Page 101 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
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debates, artistic residencies and exhibitions   of this space, which is a place for oxygenation   of the challenges is to find a language in which
                 - the space is especially fond of socializing,   in the field, in practice, is still lacking in the   we recognize ourselves and that these residents
                 exchanges, dialogues and meetings, as well   artistic milieu,” adds the curator.  also recognize themselves. There is no point in
                 as happens at a good party.                                       thinking that we are going to enlighten people
                  “Space dedicated to the circulation,   past and future           with the idea of  contemporary art, with an expert

                 production and exhibition of contemporary   Throughout the 397-year history of 397, the   mindset that wants to teach much more than
                 art”, as explained by the sign at the entrance   constant desire to question the institutional and   listening to others”, she says. “So we have to
                 of the grand shed on the quiet street Gonzaga   marketing practices of the contemporary art   take proposals, know how to put ourselves, and
                 Duque, 397 completes 16 years of operation   universe has resulted in varied types of activities   at the same time also listen, managing to get
                 having passed not only the change of address   and experiences. In Surpraise, for example,   closer to the neighborhood’s daily life.”
                 in 2017, but also for reformulations in the team   which has had eight editions, an art auction is   For Ateliê’s managers, a greater occupation
                 and in the management modes. He never lost   held “blindly”, without the participants being   of public space is also inserted as a political
                 sight, on this route, that a certain degree of   informed of the authorship of the works sold.   practice in times of attack on the arts and
                 informality and irreverence are desirable for the   Works by established and established artists   education. “In this difficult moment, when
                 type of experimentation and critical thinking   mix and receive the same starting price, turning   we have an enemy government of culture,
                 he seeks to produce and for the place - neither   the experience into a kind of bet that puts the   we are thinking about what kind of issues we

                 market nor excessively institutional - that he   idea of  authorship and financial speculation in   want to work on, what discussions we want
                 intends to occupy.               check in the artistic milieu.    to do, with boldness and without having ties.
                  “Maybe it’s not really the party, but the beer”,   From  a project  proposed  by  Ateliê397   Discussions about the city, gender and racial
                 says artist Raphael Escobar, 397 collaborator.   and contemplated by the Funarte Prize for   issues, feminism and the environment, always
                 “Beer as this space of communion for   Contemporary Art 2012, the exhibition Espaços   looking carefully at the people who are in general
                 conversation, exchange, discussing, thinking   Independentes: A Alma é o Segredo do Negócio   aim”, says Rivitti.
                 about good and bad ideas. At Ateliê things   was set up in partnership with Ateliê Aberto   In these 16 years on the road, trying to
                 flow a lot like that, in a meeting of people from   (Campinas), Atelier Subterrânea (Porto Alegre)   make a list of the artists who passed through
                 different generations, at different stages of their   and the paulistaas Casa Contemporânea, Casa   Ateliê397 would be an almost impossible task.
                 careers. I think this interaction gives strength   Tomada and Casa da Xiclet. The idea of  uniting   Among less known and consecrated names,

