Page 104 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
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rehearsIng other publIc polIcIes With activities since 1997, the Institute of all very fast. The request for us to leave there
The Vila Itororó Canteiro Aberto project ended Contemporary Art (IAC) was born from the desire was made at the very last minute”, says Paço’s
in 2020 with the delivery, by Instituto Pedra, of of gallery owner Raquel Arnaud to take care of director, Priscila Arantes.
some renovated houses to SMC that had already documentary collections of artists. It was by There was still negotiation so that they could
taken over the management of the site activities accident, she says, that everything started to stay there for an extended period, at least until
in 2018. Since then, it is important to observe unfold. “One day, there was a flood at Willys they held the exhibition by Harun Farocki, which
the process of normalization (or domestication) de Castro’s house and he came bringing me had been scheduled for some time, which
in progress - “spontaneous uses” becoming some documents for me to save and save from was accepted. After the eviction, just a year
less visible than workshops and shows; visual the flood”. From then on, she started to think later, Paço was instructed to occupy a room
communication gaining official character; and more intensely about how she would save those at the entrance to the Museum of Image and
vocabulary becoming uncritical - talking about materials in order to preserve them. Years later, Sound of São Paulo (MIS-Sp), while internally
“creative economy”, “artistic occupation” or when the sculptor Sérgio Camargo died in 1990, articulating the search for a new headquarters.
“museum”. But the village is still alive inside the she received her estate from the family, and This allocation was made by the two institutions
fan opened by the construction site! Recognizing many documents came with it. “Suddenly, I being managed by the same Social Organization
these limitations helps to point to the current found myself with documents from these (OS). The room provided for exhibitions was
challenges: how can the government maintain two artists and thought about founding the used to maintain the Season of Projects, the
the community life that exists there without Contemporary Art Institute”. Raquel’s good flagship of Paço. Larger exhibitions needed
encircling it? What role can regulars play in relationship with other artists led them, over partnerships to be set up, as with Oficina
space management? How to include housing the years, to join the IAC, which today takes Oswald de Andrade and MAC-USp. “Establishing
in the use program? How to follow the reform care of more than 42 thousand documents networks of relationships, connections, was
without hampering the functioning of the Vila? sanitized, organized, cataloged and digitized. our way of resisting. These networks were very
To conclude, I would like, on the one hand, to Raquel emphasizes the support of the architect important because it was very confusing for
think, together with the curators and managers, Jorge Wilheim in encouraging the creation of people to know whether Paço had closed or not
about the importance of continuing to aim for the institution. ”. At no time did the team stop engaging in the
the best of the best for their projects but also When it was founded, supporters managed search for a place it could call home.
of having the ability to anticipate the best of the to get the IAC to be allocated in a building at the It was only at the end of 2018 that a substantial
worst possible scenarios, as our ability control University of São Paulo (USp), in a building that development took place, when it was announced
of reality is limited. So, despite the problems had belonged to the Faculty of Philosophy. “In that the Nhonhô Magalhães mansion, in
pointed out, I celebrate that the Vila maintains a the first lending we stayed there, we renovated Higienópolis, would have a space designated
diverse audience, that the psychoanalysis clinic it more than anything,” she says. With the to be the new headquarters of Paço. Since then,
continues to function and that the works of art, change of the university’s rectory in 2011, the the institution’s team has worked on transferring
commissioned to structure the project, are still building was requested back. Leaving there, its activities there. The inauguration was held
there: the Constructlab furniture (unfortunately IAC was hosted by the Centro Universitário on January 25, with the individual Limiares, by
repainted without talking to its creators); Monica Belas Artes. At the time, collections of more Regina Silveira.
