarship with a minimum wage,   learning and work for the region. It houses   one of the most competent communication
          a type of retirement that allows them to   state-of-the-art radio, design rooms,  managers I have met; to Samuel Macedo,
          continue passing on their wisdom and   painting, drawing and sculpture studios.  our driver, photographer nominated for the
          being a reference for young people. Dozens   It has a fully equipped space for theater   Pipa Prize; to Pamela Quiros and Aécio Diniz,
          of artisans offer their work at Centro Mestre   and shows, called Palco Escola, directed   responsible for the future inauguration of the
          Noza, Association of Artisans of Juazeiro   by Américo Córdula, who teaches stage   radio, and to everyone who accompanied
          do Norte.                        presence, bringing the strength of ancestry,   us. To Rosely Nakagawa, for her impeccable
           In the National Forest, Master Galdino,  through performances, theater and dance.  performance and for the invitation, and to
          a biodiversity specialist, knows everything    The exhibition rooms currently feature   Tiago Santana, director-president of the
          about animals, medicinal plants, flowers   three exhibits that relate to the history   Instituto Mirante de Cultura e Arte.

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