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Tag: artebrasileiros-52-eng

João Pereira de Araújo photographed by Gideon Mendel for his "Submerged Portraits" series.

‘Come and See’

“There was a point for me where I was researching the imagery of climate change and I felt that it was very white on...


Editorial #32
Beatriz Lemos, Thiago de Paula Souza e Diane Lima, curadores da 3a edição da Frestas - Trienal de Artes

New territories expand reflection on art

Curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Triennial of Arts, entitled "The river is a serpent", bring together knowledge and Afro-indigenous, native and ancestral thoughts to think an art of the impossible

We are nature

On the first day of the seminar, limits between culture and nature are questioned based on indigenous wisdom, by Ailton Krenak, Antonio Donato Nobre and Naiara Tukano
O documentarista irlandês Bob Quinn em cena de "One Hundred Steps", filme de Bárbara Wagner e Benjamin de Burca. Foto: Divulgação

Get away from the self-centered subject; produce art in friction and difference

At the second table of the event, Andrea Giunta spoke about the Mercosul Biennial and Bárbara Wagner and Benjamin de Burca showed firsthand a patch of their new work, “One Hundred Steps”

The resistance from distance

On the second day of the seminar, the curatorial team and artists from the 11th Berlin Biennial, an event that gained even more force with the pandemic, spoke about their work and the challenge of maintaining resilience despite the isolation
Palestrantes do VI Seminário Internacional Virtual: em defesa da natureza e da cultura - a arte do possível

VI International Virtual Seminar ARTE!Brasileiros: In defense of nature and culture – the art...

Read the full coverage of the event held by arte!brasileiros and the Goethe-Institut on October 8th and 9th
"Trópicos Malditos, Gozosos e Devotos 07" (2020), Rivane Neuenschwander. Foto: Divulgação.

Editorial: Against the devastation!

Read the editorial of the #52 edition of the magazine

“It is necessary to reactivate the erotic body of society”, says Franco “Bifo” Berardi

Speaking hard during the seminar, philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi says that we live in the world "the convulsion of a suffocated body" and summons youth, poets and artists as strategic agents of transformation