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            there was an alliance and respect. The   it. An ancestor long silenced. We call this   We  have  11  Tupinambá  mantles  in
            story told in Brazil about the Tupinambás   an agentic object. It carries spirituality,   Europe. They are in Brussels, Basel and
            has another aspect, making our presence   it is an artifact promoted by Tupinambá   Copenhagen. And another three in Italy:
            invisible.  For  people  to  understand   rituals. Not everyone understands what   two in Florence, one in Milan. Others in
            why these European cloaks are in the   an agentic object is; people with Christian,   France.
            possession of kings in Europe, they need   Catholic, evangelical backgrounds, they
            to know that this happened because it was   have a vision of the sacred that I consider    – The ibge Census estimated the
            an alliance from king to king. People say a   more volatile, which reduces the amount   Tupinambá people in Brazil at more than
            lot of things, but you need to understand   of what it means to us. An ancestor is a   7 thousand individuals. Did this number
            this continuous thread.           living being. And that explains what led   surprise you?
                                              these people to take care of this fragile   Look, I don’t work with numbers, I think
               – Originally, the cloak was made   thing for so long; you see it today, it looks   it’s still not enough. We must remember
          of maned feathers. But that’s no longer   new. It looks like it was done yesterday. It   that we do not speak the language of
          possible today, is it?              is much more than sacred to us; saying   the colonizer. I don’t speak Portuguese,
            Thank God, there are still maneds. And   it is sacred reduces the power of what it   I don’t speak English, I don’t speak African.
            now, the guarás have arrived in Bahia,   represents.                I don’t speak Tupi. We speak our language,
            there is a city called Salinas that has a                           we managed to counter this logic of
            mangrove that has guarás. But the cloak I    – Until 2009, the Tupinambás were   invisibilization. More and more people are
            made, I made with the macaw feathers that   considered extinct in Brazil. Now, they   becoming aware to understand that their
            were there at my disposal. The birds leave   are repatriating their History and their   place in the territory is unique, it is their
            their feathers for me, there’s no need to   artifacts. It’s been an intense series of   place, of their existence within a Nation.
            kill them, they change their feathers every   events, hasn’t it?    And then they develop their awareness
            year. I use the ones I have on hand: bone-  I,  in  my  ignorance  of  other  people’s   of the world.
            billed thrush, sparrowhawk, forest canary,   thoughts, say that it is difficult to say what
            inhambu, tuurim. Just now I received   I am feeling. There are people who look   exhibitions indigenous stories [pages 72 to 79]
            hundreds of Guará feathers from an artist   at the mantle and don’t see it and see an
            in a quilombo. Once we learn the knot,   aesthetic object, there are people who also   AN EXISTENTIAL
            the mesh, the guiding thread, anything   think that we never existed. But we exist and  MILESTONE
            is possible. It is not a replica. It’s about   we are here. We needed to isolate ourselves
            understanding this complexity, because   so as not to become completely extinct,   Collective from seven countries shows the
            that makes the thread understandable.   right? Because we live in the cocoa region,   ancestral tradition reflected in the works of
            You need to internalize, listen. In general,   the colonels region, and you know what   170 artists from original peoples
            we always think about each other teaching,   that’s like. In 2000, when we started the   by leonor amarante
            right? People no longer dream, they think   recognition process, we needed to gather
            everything is material, everything is factual,   all the evidence because there was not yet   how to confront the orientation of
            everything is Marxist, right (laughs). So,   Convention 169, that of self-declaration   the artistic works of indigenous peoples in
            this cloak that I’m going to present now,   (standard established by the International   the face of the dilemma of the new, which
            feminine, I presented in 2021 at Casa do   Labor Organization, signed by Brazil in   moves the art system in the world? The
            Povo. This is the one who is doing the work   2002), so we had to gather all the evidence,   works gathered in the Indigenous Stories
            of paving the way for the mantle that will   even archaeological sites, to prove that   exhibition, on display at Masp, provide a
            come from Denmark next year.      we exist. We had to look for documents,   significant cross-section of the production
                                              historical photographs. So we returned to   developed by indigenous people from seven
               – The question is: if it is already   the scene, coexisted again, and always in a   countries: Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Canada,
          possible to make new cloaks, there is   scenario of conflict that is not small in our   the United States, New Zealand and Norway.
          already knowledge, what is the point of   region. The mantle comes back to establish   The contemporary debate about the identity
          bringing the cloak from Denmark? Is it   this connection. But it does not fit within   of such artists points out that most of them
          because it is sacred?               Christian, evangelical parameters. Although   are accepted and have a constant production,
            The cloak and the Charmed Ones told   it must be reintegrated, its existence must   with some being in museum collections or
            me to write a letter in 2022. I forwarded   be reestablished in a dialogue with your   art galleries. The exhibition’s time frame
            the letter in September 2022 to Denmark.   codes. And it is a donation treaty, there is   goes from 200 bc to the present day and
            Af er I listened, the mantle told me to ask   no conflict in this case. The return of the   reaffirms the power of the cosmologies present
            for this donation to the National Museum.   Tupinambá Mantle takes place in a situation   in the exhibition’s eight sections. As such,
            Then they asked me: which mantle would   in which the other understands what the   Indigenous Stories involves 175 artists whose
            have to come? The ambassador asked   other needs. And you agree with that, right?   ethnicities are spread across communities
            me and I said: “The main robe, the one   I remember the Danish ambassador joked   or cities. On the one hand, the narratives
            on display. He told me he was ready to   with me one day: “What’s up? Is the mantle   maintain that the ensemble›s productions
            go back.” People laughed, they thought   ready to go back?” And I said yes, he told   contain stories of ancient teachings, absorbed
            it wasn’t going to happen. I think a lot of   me it’s ready, and he asked: “And which   by “white people”, and also narratives about
            people treat the cloak as an object, and   one will come back?” I answered: the main   the erasure of indigenous culture caused by
            it is an ancestor. The return of the mantle,   thing, what is on display in Denmark. And   racism, abuse and violence against those
            first of all, serves to reduce this ocean   he laughed, and yet the cloak is coming   considered “different”.
            distance. He’s almost 400 years old, he’s   back now, and I would like to meet him   Indigenous Stories provokes the reading
            an old man (laughs). And it has a structure,   again to remember it.  of some manifestations, such as the one that
            but this willpower that he shows to return                       opens the exhibition, the video in which Airton
            to his people has to be respected, he is    – How many Tupinambá Cloaks are   Krenak, one of the Brazilian indigenous leaders,
            a returned ancestor, that’s how I define   there in the world today?  internationally recognized, presents himself in

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