Page 99 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
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ARCHITECTURE: kAMAyURá  [pAgES 44 TO 47]  traditional housing without encountering   unusual way, creating precise but unstable
                                                  resistance from ethnologists, anthropologists,   harmonies, sometimes filling all the spaces
                 KAMAYURÁ                         sertanists? Luis Octavio comments that an   in a claustrophobic composition, sometimes
                 ARCHITECTURE MANUAL              anthropologist was part of the project and   submerging them in an intriguing void.
                                                  had preliminary meetings with him in which
                                                                                     In his paintings, the fields are worked with
                 RESCUES ANCIENT                  he presented the formal requirements of living   refinement and overlap, interpenetrate, creating
                                                  in the Indigenous Park and the labels on how
                                                                                   multiple planes of seduction. As Paulo Reis
                 WISDOM                           to treat the Kamayurá. They had to follow an   writes, his work is a “goldsmith’s painting”.
                                                  initially strict protocol and later became more   In the drawings, videos and photographs,
                 The idea of documenting the techniques   relaxed, according to the architect.  the process seems to be reversed and the
                 for building the huts came from the   During the workshop surveys of measu-  represented vegetable reigns alone in the center
                 indigenous Xingu                 rements and materials used in Kamayurá   of a large white (milk) or black (olive oil) void,
                 By LEONOR AMARANTE               constructions were made. From these surveys,   in order to amplify the details as in the richly
                                                                                   crafted drawings of travelers scientists. With
                                                  representation drawings (plans, elevations) and
                 the xIngu changes quIckly. Indigenous   tables were made. According to the architect,   the difference that Mariana only seems to seek
                 leaders in the territory are concerned with the   these indigenous people are proud to build their   fidelity, when in fact she reconstructs nature
                 fate of the knowledge accumulated by them   houses. “Their objective, through the Manual,   through a very personal and free look of the
                 in hundreds of years. The Xingu Indigenous   is to register how to build and equalize the   precepts of science.
                 Park, located in the north of the state of Mato   knowledge between them. The idea is to involve   She presents to the public unusual
                 Grosso, between the Cerrado and the Amazon,   young people in the construction of housing   compositions, as  an  implausible  mixture
                 is home to around 14 different ethnicities,   and the leaders believe that this manual with   between a peacock feather and a shell, in
                 including the Kamayurá. Last year they decided   traditional techniques will help them.”  associations of a suggestive eroticism and
                 to create a publication using hollow-building   The first elements to be placed in the   that seem guided by an urgence in capturing
                 techniques. From this desire the Kamayurá   construction of a Kamayurá house are the   the precise moment between life and death,
                 Manual of Architecture was born, a synthesis   central pillars, followed by the posts that form   bloom and fade.  Not by chance the curator
                 of its traditional construction.  the perimeter. The hollow consists of two   Priscyla Gomes associates in her text the set of
                   The idea came from Kanawayuri L. Marcello   light structures connected as if they were two   works of Mariana with the myth of Orpheus and
                 Kamayurá, local leader, when he met the   overlapping baskets. These baskets are secured   Eurydice, underlining the fugacity and intensity
                 architect Clarissa Morgenroth at the Xingu, a   by vertical and horizontal moorings. The straw   of the encounter, the balance that Mariana tries
                 great artist who traveled through the region for   is finally placed from the bottom up. Building a   to find between the vitality of the new and the
                 nine months. He invited her to the project and   house for the Kamayurá is also fun.  certainty of finitude
                 she involved the Escola da Cidade, through   The huts constitute a space of half darkness   In addition to the clear references to the great
                 the Habita-Cidade platform with the workshop   and privacy, but at the same time they are an   masters of botany design such as Albrecht
                 Modes de Habitar: Traditional Architectures.   open place. About 20 people live in each of   Dürer and Margareth Mee, there are multiple
                 A group of students and teachers formed who   them, from related families. These houses   references she makes to the history of art,
                 traveled to Aldeia Ypawu, in Kamayurá territory   generally last eight to 10 years. “They usually   combining allusions ranging from exquisite
                 in the Upper Xingu, to support this endeavor   do maintenance if the building is very old, but   Renaissance planning, to 18th-century Dutch
                 especially in the elaboration and storage of   the Kamayurá prefer to build a new hollow. And   painting - with its love of detail - and an evident
