Page 95 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
P. 95

Marcos Amaro, curated by Aracy Amaral   there is a sharpness, an impersonal clarity in   decade old. At most - if we want to be generous
                 and Regina Teixeira de Barros    these drawings that seem to me informed by  - a few more years could be added, to add to
                 By TADEU CHIARELLI               the photography and advertising image of the   the corpus of his paintings “that count”, the
                                                  posters, a reference also present in Léger - so   canvas Operários - his already battered, but
                 The perception that Tarsila do Amaral’s itinerary   important for Tarsila. This characteristic can be   definitive, swan song.
                 was quite peculiar becomes crystal clear in the   seen, both in a work already done in 1923 - seen   What happened with his production, from
                 face of the collection of his drawings, acquired   from Venice - and in later productions, such as   the early 1930s onwards was a gradual but
                 by the Marcos Amaro Foundation [1].  a landscape with a crane, from 1924 or a view   fatal breakdown of the qualities that Tarsila
                   After all, of the 203 drawings belonging to   from Piraeus, from 1926.  had managed to bring together in his paintings
                 the institution, only seven were produced after   The importance of the Collection lies precisely   and drawings from the previous decade.
                 1930, and the artist, who died in 1973, produced   in these possibilities for a more complex   From Operários onwards, there were only
                 until 1970 [2]! In other words: from a journey   understanding of Tarsila’s journey. The self-  ever unsuccessful attempts to revive his
                 that started “officially” in 1923, only the first   portrait, produced in 1923, for example. This   “anthropophagic” (see some of his paintings
                 years are there royally contemplated, and the   drawing is emblematic of the artist’s ability to   from the 1940s) and “pau-brasil” phases (on
                 next almost forty years are practically outside   move (or oscillate?) Between the search for   which Tarsila will practically insist until his death),
                 the Collection.                  an unprecedented spelling (the result of the   interspersed with paintings in which , sometimes
                   What would have happened to Tarsila’s   miscegenation of heterodox procedures) - the   flirted with Portinaresque social realism, now
                 production in the 1930s? Would it have followed   case of the landscapes mentioned above - and   with a certain primitivism, or else with a frank
                 the same pattern as the work of the previous   the ratification of the values  of traditional “good   conservative, “academic” appeal.

