Page 92 - ARTE!Brasileiros #50
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                EDITORIAL [pAgE 08]
                                                   We also portray innovation in movement,  tadeu chIarellI is a curator and art critic. He
                ART AS ESSENCE                   in color, the search for new supports,   is a full professor in the Visual Arts course at
                                                 experimentation, research of materials and   USp. He was director of the Pinacoteca de São
                                                 stories.                         Paulo and the Museum of Contemporary Art
                I am wrItIng thIs text In the mIdst of   To this end, we invested in a contemporary   at USp (MAC-USp). He has also worked as chief
                the IsolatIon we have been subjected to   digital art and culture platform, capable of   curator of the Museum of Modern Art of São
                 in the past few days by the pandemic that has   speaking both to academia and the market.  Paulo (MAM-Sp). Chiarelli is also a columnist on
                 plagued our planet, to a greater or lesser extent,   We created a huge network of national and   ARTE!BRASILEIROS website.
                 in most countries.              international collaborators and our seminars
                  In Italy, where until now we rarely commented   brought together interlocutors from several   BIENNIALS: SãO pAULO [pAgES 10 TO 14]
                 on the exhibitions at the Venice Biennale,   countries.
                 approximately 12 thousand citizens died in   We got here with a positive balance. More   A VERY INTIMATE
                 the last 30 days. We all watched in horror the   than a thousand subscribers to the printed
                 international scenes, typical of science fiction   magazine, close to 50 thousand organic and  EXERCISE
                films. We read and heard daily a plethora of data   loyal followers on Instagram, in addition to
                 and information about an unknown scourge,   a network of relationships and readers that   The curators of the 34th Biennial explain
                 the COVID-19, which only comes close to the   surrounds around 80 thousand on the www.  the project of the event, which unfolds in
                 Black Death, in the Middle Ages, or the Flu portal  time and space
                Spanish, before World War I. Today and here,   This year, if we manage to win COVID-19 and
                 we are trying to minimize the numbers of human   its aftermath, we will hold our VI International   By MARIA HIRSzMAN
                 losses in Brazil, collaborating with a quarantine   Seminar, scheduled for early October.  under the tItle Faz escuro mas eu canto
                 that allows the least amount of infected people.  This edition, which brings a new graphic   (it’s dark but I sing), the 34th São Paulo Biennial
                  We are perplexed in our fragility to the   project, specially commis sioned to the team   kicked off on February 8, with the opening of
                 cracks in an economic and political system   of designers at Alles Blau Studio, had the ability   the exhibition by Ximena Garrido-Lecca and the
                 that cannot be sustained when it comes to   to adapt to the difficulties of the moment. The   performance by Neo Muyanga and attended
                 serving human beings equally. Who until a   work with the teams in the home-office, their   by an audience of almost 1, 8 thousand people.
                 few days ago defended the minimum state,   interviews and reports, showed a very high   This anticipation of the agenda not only puts
                 today recognizes in the Unified Public Health   degree of collaboration and competence on the   into practice the desire - often stated in past
                System (SUS) the only way out of crises of this   part of everyone involved. Most of the texts were   editions, but rarely conquered - to extend the
                 magnitude. Scientists who at the beginning   produced before the several postponements   temporal reach of one of the main cultural events
                 of the year were forced to stop their research   of exhibitions and biennials, but we chose to   in the city, but it also serves to give the tone of
                 thanks to the cut in grants and investments are   keep them, believing that better days will come.  what can be expected from the great collective
                 now being requested at all times.  We hope to find everyone healthy, and can   exhibition this year.