                 drawings on the computer.        when this happens, all the old building material   inebriation, which brings her closer to both
                  “When we arrived at Xingu, we noticed that   is reused or burned, they do not accumulate   baroque and romantic
                 some indigenous people already had preliminary   waste in the village. In general, they have an   There are some interesting encounters
                 knowledge of technical drawings. We then pose   understanding of their culture, perceive the   between the works in the exhibition, such as
                 a question: what is the Kamayurá territory like?   harmonic interaction with the biome, but they   the one between the only sculptural piece, in
                 Kneeling on a large white paper that they draw   are not dazzled”.  which palm branches (in an unquestionable
                 in a village with their occasions, river, birds,   At the moment, what exists in circulation on   reference to the artist’s surname) gush over
                 trees… One was a traditional representation   the internet is a version of the Manual printed   two basins filled with dark olive oil and only
                 of them and a basic service for starting work   in the village, which has already been revised   begin a dive that promises to be deep, and a
                 ”, says Luis Octavio de Faria e Silva, architect,   by Escola da Cidade and sent to Xingu. The   huge canvas on which sprouts of the same
                 teacher and platform coordinator. “Although   architects await observations or possible   nature are represented in extremely subtle
                 there are differences between some ethnic   corrections by the Kamayurá. The intention is   tones ranging from light gray to almost black,
                 groups, Xingu’s construction systems have   to make, after all revised, an English version so   something surprising for someone who usually
                 a lot in common. The architectural unit is the   that it can circulate in several countries.  willingly delivers to a profusion of Colors.
                 hollow, the amount of which in the village may                      Interestingly Mariana avoids the use of titles.
                 vary according to the resident population”. With   ExIBITIONS: SãO pAULO [pAgES 48 TO 51]  As if any narrative suggestion was to divert his
                 oval shapes, they are distributed in a circle and                 compositions from the synthetic and somewhat
                 are those that do some household activities,   THE VISUAL PLOTS   enigmatic character of his compositions. It also
                 except lighting or fire for cooking.                              purposely avoids the inclusion of the human
                   Inside the hollow, at their ends they hang  OF MARIANA PALMA    figure in his works. Her narratives dispense it, it
                 the nets and the central part is reserved for                     seems to make it less dense. Objects, often seen
                 commerce and rituals. “The head of the family   The artist shows a cohesive summary of   in asphyxiating proximity, speak for themselves
                 takes care of the construction of his house   her production on an exposition at the   of our desires. Tactile, visual, affective. And they
                 together with the relatives, where each member   Tomie Ohtake Institute  seem to prove that, in the absence, the human
                 has different and multiple knowledge that work                    may be more present.
                 together”. The constructions are made with   By MARIA HIRSzMAN
                 materials taken from the forest and executed   one of the hIghlIghts of the young Brazilian   ON THE EDgES: ALI [pAgES 52 TO 56]
                 with traditional techniques, with straw roofs that   painting, a movement that emerged with force
                 extend to the ground. These elements combine   in the early years of the 21st century, Mariana   ITINERANT ART SCHOOL
                 material savings and formal elegance. “If it gets   Palma shows, at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, a
                 a little irregular they don’t care, what matters   broad and impressively cohesive set of works,  ESTABLISHES CULTURAL
                 is the cohesion of the group”, guarantees Luis   built along a career that already lasts two decades.   FLOWS BETWEEN
                 Octavio. According to him, the Kamayurá   Exploring multiple languages, but attentive to a
                 maintain a relationship with a curious eye on   very familiar universe of questions, motives and   CENTER AND PERIPHERY
                 what is outside their culture. Today they also   references, the artist manages at the same time
                 make four-story houses covered with straw.   to seduce and confuse the audience.  Project that brings together nine artists
                 The hollow measures around 30 by 10 meters   As a kind of illusionist, Mariana always starts   and a social scientist, free itinerant
                 and can reach 10 meters in height, with low   from elements apparently out of an intimacy   art school (ali) emerged after the 2018
                 openings, where access is possible.  associated with the feminine: flowers, leaves,   elections and has been operating for
                   How to enter Xingu with the idea of      shoots, fabrics, skins, tiles, abstractions that
                 collaborating with the indigenous people in   refer to marbled papers, valued in the covers   almost a year in Cidade Tiradentes
                 a project to understand and represent their   of old books. And it combines them in an   pOR MARCOS gRINSpUM FERRAz


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