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The building finally chosen, measuring   and I spent a lot of time thinking that we   It is with this reference that I follow the
            almost eight thousand square meters,   wanted it to be collective, for them to be   journey attentive to the urgency of rethinking
            was once home to the oldest department   women and for each one to carry a world   and decolonizing the art space as a place
            store in the city of Belém, Y.Yamada, long   within themselves, and we achieved it.   that can be occupied by bodies of diverse
            closed, in the city’s commercial center,   Along the way, people arrived, believing   artists, understanding Brazil’s intercultural
            and  came  to  crown  our  beliefs  as  a   and I was only able to hold the Bienal das   perspective.
            Biennial of the Amazons. But not every   Amazônias because these people who are   Valuing the production of artists in the
            coronation is simple. The building needed   the Biennale today, believed in my dream   Amazon here and now is also highlighting an
            several renovations, we had to redo its   and started dreaming their own dreams   Amazonian body of multiplicity of indigenous
            electrical and hydraulic structure, create   based on my dream. The Amazon Biennial   peoples, blacks, Afro-indigenous people,
            a fire system, build rooms, bathrooms,   is a desire to build a new possibility of   riverside caboclos, women, quilombolas,
            accessibility system, refrigeration system,   collectivity, or at least a rescue of being   lgbtqiapn+ bodies and other artists who
            all of this in addition to assembling the   collective, of being a village. Luckily, and   are embedded in the forest. All with different
            exhibition project, in exactly 43 days. All   I had a lot of it, despite all the regrets, the   nuances combined with a personal language,
            this with the budget designed in 2019,   obstacles, the different disbelief in us,   which enhance this art space – not as a sealed
            raised in subsequent years and without   affection made it possible for us to resist   environment, but as a territory of occupation
            any financial help from the municipal and   and make it happen. We survived, it was   resistant to colonial processes and which
            state entities that gained so much from the   beautiful, but equally difficult.  potentially reinvents itself with the dialogue
            Biennale. So, of course, we had financial                         between cultures, which does not take place
            problems and only now will we be able to    – It was a success, but there was no   in a void of social relations and power.
            resolve all the costs.         clear support from regional and national   In addition to the richness of Amazonian
               It is very important for the Bienal das   media… why?         biodiversity, the cultural diversity that exists
            Amazônias, for me as its creator, and for   I assume I can’t say if we clearly didn’t   in the North stands out. A reality that should
            all the professionals who embraced this   have support from the media. We were   make us aware that there are Amazons and
            project, that it takes place in a popular   few, with no budget and what we achieved   Amazonians and the challenge of thinking of
            place. Art is above all a political act. We   I believe was enough. Brazil tends not to   the region as an extensive humid and complex
            need to equip our population, and what   pay attention to what is not in place, to   tropical forest, with an area equivalent to 8
            stronger means than art to do so? We need   those who are not part of the mainstream,   million km2, as if it were homogeneous,
            to requalify our shopping center, but to   in addition to the fact that Brazil on the axis,   implies making invisible ecosystems inhabited
            do this it is urgent that we not gentrify it,   does not take us very seriously, so I think   by different peoples and their ancestral
            that everyone who makes it a reality today,   what happened is what normally happens   territorialities, which combine their own
            stays there. Many questions.      with all those who produce on the margins,   experiences with the environments of their
                                              on the edges which, by the way, is the vast   places of origin.
               – The Biennial was a success!  majority of Brazilian territory.  In this sense, the biennial points out that it
            Due  to  the  Herculean  work  possible                          is essential not to waste the great collection
            thanks to the collective, the Biennale was   amazon biennial article [pages 32 to 34]  of knowledge and technological complexes of
            a success and with this we will be able to                       the people who inhabit the Northern region of
            maintain the building as the institution’s   ART WITHOUT BORDERS  Brazil. Investing in pluriculturality is necessary,
            headquarters, so the next edition of   The importance of the Biennale is   in the dialogue of knowledge and practices for
            the Bienal das Amazônias in 2025 will   undeniable in bringing visibility to what the   any project for the future of the Amazon. It is
            take place there, too, as well as various   Amazons have designed and produced with   important to highlight that knowledge and
            programs in the year 2024.     artists already established in the arts circuit   intimacy with nature for the people who live
                                           and others with new productions that are
               In 2024, in addition to the activities   emerging             here is a condition of living. There is no doing
            we will carry out in our headquarters                            without feeling and knowing.
            building, we will travel with clippings from   by vânia leal*      Amazons at the Biennial
            this first edition to the cities of Manaus                          In view of this, the importance of the 1st
            (am), Macapá (ap), São Luis (ma), Canaã   i was born on the banks of the amazon   Amazon Biennial is undeniable in bringing
            dos Carajás (pa) and Marabá ( shovel).   river, in Macapá, in Amapá. Being a fellow   visibility to what the Amazons have designed
            Just as we will travel by means of a work   countryman strengthens the bond I have with   and produced with artists already established
            boat to up to 30 cities that do not have   the Northern region of Brazil because this river   in  the  arts  circuit  and  others  with  new
            cultural facilities and that are on the banks   was the first that took me to sail through other   productions that are emerging. The event
            of Amazon rivers. The itinerary begins to   waters that brought me to the 1st Amazon   opens paths for timely decentralization of
            circulate in April, and the work boat will   Biennial. An event that begins with approaches   production and enjoyment for all regions
            be inaugurated in May and begin sailing   to the place itself and invites us to a discursive   that comprise the Amazon as a transcultural
            in June.                       construction about the complexity of different   territory, with potential for constant exchange
                                           ecosystems that form the biome, such as   of experiences with other places in the country.
               – How did you assemble this warrior   dense dryland forests, seasonal forests, igapó   I believe that making visible the political,
          team? Did you already know its members   forests, flooded fields, floodplains and pioneer   social, intellectual and cultural potential
          or did they emerge af er research?  formations that, naturally, they constitute the   of artistic production in the Amazon is a
            The Amazon Biennial is a women’s project,   multiple times of the Amazonian space.  necessary premise on the agenda. Trying to
            above all. Yasmina Reggad and I started   Debating and reflecting on art in the Amazon   standardize art produced in the Amazon is
            this drawing back in 2011, a lot of people   requires understanding this geographic space   taking the opposite path when it comes to the
            from my team of producers at the time   from different times and environments. Based   relationship with nature. Artists, Amazonian
            helped with this drawing. Time passed   on these differences, Brazilian geographer   peoples and forest spirits are guardians and
            and I began to meet professionals and   and writer Milton Santos becomes a personal   models and relationships do not matter. They
            partners. The only people we researched,   inspiration when he talks about times where   position themselves as interlocutors in any
            evaluated, were the curators. Yasmina   different temporalities coexist simultaneously.   debate about the future of the region and

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