Nador’s murals; the butterfly attraction garden than 8 artists were already taken care of by the The Paço occupies the basement of the
of Carla Zaccagnini (whose sound part is not well institute. “We already had a very large volume mansion, with three exhibition rooms that add
signaled); the house renovated by Raumlabor (but of documents, which was only growing. So, the up to more than 300 square meters. Meanwhile,
without the support of the Goethe Institut); and space there became small. We needed to grow, its administrative part is at the top of the building,
excerpts from Graziela Kunsch’s videos online. but the college also needed more rooms, for which has been owned by Shopping Pátio
On the other hand, to SMC, I call attention example”. She stresses the kindness of Belas Higienópolis since 2005, when it was sold by
to the fact that, in the current scenario, Artes during all the reception: “The time there the government of São Paulo. The bidding notice,
Vila remains a unique occasion to create was important because it gave us breath to however, had as a clause that a part should be
intersectoral policies. If, through Fablab, think about solutions”. assigned for twenty years to the Secretariat of
there is a partnership between SMC and the The only way found to have no more doubts Culture, a time that can be renewed. “People
Secretary of Innovation and Technology, why about staying in the spaces was to set up their say, ‘Oh, I’m glad you waited.’ No, I didn’t wait. It
not one with the Secretary of Housing? In a own headquarters. Then, Raquel decided with was a job we achieved as a team”, commented
situation of scarcity of resources, Vila points to her family that she would sell some works from Priscila in an interview with ARTE!BRASILEIROS
an economic model where the public power can her collection to buy a property that would serve in December. She comments on the whole
support the collective initiatives that emerged as a fixed headquarters. As of this year, the IAC process she faced until, finally, there was a
there, guaranteeing their free cohabitation only, has, therefore, its own headquarters, located at space for Paço. She also talks about the projects
without erasing their singularities and providing the beginning of Avenida Doutor Arnaldo, in São that will be carried out later this year, about
a common space to develop their activities. In Paulo, shortly after the junction with Avenida the international artistic residency that will
a city that tries to extinguish its wounds and Paulista. There are a total of 900 square meters be offered and about machismo in the world
silence its minority voices, Vila, a medallion of in a project signed by the architect Felippe of cultural management. Check out the full
a necklace that is already gone (to paraphrase Crescenti, with exhibition rooms, administrative interview on our website. *
Flavio Império, who lived on the block), can area, cafe, sanitation room and specific spaces
function as a living memory of the many ways for filing, which have special equipment for BOOk: MEMORy [pAgES 82 TO 85]
of living in the capital of vertigo. storage and preservation, in addition to of
security. The institute is responsible for taking MEMORY OF THE LAST
INSTITUTION: MEMORy [pAgES 78 TO 81] care, today, of documents by Amilcar de Castro,
Hermelindo Fiaminghi, Iole de Freitas, Lothar THINGS AND THEN
A PLACE TO CALL Charoux, Luiz Sacilotto, Sergio Camargo,
YOUR OWN Sérvulo Esmeraldo and Willys de Castro. Until Efforts shown in the book Tsunami,
next year, documentary files by Antonio Dias,
Photographs and Then preserve memory
Carmela Gross, Ivan Serpa, Jorge Wilheim and through photography after the Sendai
Paço das Artes and Instituto de Arte Rubem Ludolf will be treated and also made Earthquake
Contemporânea get fixed headquarters in available. By MIgUEL gROISMAN
São Paulo “okay, okay. do not forget what you
By JAMyLE RkAIN a sImIlar case wIll see here”. That was the comment
Since the beginning of 2016, when Paço das
Artes was evicted from the space it occupied made by one of the patrons of the Kobune bar
two Important institutions gained a physical at USp, there was a feeling of uncertainty to Munemasa Takahashi, on April 26, 2011, after
headquarters in early 2020 in São Paulo. Paço about what its future would be. The building, he said he was not in Miyagi Prefecture (Japan)
das Artes and Instituto de Arte Contemporânea designed by the same Jorge Wilheim who helped as yet another volunteer, collaborating on the
(IAC) have somewhat similar histories with regard propel the IAC, had a large space for carrying site that had been reached a month ago and
to the search for a space that they could call out activities and was inhabited by Paço for a half before his visit, due to an earthquake of
“home”. Both institutions have in common the almost 20 years. Because it belongs to the State magnitude 9.1, which moved walls of water that
fact that they have two women in charge who Health Department, there was always tension bombarded the island’s coast.
have not rested for a single moment while regarding the institution’s permanence in that Takahashi, who had studied photography
working for a fixed place. place. “Anyway, it took us by surprise. It was and built a life around it, felt helpless with his
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