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          evangelicals and indigenous people. Our   of perpetuating very heavy domination.  Lima Galeria, in Maranhão, during Sp-Arte,
          relationship with the indigenous people   And this occurred during the Bolsonaro   in São Paulo.
          was one of empathy, even considering   government… In the same period that    “ Brazilian Quimbanda, among many
          all the strangeness. Political empathy,  Damares distributed plastic fetuses in a   other currents and resistance cults in Brazil,
          empathy for the point of view of them   campaign against abortion in her office   has its genesis in the clash of Christian
          being the great defenders of nature, of   in Brasília, from the supposed Ministry   violence under the sign of the god crucified
          the forest, the owners of the land, the   of Human Rights and Women’s Rights!   over the people of the land today called
          true first owners of this land. They don’t   She herself has a daughter of Kamayurá   Brazil and the people of Africa who crossed
          consider themselves Brazilians, they   indigenous origin adopted without the   the Atlantic under iron and colonizer’s fire.
          consider themselves Tikunas. Part of the   permission of her biological parents in    The cult of the deified ancestors of
          testimonies we have, but we didn’t include   Xingu. These questions are very difficult.  indigenous warriors, enslaved people and
          in the video because it wasn’t part of the   We tried not to make the film purely a   exiles of the Holy Office found fertile land in
          theme, is about this issue of belonging.  denunciation, but what we saw there is   Brazil for the maintenance of their powers
         They don’t consider themselves Brazilians,  very harsh. And what we try to maintain in   through syncretism and the Macaias, the
          they consider themselves Tikunas. It’s a   the film is what makes this difficult situation   cure, the curse, revenge through spirituality
          particularity because it also indicates   possible: conversion.    reached the diabolical nickname. The
          that, like every relationship of belonging,                        Sabbath cult found its alliance with the
          belonging needs to be reciprocal, and if   ***                     spirits of the forest and ancestral voduns.
          they don’t have Brazil, Brazil doesn’t have   The church is the key to extractivism. She    Brazilian Quimbanda, as a true left-hand
          them either. This is the central issue there,  opens the door of paradise to the entrance   cult, assumed cabalistic, gnostic, anti-
          the issue of territory. And the other group   of hell, she promises divine paradise and   demiurgical concepts that live up to its
          are the evangelicals, with whom we have no   she brings hell into paradise, which is that   deific masks of association with the Devil
          empathy. If we go back there, if they see this   there, which is in a pure state, in a state of   and also with the great lord of the paths,
          film, they won’t identify with it. It is likely   life! What we stupidly call the primitive state.   the orixá Exu, from whom the powerful
          that an evangelical or a Bolsonarist who   It’s a total lack of control, a total mistake. A   dead borrow their nickname. .
          sees this film will have a problem with it. It’s   situation of misunderstanding that borders    Quimbanda is the cult of the poisoning
          an indigestible film. It is already indigestible   on madness. And that’s the point of our   of the Colonel, the decapitation of the
          for us, on the left, for those of us who work   work: trying to point out this misconception   Nazarene, of individual freedom, of the
          with culture. A difficult film to watch. I’m   and treat it as such. Anyway, this work   empowerment of the disgraced, of honor to
          not just talking about the animal sacrifice   deals with things that everyone has been   those who died in the fires of the inquisition,
          scene, I’m talking about the pain that we all   dealing with, but we tried to go to what   the executioner’s axe, the gallows, the steel,
          have in being complicit in this situation of   we think is the central point there, which   the bullet, the hunger , in torture and who,
          eternal colonization. Decolonization began   is the transformation of the shaman into   having experienced human pain, deified
          the day after colonization because it will   a shepherd, the transformation of people   themselves on the adversary path to guide
          appear as a direct act of repentance for   who live in the forest into a village and the   their incarnated brothers. Laroyê Exu, Exu
          colonization, which is an act of barbarism.  process of evangelization of these people.  is Mojubá. (TMM)
                                           We think that this is really the gateway to    “ The Magician is the beginning of the
           ***                             extractivism, which is taking place illegally   action in the spiritual journey of the tarot. All
           So, how do we relate to this? In the same   and rampant in the region, the last in the   the tools that symbolize the four elements
          way as everyone watching the video: we   Amazon, that can still be defended.  are at your disposal, including the table
          have empathy, we have pain and we are                              that has one of its legs as support. The 22
          disgusted by this missionary relationship.   CULTURaL WaR / ReLIgION aND aRT [pageS 78 TO 81]  arcana of the tarot have their correlation
         There are several testimonials that didn’t                          with the tree of life, the magician would be
          make it into this film because of the film’s  THE RECREATION       the 11th path, that of luminous intelligence,
          size and functionality. A lot was left out,   OF A COSMOGONY       Keter-Hockmah.
          but we have testimonies from missionaries                             The tarot has an unknown origin, the
          in which they talk about this obsession.  Thiago Martins de Melo develops political   oldest myth relates its origin to the Egyptian
         And it really is an obsession above all   work in which he tirelessly denounces   tradition, from the so-called Book of Thoth.
          else, more than the desire to help or   necropolitics and the erasure of the history   In which God Thoth hid the wisdom of the
          more than kindness in quotation marks.   of images by colonization  world in an object of vice, the game of cards.
         These people have this obsession with   bY paTRICIa ROUSSeaUx         But tarot comes to us through its
          colonizing, they take pleasure in getting to                       medieval French and Italian versions. The
          know this so-called savage and civilizing,  thiago MartinS dE MElo was born in 1981,   wisdom of the arcana and the paths of
          socializing, converting this person not only   in São Luís do Maranhão, where he lives   life turns this card game into a cathedral
          into a Christian but also into a white person!   and works. The artist has participated in   that was guarded and transmitted by the
         And we did work on this, on this conversion.   several residencies in Guadalajara, Mexico,  ancients like every hermetic tradition from
         This is our place at work, it is a place for   where he is currently involved in a project   ear to ear until it reached us in the era of
          third parties, for critical observation. We   with Rigo Campuzano, a young Mexican   indiscriminate dissemination of information
          cannot show solidarity, either with one   curator.                 and disinformation.
          side or the other, with as much empathy    Thiago’s production is characterized   In Brazil, there are theories that the first
          as possible, because otherwise we would   by the viscerality of his painting and his   deck of cards arrived hidden when the
          not have the critical distance necessary   research in the field of psychology and   Jesuits arrived. Certainly, the magical
          to address this issue, which is a problem.  religions of resistance to colonizers,  traditions of the Iberian peninsula and the
          We are dealing with obsession there, and   especially the Spanish and Portuguese.  Mediterranean have found fertile ground
          what comes with obsession: conversion…    We publish below two texts referring to   over the centuries in syncretism with
          it is barbaric. It is colonization, a process   works exhibited in Spain and at the stand of   indigenous and African traditions in Brazil.”

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