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          the world. Af er all, art teaches us to see and   space whose history is preceded by myths,   So I came back. Anyway, to put it simply,
          strengthens existence.           legends, remains, isolation, inhabited and   I returned to Belém. I was arrested. And
           In turn, the artists launch an invitation to   invaded.ready made:   then I went to Rio. It was tough there,
          discover the pulsating life of these territories.   In the chapter From the gaze of the Indian   because I participated in the National
          Understanding the way of being of the people   to that of the Caboclo – A Same Route, (page   Union of Students and I had a very, very
          here is the beginning of this journey to listen   83), says Loureiro:  close presence at the cpc, at the Centro
          and  experience  the  endless  stories  that   “In indigenous cosmology, when myths refer   Popular de Cultura, where we were going
          overflow in the songs, pajelanças, homemade   to the creation of the Amazonian world, they   to create a national program to value
          science, prayers of the healers, alternation   are actually referring to the creation of the   listening, culture , the arts, the different
          of tides, colorful festivals, forests, waters,   world”, the creation of planet Earth. The first   regions of Brazil.
          smells, dances, women erveiras and many   night everything came out of the heart of a   We  were  a  committee  of  five
          other significant experiences. As a Tucuju   tucumã (small palm coconut). (…) You can   coordinators. Among others, Ferreira
          cabocla from Amapá, I reinforce our loving   also turn to Nunes Pereira, in the anthology   Gullar, who was a poet from a generation
          desire for us to be in communion. It’s what   Moronguetá – an indigenous decameron: The   much earlier than mine, Teresa Aragão,
          moves me in art and in life.     sun, in the past, was a strong and handsome   who was his wife, linked to the theater
            *Curator of the first Amazon Biennial  young man (…) The sun drank all the urucu   issue, a very active producer. We all
                                           and became red in the face like urucu and the   continue to be and persecuted because
         amazon biennial [pages 36 to 41]  muirapiranga. Then he went up into the sky   of this. To be able to participate in this
          POETICS OF THE                   and got into the clouds. (1) (…) In the Amazonian   coordination, I needed to be studying at
                                           world, there is the production of a true daily
                                                                                the National Faculty of Law.
          IMAGINARY                        theogony. Revealing a cosmic affectivity, man   When I returned to Belém to continue in
          We spoke with Professor João de Jesus   promotes the aestheticizing conversion of   the fif h year of Law, to be able to graduate,
          Paes Loureiro, one of the main scholars and   reality into signs, through daily work, dialogue   I’m talking about 1964, I already brought
          formulators of Amazonian cultural thought  with the tides, companionship with the stars,   my transfer signed by the Minister of
         by fabio cypriano                 the solidarity of the winds that drive the sails,   Education at the time.
                                           the patient friendship of rivers. (…) A unique   I am putting these two situations so that
         joão pães loureiro was born in 1939,   real and imaginary world.”      you can understand, first, my connection
          in Abaetetuba, a city in Pará located on the   Below are Loureiro’s words during our   with riverside culture, and, secondly, my
          banks of the Tocantins River, where he spent   meeting,  in  his  apartment  in  Belém,  in   connection, through academic life as a
          his childhood. He studied Law, Literature, Arts   November.           student, with the renewal movements
          and Communication at the Federal University                           in Brazil at that time, which always lef 
          of Pará. He was arrested between 1964 and 1970    – I would like you to start by telling   me with this desire , this concern for an
          as a result of his political activism against the   us when and how you began your research   egalitarian society, a democratic society,
          military dictatorship. Much later, he became   into the different ways in which man and   a society that had a university that was
          a master in Literary Theory and Semiology   nature meet.              increasingly open to people. So much
          from puc Campinas and a doctor in Sociology   I was born in a city in the interior of Pará,   so that when the dictatorship broke out
          of Culture from the Sorbonne, Paris, in 1990.   the city of Abaetetuba, which is located   here in Belém we were holding the first
          He held several public positions, having been   on the Tocantins River, in a stretch called   Latin American Congress on University
          Secretary of Culture of Pará, as well as creator   Baixo Tocantins, close to Belém. There   Reform. There were people from Cuba,
          and president of the Institute of Arts from Pará.  we have the city in front, but forming   Chile, people from Argentina.
           “Nature existed in the beginning. The man   part of the municipality is a meeting
          came  later.  They  confronted  each  other,   of 72 islands. I always remember this,     –  Let’s  go  back  to  this  strong
          alternated, modified, transfigured. A slow loss   because these islands are a kind of   presence of childhood…
          of innocence and entry into history.” This is how   mythical region of our municipality. It   Yes, all this riverside origin served for
          his thesis book begins, Amazonian Culture – A   is a kind of labyrinth and, in this place, we   me as a way of incorporating that type of
          poetics of the imaginaryio, published in 2015   would all spend our holidays, my sisters   man’s behavior in the face of reality. First,
          by Editora Valer, from Manaus.      and I. My father came from one of the   respect and dialogue with nature. Then,
           Poet, writer and teacher, Paes Loureiro is   rivers on these islands, the Távora River,   the experience of a form of wisdom, the
          the author of several essays on the culture of   and an uncle of ours lived at Engenho   experiences of canoeists, planters and
          the region, among them Semiotic Conversion   Tucumã, in Tubarão, where all the kids   people who, in short, lived with the river
          in Art and Culture. Loureiro researches the   spent their June holidays.  in an almost existential way. Less so today,
          meaning of spaces and objects beyond their   Interestingly, it was there that I took   but in the deep Amazon, in the Amazon
          usage needs, concerned with the symbolic   refuge from the dictatorship. I was young,   furthest from Belém and Santarém, a
          resignification that they acquire when they   20, 21 years old, and that’s where I ran   relationship with the imaginary still prevails
          are received according to different hierarchies   away, to hide somewhere I couldn’t be   through mythology, through legends and
          of the functions contained in them. The true   seen, going from house to house. I spent   through a way of understanding the world
          cultural construction would therefore be given   some time hiding in a guesthouse in the   itself. In the Amazon, the imaginary is a
          by the relationship between man and this   red light area here in Belém because, let’s   social fact, something shared on the
          adjustment.                         say, I wouldn’t be wanted there. And then   streets and in people’s coexistence.
           In the History of Art we have seen several   I went to these islands. I stayed there for
          movements – the pop-art, the happenings   a while, until I couldn’t bear that isolation,    – This tends to be publicized only
          etc.  –  changed  the  hierarchy  of  objects   that anguish, listening to the radio news   as an indigenous issue…
          demonstrating this semiotic conversion,   that came from Belém, Brazil. I decided   Yes, but it is riverside, indigenous and rural,
          and Paes Loureiro delves into the origins of   to go back because I was in my fif h year   but riverine is more intense. Especially
         Amazonian aesthetics, trying to understand   of Law and was going to graduate and I   because reference is made here to this
          the construction of these relationships in a   didn’t want to miss the course.  culture, so to speak, born in the Amazon, as

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