Page 99 - ARTE!Brasileiros #59
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The initiative to seek cooperation with Pompidou to choose the project for the international museum, 1993 in Paraná and in other states and countries, [page 10]
came from the government of Paraná due to the in the first half of 2023. “What interests us is that such as Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, France, Italy,
characteristics of the French institution, founded the project is related to the place”, emphasizes China and Belgium. With each edition, it brings
in 1977. The signing of a protocol of intentions took Luciana. “We have not yet defined the criteria for together hundreds of artists in diverse spaces, which
place at the Executive Center of Itaipu Binacional. the competition that will choose the project, but are not restricted to museums, cultural centers and [pages 11 aND 12]
The company is a partner in the initiative. The event Brazil is at the forefront of world architecture and galleries, but also invade open-air spaces with urban
was attended by the governor of Paraná, Ratinho we are sure that we will be able to choose a project interventions and performances. Iconic names such
Júnior, and by the Brazilian director general of Itaipu, that is worthy of this initiative. All this we will define as Marina Abramovic, Bruce Nauman, Dan Flavin, [pages 13 to 15]
Anatalício Risden Junior. in agreement with our partner”. Louise Bourgeois, Julio Le Parc, Ai Weiwei, Richard
Talks started two years ago. Architect Luciana The expectation in Paraná is that the presence Serra, among others, have already passed through
Casagrande Pereira, Culture Superintendent of Pompidou in Foz do Iguaçu is not limited to an the show, as well as emerging artists.
of the State of Paraná, recalls that many virtual isolated initiative. Superintendent Luciana says For Meyer Pereira, this unprecedented undertaking
meetings were held due to the pandemic, being that it will enhance its surroundings, encouraging with the Georges Pompidou Center, an institution
the only one in person when she traveled to Paris. the entire cultural production chain. In the future, also dedicated to the training of artists and the
“The Pompidou was chosen for its multidisciplinary the creation of an open-air museum is also education of the public, will dynamize a practice
character focused on the visual arts, but also on planned, involving the municipalities bordering that the Biennial is already developing. “We have
cinema, theater, dance and music”. the lake of Itaipu. an important educational project within each
The international museum will be built in Foz do edition, which ranges from measures of inclusive
Iguaçu, 17 kilometers from the Falls, in the same froM the building to the action, teacher training courses, monitored visits in
region where five of the 15 largest food cooperatives collection, poMpidou attracts exhibition spaces to publications aimed at teachers
in the world are located. “Foz do Iguaçu receives like the eiffel toWer, at the end of the 19th and monitors. All this should be leveraged by this
around two million tourists a year. If half of this century, the Georges Pompidou Center building partnership.”
contingent stays one more day to do cultural tourism, provoked intense controversy among the French
the estimate is that more than R$ 400 million a year when it was inaugurated in the historic Marrais
will be injected into the local economy. Culture and district, in 1977, very close to Rivoli Street. The COLLECTORISM PEDRO BARBOSA [pages 60 to 65]
development go hand in hand”, says the governor project by Italian architects Renzo Piano and
of Paraná. Gianfranco Franchini and British architect POLITICAL COLLECTION
Foz do Iguaçu emerged as a natural destination for Richard Rogers – a rectangular box, with a
the museum because it is in the region of the Brazil- steel and glass structure, pipes and apparent Alongside his wife, Patrícia Moraes, Pedro
Paraguay-Argentina triple border and because it escalators – contrasts in everything with the Barbosa has been building for 23 years
has the Iguaçu Falls, an attraction that has long Haussmannian surroundings of central Paris. a selection of national and international
motivated the development of considerable tourist It took time to absorb so much boldness and even works that propose reflections on
infrastructure in the place. “The hotel chain has elevate it: today, the Pompidou Center is considered aesthetics and activism.
been operating for decades, and the region still has one of the icons of high-tech architecture, a trend
three international airports: Foz do Iguaçu, Ciudad in the 1970s, inspired by industrial architecture. It by patricia rousseaux
del Este (Paraguay) and Puerto Iguazu (Argentina), is an effervescent place, where artists, researchers
through which most European tourists arrive. ”, and tourists from all continents circulate. cheMical engineer pedro barbosa, who
says Luciana. Time has also shown that the Pompidou Center worked for 25 years in the financial markets, started
There are similarities between the cultural is more than just a museum. Its multidisciplinary in 1999 the collection now called moraes-barbosa
decentralization programs in Paraná and the concept hosts the National Museum of Modern Art, (cmb), which has a collection of important works
Pompidou Center. “The Oscar Niemeyer Museum, the Public Information Library and Ircam (Center for of art and an extensive archive of rare documents. .
