Page 94 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
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                 in the 12th edition of Mercosur?  feminism has become a movement of   artists, afro Latin American artists It is a
                       Andrea Giunta - The biennial was not   criticism of postcolonial theories and   process so incipient that the power of the
                   designed due to a geopolitical strategy for   provoking an important empowerment   market can not yet soften its criticism, its
                   Porto Alegre, but in relation to the richness   of women artists hitherto erased in art   intense revolt We are facing a new situation
                   of this exceptional city by the cultural plot   history. You’ve been doing important shows   completely I am full of expectations in the
                   that surrounds its history. Since 2018,   that rethink the official narratives of art   face of this scenario, which I consider the
                   when we established two of the axes of   history. How does black feminism fit into   most stimulating of Brazilian art
                   the biennial, feminism and Afro-Brazilian   this Biennial?     In the #4 of women, you speak of “materials
                   culture, we inaugurated at the Book Fair of   AG – We would like this to be the strongest   and techniques traditionally attributed
                   Porto Alegre the seminar “Art, feminisms   contribution of the biennial. Black, not   to the arts of the feminine”. Can you give
                   and emancipation”, with artists, curators   exclusively feminist. An art performed by   examples of artists or works with this
                   and cultural agents from various fields. The   black females, completely expelled from   premise?
                   presentations made there were the initial   patriarchal, racist and classist history   AG – Yes, just one, since I do not want to
                   critical platform of the biennial.   that dominates the concept of modern   decrease the ad dxs artists: Rosana Paulino,
                   Porto Alegre is not an airbnb city. 70% of   and contemporary art: a geography of   who more than embroider, suture. She uses
                   the biennial takes place around a square   power that universalized, imposing itself   needle and sewing as a powerful symbolic
                   full of people who live and work in the city.   as a parameter before which all others   mark of oppression, racism and violence
                   Around this square there are infinite times.   forms of thought and affection involving   against black women in Brazil. She revolts
                   It does not matter so much the place of   art are marked as “cases”, “curiosities”,   us about the serenity of the domestic. It
                   Porto Alegre on the world geopolitical   “exceptions”, “particularities”. Let’s not   makes its seams with the archives of racism
                   map, but the place that will have art, for   talk about our project in percentages,   from the photographs of Auguste Stahl
                   four months, in the heart of a city of one   although it is often expected of a biennial,   [1824–1877] compiled by Louis Agassiz [in
                   and a half million inhabitants. During 2019,   but we want to present to the public a set   the book Viagem do Brasil, 1865/6], in the
                   the educational program, which has an   of works completely involved with those   pretense of 19th century European science,
                   extraordinary tradition in this biennial, put   that represent more than half of the Latin   which articulated itself as an instrument of
                   into operation a tornado of questions that   American population. The culture and   racism. It crosses this fundamental criticism
                   allowed us to make visible what we see,   sophisticated language of Afro-Brazilian   to understand Brazil (the violence of race,
                   what we think, what we feel.     artists will have a wide presence in the   not the harmonic coexistence) with the
                The term Mercosur has already been   biennial.                       agendas of feminism, violence against the
                 problematized in some editions of the   The Biennial occupies traditional art spaces   bodies of black women. And its focus is also
                 Biennial. Do you intend to make an artist   in Porto Alegre, such as the Iberê Camargo   fundamental on the canon of Brazilian art
                 clipping that spans this region or will   Museum, Margs, the RGS Memorial and   history, an art that is collected and hierarchy
                 you also be flexible to go beyond the   even CHC Santa Casa. The exception   as  an  example  of  the  union  between
                 geographical boundaries limited by the   is customs square. How can one “rub   abstraction and progress. Concepts of
                 trade agreement?                boundaries and conditionings” and “invent   cleansing and asepsis that conceal the
                   AG – Mercosur is widely represented in   new ways of doing, saying, thinking and   tragedy of slavery whose matrices remain
                   the biennial by Brazilian, Argentine and,   creating” in such conventional spaces?  in force.
                   to a lesser extent, Uruguayan artists. But   AG – It is possible to intervene in power   Lucy Lippard, in a beautiful text for the
                   we were more interested in working on the   from the margins, but you can also do this   Sesc_Videobrasil Biennial, defends the
                   idea of a cultural region than the region   in the very spaces that concentrate power.   need to reduce scales as a way to oppose
                   established by an economic agreement. In   Why give up museums? With Ferrari at the   the current economic-social system.
                   this sense, it is important the participation of   Recoleta Cultural Center, with Radical   Biennials are usually grid-scale events.