                 decade, or did it move towards some kind of   drawing”, although informed, of course, by   There are justifications for this dissolution:
                 derailment, towards some final disaster?  certain modernist lessons (conventional, but   from the 1930s onwards, Tarsila would not have
                   It is known that the drawings that make up the   still modernist) [4].  been as encouraged as at first, in which her
                 Collection today were chosen by Aracy Amaral   Another important set in this context is that   painting had the support of some of the most
                 for the artist’s retrospective at the Museum   of non-figurative studies produced by her in   important names in Modernism; after that date,
                 of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, in 1969. The   1923 and 1925. Did Tarsila take any of them to   deprived of its former affluent financial situation,
                 discreet presence of drawings made after 1930   the screen? I do not think so. The support of   it would have produced what it produced
                 may have had two reasons: Tarsila perhaps had   Brazilian critics had clear limits and for Mario   because, after all, it needed to work to survive
                 not kept works from that period or - which seems   de Andrade, for example, no Brazilian artist   and so on. Many other allegations could be
                 more likely - Aracy may have chosen, correctly,   should “fall into” abstraction [5]. Perhaps this   raised here to explain its failure, but whatever
                 to exhibit only what he considered to be the   type of criticism has curbed Tarsila’s interest in   the mitigating factors, the fact is that none of
                 best that the artist had produced.  carrying out this type of production. However,   them will be found outside the direction that the
                   Published in the exhibition catalog, both in   the painting projects are there in the Collection,   artist gave to the chain of her work. After 1930,
                 text by Aracy herself and in Regina Teixeira de   waiting for someone to face them as frustrated   it is noted that Tarsila simply failed to maintain
                 Barros, it can be seen how much the production   ideas / projects still in the bud.  the relevance of its previous phases, and not
                 of Tarsila’s last decades of activity constrains   ***            even the several resumes of these phases were
                 scholars, who lament - not without reason,    These questions raised above from this   able to revive its old vigor, because they were
                 as will be seen - that the productions of the   collection of works by Tarsila are just some   weak revisions, without any self-confidence.
                 artist of that period barely compare, in terms   of a much larger and more potent set, in the   Anita Malfatti also suffered a similar process,
                 of quality and vigor, to those of the early years.   sense of a more acute knowledge of the artist’s   but with important differences. Although many
                 It is as if Tarsila’s melancholic end as an artist   production during the 1920s. However, the   attest that, after 1917, she would no longer reach
                 contaminates the end of the reflections of the   question would be: what do we have left of Tarsila,   the power that preceded the exhibitions she
                 two specialists [3].             besides this rich production from the beginning   made that year, it is important to remember that
                   These findings again reveal a problem that   of his career? Now, in my view, there is nothing   at the end of that decade and until the 1930s,
                 haunts everyone who looks at the trajectory of   left for us, but what the artist produced during   Anita fought to redirect her poetics to distant
                 Tarsila do Amaral: what would have happened   that short period of more or less a decade, is   directions from the historical avant-garde.
                 with his production from the 1930s that caused   worth an entire work.  (with whom he had flirted between 1910 and
                 him to lose the vigor so characteristic that he   Circumscribing Tarsila’s work between   1916/17), joining the return to the international
                 demonstrated in his early works ? Therefore,   1923 and, more or less, 1933, does not mean   order, which attracted several supporters in
                 based on the premises that emerged with the   wanting to instrumentalize his production so   Brazil. Anita’s “sin” was not to have aligned
                 Collection acquired by the Marcos Amaro   that it may well serve the dictates of a modernist   her realistic and synthetic production of the
                 Foundation as a starting point and the texts   historiography that has long since entered the   return to order, to the nationalist theme, so
                 written by the curators, the purpose of this   years. It is about marking the objective (and   dear to the Brazilian intellectual milieu at the
                 text is to call attention to some of the works   immense, in fact) limits of his contribution   time. Regardless of those who marginalized it
                 considered most significant now belonging   to art produced in Brazil, without worrying   since 1917, it is necessary to affirm that Malfatti
                 to the institution and, finally, to raise some   about issues outside the work of art and its   remained faithful to the new directions thought
                 considerations that may contribute to the   specificities. It is clear that his productions,   for his production, constituting a work that -
                 fact that, in fact, a direct confrontation of this   after Operários (1933), can be understood as   regardless of whether we like it or not - has its
                 problem begins that constrains everyone.  “historical documents”, becoming fundamental   coherence there.
                 ***                              for historians and sociologists, or for art   This did not happen with Tarsila. It is
                   To get in touch with these drawings by   historians concerned more with the life and   interesting to pay attention to the succession
                 Tarsila is to dive into some of the artist’s most   surroundings of the artists, than with their   of phases that it went through, from 1923 to
                 compelling productions, since her initiation with   productions, in fact. However, they should   the beginning of the following decade, joining
                 Pedro Alexandrino, in the late 1910s. The first are   not be considered as works of art within the   opposing strands within the framework of the
                 delicate, where she notes people lost in vague   same standards of their production in the 1920s.   international avant-garde of the 1920s. Let’s see:
                 moments of everyday life. His trait is subtle,   Trying to relativize the immense distance that   from the “pau-brasil” phase, charming - and who
                 almost embarrassed for approaching a tradition   separates these two groups of productions,   knew how to respond to the demands for modern
                 in which he still does not feel fully integrated.   from an artistic and aesthetic point of view, can   Brazilian art, receiving a positive reception
                 A few years later, however, the characteristic   result in curious biographies, as well as in good   from critics -, Tarsila launched herself into the
                 shyness of many newbies seems to be gone.   financial deals, but it will hardly be enough that,   anthropophagic phase, in which she supposedly
                 What a delicious Venice is that, captured by   in a comparison between a work from the 1920s   forgot the rigorous analytical dimension of her
                 Tarsila, as if she were sliding on a gondola? A   and another one from the 1950s, for example -   first phase to immerse herself in the teachings of
                 drawing that, before faithfully registering the   even if both “brazilwood” both - the differences   metaphysical painting by Chirico and surrealism.
                 place, attests to how the artist already realized   do not stand out in an overwhelming way.  Now, between the brazilwood painting and the
                 the importance of two-dimensional support   The differences between the most important   anthropophagic painting there is a considerable
                 and the power of the lines on it.  years of Tarsila’s career (between 1923 and   gap. While the first emphasizes the need for logic
                   Many say that the most incisive drawing   1930) and the plummeting of her attitude   and reason to start the work of art, the second
                 that Tarsila has practiced since 1923 would   towards modern painting (started with her   bets on the irrational, on the underground of
                 be linked to a taste for “primitive” art, which   “social” phase, from the early 1930s) are so   personal and collective memory to articulate.
                 interested many in those years. I believe that   great, but so immense , that it is even possible   Fortunately, Tarsila was able to jump between
                 this parameter was important for her. However,   to state that his work, in fact, is less than a   sides of modern art without changing the quality


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