which completes 20 years, has an extended platform Music and Acoustic Research), the latter founded by Recently, a scholarship program was implemented
in the city of Cascavel, in addition to promoting renowned French composer and conductor Pierre in the collection that proposes that artists and
traveling exhibitions throughout the state. The Boulez (1925-2016) . The main collection of modern researchers develop studies in interaction with
Museu Paranaense, from 1876, one of the oldest in and contemporary art in Europe is in the Pompidou the collection. In conversation with arte!brasileiros,
Brazil, will have an extension in all regions of the state Center, today with more than 120 thousand works. Barbosa comments that one of the obstacles to
by the end of this year”. Art and management are Among important names, that stand out are:Joseph the growth of the art circuit in Brazil is the habit
Luciana’s beach, which has always been dedicated Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, Marc Chagall, Robert and of throwing questions involving the relationship
to the visual arts. She presided over the Curitiba Sonia Delaunay, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, between ethics and aesthetics under the rug, when
International Art Biennial for ten years, and as a Frida Kahlo, Wassily Kandinsky, Yves Klein, Fernand they should, in the indeed, be in the foreground of
result she was able to closely follow the evolution Léger, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro and Piet Mondrian. importance.
of contemporary art. “Art is in my DNa, and for me Chaired by Laurent Le Bon, the institution has
this project is a lovely idea. Pompidou’s partnership seen its collections grow over its 45 years, both ARTE! How did your collecting project start?
in Foz do Iguaçu will certainly be different from through new acquisitions and donations. The Pedro Barbosa: Absolutely involuntary.
that formed with other cities, due to cultural collection of monographs on art and the temporary [gallerist] Raquel Arnaud is my first cousin.
peculiarities, location and temporal circumstances. exhibitions it holds also make the Pompidou Center I visited her gallery quite often, just to enjoy.
” The Pompidou has some antennas around the a destination in the art world, with more than three One day, I bought a work [ Petite Ronde Olive
world: Shanghai (China), Malaga (Spain), Brussels million visits a year. For all that, lately the museum (1999), by Jesus Rafael Soto] and that was the
(Belgium) and Metz (France). With this, it can has expanded beyond the borders of France, taking beginning of what has become the collection
circulate its expressive collection of more than this immense repertoire of art and culture to other today. During my university life at USP, in the
120 thousand works, of which only 10% are exposed peoples. 1980s, I was already interested in museums and
on the walls of its headquarters in Paris. For some the São Paulo counterculture, and I followed
time now, the French museum has been studying partnership Must eMpoWer the visual arts through newspapers. After the
the installation of a platform in Latin America. And, curitiba biennial first purchase came the second, third, and so
apparently, that moment has arrived. on. It was then that I got the taste for collecting.
The Foz de Iguaçu museum still doesn’t have a For the general director of the Curitiba The sudden rise in prices in the early 2000s
name and the initial idea is that the building will have International Art Biennial, Luiz Ernesto Meyer kept me from the abstract geometry segment
10 thousand square meters, but as Luciana says, Pereira, the partnership for the implementation and I had to move on to new or mid-career
everything can change. “When we start to define of an international art museum in Foz do Iguaçu artists, enjoying a lot and getting more involved.
the concept, the space may have to be expanded. will strengthen and enhance the decentralization To the point where I understood that this was a
We are starting the process of choosing a location, actions that the Biennial and the Government of space for political activism. That I could use the
which will only take place, and by mutual agreement, Paraná are already taking action. “The Biennial, works, or a certain narrative in the collection,
when our partners visit potential sites.”. in addition to taking place in the capital of Paraná, to express myself politically.
Meetings should continue between the Paraná also takes exhibitions on an itinerant basis to other In 2012, I thought I could browse the
and French teams for the next ten months. After the cities in the state, decentralizing access to art and international market, making a purchase here
execution of the first conceptualization and planning contributing to the formation of the public.” and there. First, I had a conversation with [the
phase, an architectural competition will be launched The Curitiba Biennial has been taking place since collector] Luiz Augusto Teixeira de Freitas, who
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