                   Chile, as well as Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. We   Women in the Hammer, Brooklyn and   Is it possible or even necessary to rethink
                   also consider artists from the Caribbean. In   Pinacoteca de SP, we managed to rub   this Biennial format?
                   addition to questioning the representations   the power of the Church, patriarchy and   AG – I fully share the idea of Lucy Lippard.
                   of females, we are interested in approaching   misogynistic discourses embodied in   Initiatives opposed to the spectacle
                   colonial legacies, which translate in terms   political power. I never devalue that the   contribute to imploding the symbolic bases
                   of stereotypes or racism, and which bring   works act in front of 100,000 spectators   of the dominant economic-social system. I
                   cultural geographies that involve America   to privilege a circle of 25 cultural agents   have always been interested in the power of
                   in its entirety. A decolonial perspective, a   who sustain a small conversation.   the precarious, to what extent a work that
                   hemispheric perspective and a transatlantic   Workshops, seminars, residences are   moves away from the abundance that can
                   and trans-Pacific perspective, amid so   extraordinary laboratories, which we used   be seen in the theme parks of the facilities
                   many stereotypes that serve as the basis for   in the preparation of the biennial, and the   has a power of friction that is not based on
                   racism and discrimination, are not exclusive   educational program was a constant   its size, but on its affections. With affections,
                   to America and less to Mercosur. In this   platform in 2019, but we do not fear or   powerful revolts were created.
                   sense, there is a strategic presence of   discard the irradiating spaces of museums.  At the same time, biennials are spaces for
                   artists from Europe, Asia, Africa considered   Among the five females listed on the   public intervention, which does not seem
                   more due to the concept of diaspora than   biennial’s website, by the way, why not   strategic to abandon. I do not believe
                   of continental geographies.   female?  —, the  #2  speaks  of  “all  non-  that articulating a biennial as a critique of
                 Shows such as Radical Women or even the   binary, fluid, non-normative sensitivities”   biennials adds to the critical power of art in
                 reorganization of the Malba (Verboamérica)   Art galleries are starting very slowly and   society. It is an institutional criticism that
                 collection, which had their participation,   discreetly a process of inclusion of non-  by communicating with a very small and
                 had a very historical character. What should   binary artists How was performing this   privileged circle can end up swallowed up in
                 we expect from the 12th Biennial?  mapping outside the commercial circuit?  its strategic logic. We have seen biennials
                   AG– Radical Women, yes, had a historical   AG – We attribute to the word of the title   with few works, cold, distant. I don’t
                   perspective. One of its purposes was to dig   many senses Women because the feminine   see interesting the rhetorical curatorial
                   up female artists who had been eradicated   is not only a subject of Women’s Women   exercises or closing in on a biennial to
                   from official stories. This was not the case in   would reinforce the binarism I believe it is   debate with a select circle of experts. These
                   Verboamerica, where we misrecised history.   false that galleries are incorporating non-  topics, I prefer to discuss in a café.
                   The biennial is distinct. I can anticipate   binary artists The art world has marginalized
                   that there are historical works and works   subjects who transit through fluid identities   ESSAy: TARSILA [pAgES 20 TO 26]
                   by very young artists. But what interested   Less in contemporary art What art and the
                   us was not covering a grid of countries or   market are doing is incorporating subjects   TARSILA’S DRAWINGS IN
                   ages. We are interested in thinking about a   that empower from non-binary identities,
                   proposal of problems and also approaching   fluid, non-normative So they theme them,  ITU AND THE ARTIST’S
                   an experience of beauty. Enjoyment and   investigate from matrices philosophical,   PECULIAR JOURNEY
                   thought. This is what we want to offer to   and do it in the first person It is worth
                   the public of Porto Alegre and anyone who   asking us again if the domestic market
                   comes to visit the biennial.     At the same time, I am also interested in   Exhibition “Studies and Annotations” will
                 Feminism, and more specifically black   the slow inclusion in the market of black   present 203 works at the Fabrica de Arte


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