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         bIeNNaLS / TIJUaNa TRIeNNIaL [pageS 82 TO 89]  I talk to Ana Hernandez, an elementary   surveillance is practically monitored by
                                           school teacher who says she hopes that, this   drones. Part of the wall was built or restored
         TIJUANA: VIOLENCE                 year, Mexico will have a president who will   during Donald Trump’s administration, and
         & CULTURE                         reduce violence in the country. “It’s a special   other sections were built in 1991.
                                           moment in our lives, I believe in a woman’s   In recent decades, the Mexican
         WITH THREE MILLION INHABITANTS, THE   determination and her commitment to   government has implemented an ambitious
         MEXICAN CITY, CROSSED BY THE WALL ON THE   fulfilling her promise.” The election is   cultural project, aiming to alleviate Tijuana’s
         BORDER WITH THE USA, TRYING TO ESTABLISH   scheduled for June 2 and the former mayor   negative stigma and also present it as a
         ITSELF AS A CULTURAL POLE         of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, leader   city dedicated to the arts. Among other
         bY LeONOR aMaRaNTe                with 50.5% of voting intentions, from the   initiatives is the International Banner
                                           same party (Morena) as President Andrès   Salon (1996), designed by Marta Palau,
           thE ProtESt Song Canción Sin Miedo ,  Manuel López Obrador, is in the running.  who participated in the 19th São Paulo
          by Vivir Quintana, brought energy to   And senator Xóchitl Gálvez, with around   Biennial in 1987, and later transformed
          the beginning of the Women›s March   28.8% of voting intentions. The only man is   it into a Biennial. Still with this purpose
          gathering in Tijuana, Mexico, on March   Jorge Álvarez Máynes, with no chance in the   comes InSITe, an international exhibition
         8th. In the voice of local singer Giuliana,  competition with just 4.8% voting intentions.  created by the Intersection Gallery in San
          guitar in hand, the composer›s blunt   Tijuana faces a significant challenge: the   Diego, California and which took place
          message resonated like a call. With verses   constant flow of a population on the move,   simultaneously at the Tijuana Cultural
          like “every minute, every week / they steal   crossing the city in a desperate attempt   Center (Mexico), built with a bold project,
          our friends, they kill our sisters / They   to clandestinely cross the border. Many   within this restructuring program, and
          destroy their bodies, they disappear”,  seek employment in the Maquiladoras,  opened in 1982. In the opinion by Roberto
          Quintana denounces the injustices and   industries that hire workers for flexible   Rosique artist, critic, professor and
          violence faced by women. Her music is   periods – an hour, a week or a month –  member of the curatorial board of the
          a call to action and memory, calling on   depending on demand. It is a frenetic dance   Tijuana Triennale, InSITe was driven by the
          politicians and society to recognize and   of opportunities and uncertainties, where   business vision of Michel Krichman and
          combat this brutal reality. Giuliana says   some settle temporarily, while others insist   Carmen Cuenca, with resources from the
          she is outraged and is marching for the   on the search for the much-desired success   National Council for Culture and the Arts
          right to life, for the tireless search for   in crossing the border. These individuals,   (Conaculta), in addition to businesspeople
          children who disappear every day, for   rooted in hope, build a vibrant and diverse   from the North -Americans. To legitimize
          women who are silenced and for those   community in Tijuana. With its 130 years of   the project, international artists and
          who have already lost their lives. “Here   history, Tijuana stands out as a pulsating   curators were invited. Brazilian critics
          people commit crimes and just get away   center, home to an impressive population   Adriano Pedrosa, curator of the Venice
          with it, no one is held accountable.”  of three million inhabitants.  Biennale 2024, and Ivo Mesquita, former
          Quintana›s song is a warning letter   Men do not participate in the March, they   director of the Pinacoteca do Estado, were
          to the population and, therefore, has   are intimidated by their safety. A photo   curators of this event in different editions.
          become an anthem present in several   reporter was hit by protesters with paint   With the aim of fostering and promoting
          demonstrations.                  and had to leave. Overall, the demonstration   local art, in addition to stimulating
           At another point in the concentration, I   was controlled, although a group of women   international exchange in the city, Álvaro
          find a firm and decisive voice: the activist   dressed in black, with their faces covered,  Blancante, a renowned Mexican art critic,
          and theater actress, Adriana Millanés, who   carried hammers and baseball bats in   was one of the visionaries in the conception
          is an integral part of the Manos Entrelazadas   their hands. With slogans, among others,  of the Tijuana Triennale: 1. International
          Foundation. This institution has been  “We are bad and we can be worse”, “Not   Pictorial, 2021. Although not witnessed its
          tirelessly dedicated to preventing child   one more”, the movement fulfilled its   completion, having passed away in 2021,
          sexual abuse and intra-family violence   purpose. One of the impactful feats was   the project flourished. The second edition,
          for 17 years. Adriana, with unwavering   the exhibition of photos and photocopies, in   which is being worked on under my general
          determination, highlights: “Those who deny   the Tijeras (scissors) square, of the faces of   curatorship, will open on July 26th this
          the existence of this problem are, without   rapists, aggressors and exploiters, whose   year. The event will feature the presence of
          a doubt, accomplices to discrimination   list included teachers, priests, politicians,  established and emerging artists helping
          and violence against women”. She shares   and relatives of the victims.  the Tijuana Triennial to consolidate itself
          an alarming statistic: 1,426 women went   Even with its problems, Tijuana attracts   as an important milestone in the region’s
          missing in just the first two and a half   Mexicans from other states and Latin   cultural calendar, reaffirming the city’s
          months of this year. On a significant day   Americans from several countries. Ranked   commitment to celebrating and promoting
          for the demonstration, such as International   as the second most populous metropolis   art in all its forms, with the participation of
          Women’s Day, she highlights that people   in Mexico, it is considered the gateway to   artists representing 15 different countries.
          are on the streets because they no longer   Latin America. Like a scar that doesn’t close,
          accept this situation. However, she laments   the city is cut by a wall of more than 700   CULTURaL WaR / ReSISTaNCe [pageS 90 TO 99]
          that the next day, March 9, everything   kilometers that divides and crosses other
          will remain unchanged, highlighting the   cities. While bathers try to relax on Tijuana  A BREATHER IN THE
          ongoing crisis facing women in Mexico.  beach, the abominable wall rises imposingly,   SEMI-ARID NORTHEAST
         After the march, Adriana Millanés goes to   dominating every angle of the landscape
          her work, taking the stage at Antiga Bodega   and advancing through the sand for more   In Cariri, a cultural center built on the ruins
          de Papel, a renowned local theater, where   than a hundred meters towards the sea.  of a seminary and a hospital shows that
          she performs in Eve Ensler’s iconic play, The    Unlike what happened on the coast in   will, respect and political intelligence can
         Vagina Monologues . So, after fighting on   East Germany, during the Cold War,   create a lung of art and environmental
          the streets, she continues her mission of   where armed guards carrying powerful
          awareness and empowerment through art.  binoculars observed everything, in Tijuana   bY paTRICIa ROUSSeaUx
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