Page 88 - artebrasileiros-65
P. 88
editorial [page 8]
the rise of neo-liberalism, from the 1980s are hers for the article about Essays on the
onwards, society as a whole moved further Museum of Origins.
drinking from the fountain and further away from trying to understand
who we are, where we live, and the forest maria hirszman is a journalist and art critic.
in this edition, we delve into a wealth of became increasingly distant and so did our She worked at Jornal da Tarde and O Estado
initiatives from cultural institutions in São “social symptoms”. they only got worse. We de São Paulo. She is a researcher in art history,
Paulo, the North and Northeast of Brazil that recommend reading the chapter Diagnosis of with a master’s degree from usp. For this issue,
are interested in revealing part of the erasure Modernity and Amerindian Perspectivism, ( Maria writes about the exhibition Essays on
of our history, part of the post-colonial erasure. Malaise, suffering and symptom , Christian il the Museum of Origins.
For example, the exhibitions Rehearsals for the Dunker, page 273, Editora Boitempo)
Museum of Origins , mounted at Tomie Ohtake We are advancing into the darkness. The exhibition são paulo [pages 10 to 17]
and Itaú Cultural e Histórias Indígenas, at most recent São Paulo Biennial was an
masp; the exhibition with recent acquisitions for excellent surprise, making associations PLACES OF MEMORY
the collection at Banco do Nordeste, in Recife between past and present, bringing questions AND RESISTANCE
(pe); of the Bienal das Amazônias, in Belém and a careful aesthetic. Let’s put light where Double exhibition revisits Mario Pedrosa’s
do Pará, and the Manto Tupinambá route, we can. The return of investments in culture project to rebuild mam Rio articulates
presented by Célia Tupinambá. We interviewed will serve this purpose, but it is necessary a network of cultural rescue and
curators, thinkers, archaeologists and artists not to lose sight of the need for criticism and preservation strategies developed
by 20 institutions spread across different
from various regions of the country. We heard how, of en, anti-hegemonic struggles only regions of the country
about the need for radical changes in museums serve to be captured by marketing campaigns,
and how much it would be necessary to listen to instead of becoming their due path to building by maria hirszman
nature. In a country that was and is indigenous, formative and collective knowledge.
caboclo, riverside, Afro-descendant and white. Happy reading, happy 2024, with health, Ensaios sobre o Museu das Origens, a
In a country whose plurality began more than strength and joy. broad exhibition that takes place at Instituto
6,000 years ago, and not as it is traditionally obs.: We recommend “bubuiar” (read Tomie Ohtake and Itaú Cultural until January,
understood, in a country that was born in 1500. interview with Professor Paes Loureiro on revisits and updates the revolutionary
During this journey of almost two months, the page 36) on vacation! proposal presented by critic Mario Pedrosa
we saw how fundamental our vision of in 1978, af er a fire destroyed the Museum of
interdisciplinarity is to analyze practically collaborators [page 6] Modern Art (mam) in Rio de Janeiro. Faced
all phenomena that relate to the individual with the unprecedented crisis faced by the
and, therefore, the impact they have on art. Issue 65. December January February 2023/24. museum, whose need for reconstruction
This has already been addressed in depth Cover: Detail of the work embodied the desire to update in relation to
by Brazilian artists, in their vii Seminar: In of Gustavo Caboco, Brazil, Paraná-Roraima, the hegemonic production of large centers,
Defense of Culture and Nature, still during Watuminpen waparadan day: Pedra do Céu, Pedrosa continues in a singular direction.
2021. Photo by Patricia Rousseaux
the pandemic, and our experience in the face Instead of betting on the chimera of yet
of the collapse already brought the need to fabio cypriano, art critic and journalist, another avant-garde project defended
“think around”. is director of the Faculty of Philosophy, by local elites, he turns to the places,
Of course many of these conclusions are Communication, Letters and Arts at puc- identities and constituent elements of a
obvious to anthropologists or historians, sp and is part of the editorial board of multiple identity, made invisible and full of
students of art history or philosophers, but arte!brasileiros. In this issue, he writes the references to a troubled and incomplete
they are definitely not obvious to many. interview with François Vergès and the articles process of national formation. . Instead of
We have always developed technologies: about Nêgo Bispo’s book and the exhibition a locus of reverberation and reaffirmation of
here is the report on the Emílio Goeldi project Manar Abu Dhabi. high culture, he conceives a plural museum
Archeology Museum, in Belém de model, in movement, structured around
Pará, showing ancestral techniques of jotabê medeiros is a reporter and five major axes: the museums of the Indian,
communication, roasting and agriculture. The biographer, among others, of the singer the Unconscious, Modern Art, Black and
question is: what do we put it at the service of? Belchior. He was a reporter for O Estado Popular Arts. The last two didn’t even
Even today, national curricula do not de S.Paulo and Folha de S.Paulo, among really exist yet and, although the first three
take into account regional knowledge and others. Jotabê signs an interview with Célia were already functioning, they were in a
studies, which have already been carried Tupinambá, an indigenous artist selected to precarious situation at that time, at the end
out respecting languages, wisdom, beliefs, represent Brazil at the 60th Venice Biennale, of the military dictatorship.
research carried out by national universities, in 2024. Taking this proposal as a starting point,
with highly qualified professionals. The fact almost fif y years later, Essay articulates not
that independence from the colonizers was leonor amarante is a journalist, curator five, but more than 20 diverse organizations.
declared did not eliminate an outward-facing and editor. She worked at Jornal O Estado Some of these movements are small, almost
intellectual construction. The Amazon is de S.Paulo, Veja magazine, tv Cultura and heroic initiatives by individuals or resistance
closer to the history of the Andean countries, Memorial da América Latina. In this edition, groups, who persistently fight for survival
to their ancestral wisdom and discoveries, the article about the exhibition was authored in a profoundly adverse scenario, especially
than to the European one, for example. Indigenous Stories, from Masp, and the if we consider the recent years of the
However, its post-colonial construction led interview with Adriano Pedrosa. pandemic and the Bolsonaro government.
it to look beyond Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean, Others have more institutional solidity. All
towards Europe or even towards the countries luiza sigulem is a photographer graduated regions of the country are represented, and
of the North. from Senac in 2010. She works mainly as a fundamental mobilizing issues are covered.
Latin American elites grew up with financial portrait artist in her studio. She has worked But this is not just an attempt to catalog
capital, little prepared or prepared for an in various media outlets and collaborates with the main or most innovative actions spread
individualistic vision of building society. With arte!brasileiros from its first issue. The photos across the country.