Page 93 - artebrasileiros-65
P. 93
folklore, even in a bad sense. Folklore in the indigenous culture, the legitimate popular Well, then I saw it. He would tie that
sense of diminishing cultural and scientific culture of the indigenous people. canoe to one of those tussocks, and, in this
importance. And that is a fallacy. We don’t I realized that all the great texts, the alliance with nature, he would lie down on
have folklore in Brazil. What was cataloged theses that I know and everything about his back, resting. Towed by the periantã,
as Brazilian folklore is the folklore brought the Amazon and the application of the it continued its journey calmly, floating,
by the colonizer, which was incorporated Amazon as a reason for theory, I think are or bubbling in the waters, as they say in
and, let’s say, superimposed on the culture by European authors, sociologists and riverside language. Without needing to
that already existed here. To indigenous anthropologists. Who apply their matrices make an effort to row, once towed by the
culture, above all. It was yet another form to study the place, instead of studying the floating islet you will get where you want
of cultural and religious domination. But place to create a matrix of it. Recognize without wasting your energy uselessly. He
folklore, in fact, in the scientific and that there is also a thought in place. There keeps thinking, remembering his stories,
linguistic sense of the word, we don’t is also a reflection of its own. There is what he wants to do.
have, what we have is popular culture. also a life experience reflected by art and This would be a kind of attitude of not
It’s a shame that, when the so-called mythology. wasting your energy when in alliance with
folklorist current became established in nature. And it’s not even during idle time.
Brazil, af er the Modern Art Week and – Yes. You teach at the university. By freeing yourself from work, you create
from 1930 onwards, when they began to How, through education, would it be an opportunity for another type of work.
take a scientific interest in searching for possible to expand and respect these Thus, I thought that bubuiar, going
original differences across regions, in experiences? bubuia, dibubuiar, dibubuismo, revealed
discovering Brazilian folklore, as in the There are no studies of Amazonian the intercurrence of external action with
case of Câmara Cascudo himself , who is issues in the education system. The vast the interior, navigation and daydreaming,
a great researcher of this, an admirable majority of private schools now belong to a symptom of an attitude revealing the
figure, made many mistakes in relation to large national groups, which come with intelligent coexistence of the native with
the Amazon, because he never came here. handbooks already created with pre- the environment and I decided to call this
He, for example, catalogs Pássaro Junino, established models. act dibubuismo. Dibubuismo differs from
which is a popular theater, set to music, It’s not just us creating “inter- “creative leisure” [a concept created by
created by the people here, as folklore, pretations”, thinking that, by drinking the Italian Domenico De Masi] because
perhaps confused with the idea of the from this source, very original things will it is not a reaction to practical work. It
Northeastern Boi Bumbá and everything emerge. No. I, for example, think that is a compatible alternation with it and
that is European folklore implanted in the on these university campuses that are a harmonizing partnership with nature.
Northeast. spreading across the State, everyone, No one could ever do that with a
whether Federal or State, is starting to chainsaw. No one could ever do that to
– Why? generate dissertations and theses from a ship. Never. So, this was, let’s say, the
Because it wasn’t created by the people who live in the right place, who genesis, the origin, let’s say, experiential,
northeastern people! belong, who speak pure, things that they of the construction of this concept.
like, that they love, that they believe in, that
– O Boi bumbá? reveal an experience from which countless amazon biennial emílio goeldi museum
The Boi bumbá, no, it came with the contents could be developed. [pages 42 to 49]
Portuguese, it came with the Spanish And delve deeper into Amazonian (ALMOST) MAGICAL
who already had similar demonstrations culture, in a poetics of imagination in
there. So, the ox, ours, has its variants, dialogue with “world culture”. I understand WORLD
for example, here we have an ox that is Amazonian culture as something that Institution from Pará holds one of the
from the city of São Caetano de Odielas, lives today, not as a history of the past. largest and oldest collections of Amazonian
which is just choreographic, which has Something that happened, no. I think she archeology in Brazil and the world
no plot, which is as if they were pierrôs lives in dialogue with the current world, by patricia rousseaux
and colombinas . In clothing, the color and it is through this dialogue that she
is the ox, there is music, there is its own still shows her living presence. on the occasion of our visit to the
choreography, but there is no plot, there Bienal das Amazônias, in November 2023,
is no speech. This (the bumbá) is not an – And the idea of “dibubuism”, how in Belém de Pará, we had the opportunity to
ox, it is choreographic, because we know did it come about? enter an almost magical world, built by the
who invented it, we know the people who In these contemplations of mine, I saw work of teams dedicated to the research and
continued cultivating and raising other passing, and I was not young, already as conservation of a substantial part of the history
oxen that were similar, calling the ox a an adult, in the Lower Amazon, pieces of of the Amazon. Brazil, not only supported
mask. Because people go masked. That land displaced from the bank by the force by documentation, but also by hundreds of
ox, for example, from Parintins, what is a of the river during the flood, which became remains collected by specialist archaeologists
technological ox? a small island. A floating island with trees, – excavators, which revealed an ancient wealth.
An ox that conquered the world is not with tussocks, trunks of an açaí tree [açaí The Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi is a
folklore either. It has roots, of course, but palm], with snakes and also with herons research institution linked to the Brazilian
it is a variant with a defined author, with that will land on them. Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations
people who created it and has another I saw that of en the canoeist who was and Communications. It is located in the city
structure and everything. So there paddling towards his work or to get to the of Belém, State of Pará, Amazon region. Since
is a need, for example, to distinguish city, for example, to buy things and return, its foundation in 1866, its activities have
ourselves in the southern regions. It is or to go to the place where he could fish, focused on the scientific study of the natural
more the folklore brought by the migrant in short, coincided with find, going in the and sociocultural systems of the Amazon, as
colonizer. Yes it is. I cannot say that, for same direction, one of these marapatá or well as the dissemination of knowledge and
example, indigenous culture was folklore, periantã, which is the indigenous name. collections related to the region.