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be reflected in this edition. And also what can “This comes from my own experience. I invited to participate and present their work,
be expected from the participating artists myself have been a foreigner at various experiences and projects.
to better understand the moment we live times in my life, living abroad and traveling, Among the artists and researchers were
in. The answer came instantly: “I’m not yet I identify as queer. Thus, there will be a large present Nicolas Soares (es), curator of the
authorized to talk about what’s in this Biennale.” presence of queer, trans and non-binary Museum of Modern Art of Vitória, as well
However, he was able to comment on what was artists in the exhibition.” The third subject/ as artists, curators and cultural producers
circulating on the internet about the presence themes belongs to the artist outsider, that Arissana Pataxó (ba), Ariana Nuala (pe),
of Palestinians at the event. artist who operates in circuits and contexts Geoneide Brandão (al), Kauam Pereira (ba),
“The Venice Biennale is divided into three different from modern, contemporary and Luciano Feijão (es), Lins (pe), Samantha
large segments: the first is the Central Pavilion academia. Pedrosa understands that the Moreira (ma), Gustavo Wanderley (rn), Rayana
where the international exhibition, considered presence of the so-called popular artist is Rayo (pe), Aslan Cabral (pe), Tieta Macau (ma),
the most important exhibition, of which I am very important, so much so that he appears Adriano Machado (ba ), Dinho Araújo (ma),
the curator. The second concerns the countries on Masp’s programming, despite being of en Ziel Karapotó (al), Consuelo Véa Coroca
that exhibit in national pavilions, whose marginalized in the art circuit. “It is interesting (rn), Ani Ganzala (ba), Josi (mg), Tieta Macau
exhibitions are organized by the countries to see how several so-called popular artists (ma), Samantha Lira (pe), Diogo Viana (pe),
themselves. The third is the collateral events, already participated in the Venice Biennale Carlos Melo, Aslan Cabral (pe), Yacunã Tuxá
which happen all over Venice, and I select them in the 1960s, such as José Antônio da Silva, (ba), Simone Barreto (ce), Clara Moreira (pe),
from entries from all over the world.” Maria Auxiliadora, Heitor dos Prazeres and Liliana Sanches (es), Guga Carvalho (pi), Iris
Pedrosa comments that interested Madalena dos Santos Reinbolt, always in the Helena (pb), Alan Adi (se) , Charles Lessa (ce),
parties register in this segment to obtain the Brazilian pavilion.” Bruna Rafaela Ferrer (pe), and, from Minas
participation seal within the Biennale. Of the The last topic/dirt is the indigenous people, Gerais, the Curtume Embroiderers/Women of
many proposals received, he chose 30. One who are of en treated as foreigners in their Jequitinhonha (mg), Viviane Fortes, Andressa
of the submitted projects was for a Palestine own territory. “The four segments of the Guimarães, Marli de Jesus Costa, Maria da
museum in the United States, which was not contemporary core reflect our work at Masp. Aparecida Leite and Celina Hissa .
selected. However, there was another proposed At the end of 2023, we are exposing the Stories The objective of the seminar was to show,
work, also from Palestine, which was accepted. Indigenous people and, next year, we will work based on the diversity of participants, the
“The rejected project came to light on the on the places him on the list of the 100 most collective construction of the exhibition, which
internet saying that there had been a boycott of influential people in the world.Art Reviewor, brings together more than 216 works, the
Palestinian artists, but they didn’t know that the in English, queer stories”. In addition to the product of horizontal work between curators
other had been selected. In general, the list of Venice Biennale, the curator is also involved from each region and the management of
events is published a month before the Biennale with the changes at Masp, where he has bnb Cultural, which resulted in a sensitive
opens, it would be in March, but this time it was been the artistic director since 2014. “We exhibition, concerned with welcoming diversity.
published in October. There is a project there are renaming the two buildings that now make The closing of the seminar was attended
called Anchor in the Lanscape, organized by up Masp. The new one will be called Pietro by Sandra Benites (ms), director of
Artists and Allies of Hebron. Hebron is a city Maria Bardi and is scheduled to open at the funarte. Jacqueline Medeiros (ce), visual
in the West Bank, Palestine.” end of 2024 and is connected to the current arts coordinator at Centro Cultural Banco
This year’s edition is divided into two main building, Lina Bo Bardi, they will be connected do Nordeste, and also general curator of
groups, the Historical core, which evokes in by an underground tunnel”. The marathon the collection, spoke of the importance
its title the Historical Center of the 24th São of events, which involves Adriano Pedrosa of the project that brings together recent
Paulo Biennial, and the Contemporary core. around the world, proves that he doesn’t stop. acquisitions from Banco do Nordeste in all
In the first, Pedrosa works with Sofia Gotti, an Almost on the eve of the inauguration of the states of operation. The works were also part
Italian curator who lives in the United Kingdom 60th Venice Biennale, the English magazine of the exhibitions commemorating Banco do
and Italy. In the second group, he has Amanda lgbtqia+ Diversity Stories of Nordeste’s 70th anniversary.
Carneiro, assistant curator at Masp. “I also “In these new acquisitions, equality of
work with a Brazilian designer, Paula Tinoco, exhibitions recife [pages 58 to 65] territories, gender, race and ethnicity
from the Campo studio, and the architect was sought for the bnb Collection, with
Juliana Ziebell, both of whom have done many NORTHEAST an indigenous curatorship and curators
projects at Masp”. From New York, the team Exhibition with 216 works representing representing each State and region. It
includes Karen Marta and Todd Bradway, “who 107 artists from nine states opens, covers woodcuts, what is called popular art
help me with the editorial and who also worked in Recife, a traveling tour of the Banco and all visual arts techniques such as video,
on the masp books. There are also many writers do Nordeste collection objects, sculptures, paintings, drawings and
from the Global South, writing texts about by patricia rousseaux installations that, despite being geographically
each of the artists in the exhibition.” distant, are linked to each other, as can be
The two cores, the historical and the over three days, in November 2023, seen in the exhibition”, he explained.
contemporary, focus on four subjects/themes. Banco do Noroeste held the first Expanded This project is part of a strategy to strengthen
The first is that of the foreigner, exile, refugee, Northeast seminar: strategies for (re)existing, cultural production chains in bnb’s areas of
immigrant, diasporic. “They are artists who in Recife (pe), in which it presented and debated operation, called Banco do Nordeste Cultural.
migrated, traveled, and lived here and there. diversity in the visual arts of the nine states The different actions are programmed and
Above all, artists from the Global South who of the Northeast , and also in part of Minas carried out in an integrated manner, involving
traveled through the North and vice versa. In Gerais and Espírito Santo. the cultural centers present in the cities of
this sense, they are not necessarily artists Open to the public, the seminar took place in Fortaleza and Juazeiro do Norte, in Ceará,
who deal with issues of immigration and the the traditional space of Galeria Janete Costa, and Sousa, in Paraíba, the artistic, historical
diaspora as a theme, as sometimes they even in the Dona Lindu Cultural Complex, on Boa and bibliographic collections, in addition to
have more formal work.” Viagem beach, where, during conversation structured projects, such as the the case of
The second subject/themes unfolds the circles, performances and socializing cafes, the Musical Ecosystem, the Urban Galleries
idea of the strange and foreign to the queer. artists, curators and cultural producers were and the Visual Arts Ecosystem.