                 to everyone, it has incredible power, it allows   and putting into dialogue the practices of   hundreds of people had part of their formations
                 the construction of thought.” Escobar, who   different independent spaces sought to oppose   or trajectories marked by some practice or
                 has attended 397 for about ten years and now   the individualistic premises of the market and   experience lived in this independent space
                 teaches courses there, is one of the many artists   to favor the sharing of knowledge and collective   in São Paulo. “Art requires training and good
                 who arrived there at the end of his graduation.  practices.       professionals”, concludes Rivitti. “And it needs
                   As explained by the museologist and educator   With the work of the study group “Women   time, it’s not immediate. So this process that
                 Tania Rivitti, space manager alongside Ana   do not need to be naked to enter museums”,   the studio has always provided, with students,
                 Elisa Carramaschi, Bia Mantovani and Carollina   the Vozes Agudas exhibition was organized in   artists, teachers and regulars, has resulted in
                 Lauriano, “from the beginning there is this   2018 and lent its name to a new group of studies   the maturation of many good people out there.
                 proposal to train young artists. This artist   and interventions that continues to operate at   It is a long work and must continue. ”
                 who leaves college and realizes that he still   397. With an emphasis on feminism and formed
                 needs to discuss more, present his work more,   exclusively by women active in the São Paulo   ON THE EDgES: JA.CA [pAgES 62 TO 67]
                 understand how to present it”. This character   artistic circuit, Vozes Agudas has held meetings,
                 of formation, which permeates a good part of   readings and a series of podcasts available on   MANY USES FOR JA.CA
                 the activities proposed by the Ateliê, is present   the Ateliê website.
                 both in courses such as the General Clinic, a   In July 2019, a large exhibition entitled Abraço   Venue in Minas Gerais, with wide and
                 semiannual follow-up for projects by artists and   Coletivo brought together works by almost 300   diversified performance in the artistic and
                 researchers, as well as in the artistic residency   artists in the shed. From an open call (in which no
                 Temos Vagas!, which is currently in its second   artist would be refused), the exhibition attracted   educational fields, completes ten years
                 edition, with nine young artists and a collective.  exhibitors of different ages and with works on   and inaugurates Arrudas, a new space in
                   In the vast central area of   the shed, the   various platforms, called to think about the   the center of Belo Horizonte
                 artists of the residence have their work   space with the curator Paula Borghi.  By MARCOS gRINSpUM FERRAz
                 spaces separated only by a strip on the floor,   If some of these projects from previous years
                 without walls or partitions, which provides a   - especially in the first half of the last decade -  lookIng for a unIque defInItIon that
                 permanent dialogue between the participants.   were financed through the approval of public   explains what JA.CA - Centro de Arte e Tecnologia
                 The remaining rooms are rented to other more   notices or the capture of laws to encourage   is is a thankless task. Independent art space;
                 experienced artists who have their workshops   culture, the picture has become more critical   artistic collective; non profit organization;
                 on site, usually shared by two or three people   for 397 in recent times. “There is a clear desire   residence space; education and research center;
                 each. There is also a room for management,   to dismantle culture”, says Bogossian. Thus, the   association focused on cultural management;
                 meetings or small shows and an enclosure,   space has debated new strategies for survival   and several other definitions could be used. And
                 right at the entrance, which houses the Escola   and tried to put into practice projects that can   none would be wrong. Officially, it is possible
                 da Floresta, a project led by the artist Fábio   maintain its sustainability.  to state that JA.CA - with a name derived from
                 Tremonte. Despite a few walls, none of the rooms   A crowdfunding (collective financing) carried   Jardim Canadá, neighborhood of Nova Lima (Mg)
                 have closed doors.               out in 2017 raised R $ 65 thousand and made   where it was born - emerged as a postgraduate
                   For curator Gabriel Bogossian, another of   it possible to maintain the activities of the 397   project proposal on collective practices and
                 Ateliê’s collaborators alongside Escobar and   in the first half of 2018. The sale of multiples,   is today a Civil Society Organization. But that
                 Thais Rivitti, this character of formation is one   works by several artists connected to the   says very little about its performance, which
                 of the 397’s most relevant traits to stand out   house, is another way that has helped. Courses,   will be expanded with the opening of a space
                 in the current context of the city of São Paulo.   residences and the rent paid by the artists   in Belo Horizonte, Arrudas, in partnership with
                 “I think that, historically, a free school similar   who work there represent another part of the   the Periscópio gallery.
                 to Parque Lage in Rio de Janeiro is missing.   collection, but not enough to close the accounts.   “In a broad way, we understand JA.CA as a
                 And in recent years, independent spaces have   In this sense, 397 thinks of possibilities such as   training space. But the beauty of participating
                 occupied this place a little ”. At the same time,   the resumption of Surpraise, the realization of   in a project like this is that we can be less certain
                 he points out, with the closure of the activities   a permanent crowdfunding and the creation   and work with more doubts. In other words,
                 of many of them, due to financial difficulties,   of partnerships with other collectives and   today we understand and practice a way that
                 the 397 ended up becoming even more unique   institutions in the city - be it museums, galleries   can be drastically changed at another time”,
                 in the city scenario.            or universities -, without this meaning a decrease   says Caporali. In fact, JA.CA has already changed
                  “There are other places that host exhibitions,   in the autonomy of the Studio.  its address, decreased or increased its size
                 debates and performances, but few have this   Another objective in this year of 2020 is   several times and has developed various survival
                 constant occupation, this regular meeting space   to establish a stronger and more horizontal   strategies over the years, sometimes in a more
                 that allows the pedagogy of coexistence”, says   dialogue with the Pompeia neighborhood and   experimental way, sometimes in dialogue closer
                 Bogossian, who also highlights the accessible (if   its residents. For that, according to Rivitti, it is   to a universe of service provision.
                 not free) value of courses and activities from 397.   necessary to go to the streets and squares as   To understand such plurality and elasticity,
                 “And I think that the awareness of the importance   well as to attract people into the shed. “And one   it is necessary to briefly go through the history


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