                  The coronavirus came against our daily virus.  imagine another moment, which will certainly   Using as a guideline the idea of   rehearsal,
                  In culture, where we already discussed cuts   require us to be born again.  of something that is built over time based on
                 to incentive laws and watched the dismantling                    an intense dialogue between the members of
                 of various institutions, the pandemic poses a  collaborators [pAgE 06]  the curatorial team, the current edition of the
                 new challenge.                  issue 50 march april may 2020    Biennial aims at decentralization, spreading its
                  To date, March 31, 2020, all meetings and  actions throughout the city - through a broad
                 cultural  activities  have  been  canceled or                    partnership with 25 different cultural institutions
                 postponed. The editions of the Art Basel fairs   alles blau is the name given to the partnership   -, opening multiple possibilities for reading the
                 in Hong Kong and Basel closed; ARCO Lisbon;   between Elisa von Randow and Julia Masagão.   selected works and artists. Other important
                SP-Arte, in São Paulo; and arteBA, in Buenos   The duo of graphic designers, since 2015,   aspects of this edition are a greater opening for
                Aires. The São Paulo and Mercosur Biennials   develops illustrations, visual identities,   the insertion of works of a historical character, a
                 were postponed, as well as the Manifesta13,   editorial and expographic projects. They are   clear balance between the genres and an interest
                 in Marseille. The Berlin Biennial still has to   the creators of the new graphic project of the   in promoting meetings, dialogues between
                 announce whether it will be maintained in June.  ARTE!BRASILEIROS platform, designed to   different poetics and works. In a recent interview
                  The IFEMA Exhibition Center, where the   celebrate our 10 years of existence and our   Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, curator of the show,
                 traditional ARCO Madrid fair was held just a   50 edition.       and Paulo Miyada, assistant curator, explained
                 month ago, has just been transformed into a                      the main features of his project. Also part of the
                “hospital” with over a thousand beds for infected   mIguel groIsman is a journalist graduated   team are Brazilian artist Carla Zaccagnini and
                 patients.                       at Cásper Líbero University and graduating   curators Francesco Stocchi (Netherlands) and
                  “The  outlook  is  bleak  for  the  country’s   in Cinema at FAAp. He has already written   Ruth Estévez (Mexico).
                 cultural sector,” said Manuel Fernandez-Braso,   about cinema and photography for Revista
                 president of the Asociación de Galerías de Arte   Esquinas and was a student researcher under    – Let’s start with the question Faz
                 de Madrid.                      the guidance of Dr. Simonetta Persichetti,   escuro mas eu canto (it’s dark but I sing),
                  Despite the anguish we experience, having   developing research on the representation of   How was it to get to that theme?
                 to take care of ourselves and our peers, we had   people living with HIV / AIDS in photojournalism.   jacopo crIvellI vIscontI - There is no
                 to find, in our daily lives, moments of reflection   He produces content for our digital platforms   theme, but a methodology that has a lot to
                 and work solutions so as not to fade.  since February.              do with this idea of  expanding the biennial

                  For our team, this would be a moment of great                      in time and space, with the exercise of
                 celebration. In this edition # 50, the first of the   benjamIn seroussI is a curator, editor and   proposing that the person can see the works
                 year, ARTE!BRASILEIROS celebrates its 10th   cultural manager, with a master’s degree in   more often. In the three exhibitions that
                 anniversary. Ten years where we defend the   anthropology and sociology from Ecole Normale   take place throughout the year, dedicated
                 idea that art synthesizes transversal narratives   Supérieure and in cultural management from   to the work of Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Clara
                 and that, specifically in the work of art, the artist   Sciences-Po (France). He was an associate   Ianni and Deana Lawson, you clearly see
                 expresses his ability to move away from the   curator at the 31  Bienal de São Paulo. He is   the interests and concerns of these artists.
                 world and perceive him as a subject. It contains   currently director of Casa do Povo. He writes   After a relatively short time you will find
                 your ideas and, certainly, your anxieties and   for this edition about the Vila Itororó Canteiro   those works juxtaposed with works by other
                 those of your time.             Aberto project, where he served as curator.  artists again.
                  In these years we have tried to portray                         In addition, the exhibition spreads across
                 the strength and diversity of contemporary   jamyle rkaIn is a journalist, gra duated from   the city with 25 partnerships with different
                 Brazilian art, for Brazilians and for the world,   Mackenzie Presbyterian University. She is a   institutions. Will you do these curatorships?
                 in some of the themes that stood out in this   researcher in the areas of Media, Literature,   paulo mIyada - Each institution ends
                 period in a remarkable way: the defense of   Art and Gender. In 2016 and 2017, she dedicated   up being part of a kind of expanded
                 freedom and gender issues; the fight against   herself to the magazine CULTURA!Brasileiros   curatorial committee. Not only because
                 racial discrimination, women’s segregation,   and since the beginning of 2018 she worked   each exhibition has its curator, but because
                 economic, social and political oppression;   as a reporter at ARTE!BRASILEIROS. She also   each exhibition has its audience and context.
                 migratory movements, freedoms, denouncing   works as an editorial producer. For this edition,   Not only do they result from the interest for
                 aggressions to the environment and the planet.  she interviewed the artist Denilson Baniwa.  the Biennial, but also from the possibility of

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