Page 101 - ARTE!Brasileiros #59
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positions in him? Most public institutions are   looking for sponsorships, etc., the same person   To reverse the situation, Masp agreed on the   [page 10]
               being managed by executives linked to the   who is involved in the purchase and sale of   following: the exhibition will once again include
               market or the financial market, not only in Brazil,   works, since they are systematically benefiting   the presence of all the photographers who had
               and they are usually collectors, or professionals   from third-party information for this?  previously been banned from the exhibition, and
               directly linked to galleries. These institutions,   In Brazil, we are moving towards the   whose works portray the Sem Terra Movement (there   [pages 11 aND 12]
               which handle a few million, are making aesthetic   professionalization of museums. In my view,   were six Mst photographs by André Vilaron, Edgar
               and ethical decisions. Does this not represent   the directors should be museum employees.   Kanaykõ Xakriabá and João Zinclar). These records,
               a conflict of interest within what would be an   In the councils, yes, there is room for the   previously vetoed, will now have enlargements    [pages 13 to 15]
               ideal in the art world? Doesn’t this have to have   maintainers, but there should also be room   distributed to the entire public (in poster format),
               limits? Are there codes of ethics?   for the other agents of the art. I prefer the style   and the exhibition will extend free access to the
                  In Brazil, everyone is public and private, because   of governance of the Pinacoteca do Estado de   museum and its activities also on Wednesdays
                  it depends on the Rouanet Law. If you took   São Paulo. The Pinacoteca model is closer to   (traditionally, free admission is only on Tuesdays).
                  public money, you have to have respect for the   the foreign models in which the directors are   ). The institution also recognizes the intellectual
                  society to which it belongs.      employees of the institution.  property of the curators’ work and will give the
                     I know, for example, that there is a code at                  curatorial argument the character of Copyleft .
                  the Reina Sofía museum in Spain for collectors   A very important part of your collection are   Masp also agreed to hold an online seminar
                  who participate in acquisition committees.   archives. How are you organizing them, how   dealing with the exhibition’s production process,
                  Almost two years ago, two collectors living in   does your team work?  with commissioned guests, with the aim of debating
                  Paris, one Italian and one Greek, invited me   Cataloging and preservation are already very   the challenges and developments of the curatorial
                  into a group and we had extensive discussions   important technical issues, and we take care   proposal, in addition to producing (through the
                  to create a code of conduct. First with artists,   of that. But here we created a scheme with the   publisher Expressão Popular, of the Mst) a magazine
                  then with gallery owners, museums, collectors,   objective of transforming the file into something   that deals with the processes of social struggles.
                  independent institutions, public and private   alive, more dynamic. So we decided to invest   At the opening of the exhibition, on August 26,
                  collections, and so on. Obviously, this will   in artists, curators, researchers, who work   the Landless Movement (Mst) and the social and
                  always be reworked. The first version is live   part-time for six months , receive a scholarship,   indigenous movements will convene a cultural act
                  on        study and research topics of interest to them   that will be hosted by the exhibition, and the museum
                    Made in English, but translated into Spanish,   at the intersection of our archive.  is also committed to holding new editions of the
                  Chinese and French, and soon we will have   This route aims to deliver a result, in the   resumptions nucleus in schools and spaces of
                  the Portuguese version. We proposed several   public domain, which can be a video, an   formation of the movement of struggle for the land.
                  extremely discussed and negotiated things,   artist book to download from the internet,   The museum will also promote the readmission of
                  aiming at a collective proposal. We get diverse   an exhibition, a text. The editors are us. The   anthropologist Sandra Benites as assistant curator,
                  endorsements, who see the code as something   researcher has a special interest in an area, this   once again having in its body of curators the first
                  with a common goal, where everyone benefits.   is the trigger. That’s what will drive your work.  indigenous woman to integrate the Masp office .
                  For example, one thing we advocate as a                          Sandra and Clarissa released an open paper as a way
                  collector: never ask a gallery owner for more   It’s like a research residency…  of reacting to a nod of reconsideration from Masp,
                  than 20% off, but the gallery owner also has to   From time to time there are six to seven people   made in an official note a week earlier. On May 20, the
                  help, not letting himself be influenced by the   here, who help each other too. Everything here   institution publicly manifested itself announcing “a
                  pressure he suffers. If I kill the gallery owner,   is in the public domain. One of the fellows, the   new position” on the issue, claiming that it sought to
                  I kill a piece of the circuit.    artist Pontogor, began researching the work of   learn from the episode. There were painful edges to
                    There are collectors who come and ask for   Dutch video artist Manon de Boer, who works   be ironed out – the museum blamed the cancellation
                  40% to 50% off. I ask: what is the interest? Smother   in conceptual art and whose collection includes   on the negligence of the two professionals, and
                  the gallery owner, kill the artist? You see, this is   six works. The result was a video essay that   they found it outrageous.
                  not a flea market where the number one rule is   relates works by Manon de Boer, Antonio Dias,   “The institution publicly regrets the cancellation
                  bargaining. When I don’t agree on a price, I just   Guy Debord, Roberto Bolaño and others.  of the nucleus, so important for the exhibition, and
                  walk away, goodbye. Prices adjust over time.  At the exhibition Horror Vacui , which   the departure of the project’s curators,” the note
                                                    we opened on May 7 this year, organized by   read. “Intending to move forward so that similar
               And in museums…                      Pontogor, the video Como Ver um Fantasma? is   episodes do not happen again in the future, we are
                  It is the CIMAM [international committee for   presented, in which he investigates the different   open to listening to Benites and Diniz, in order to
                  museums] that will guide you, because it is a   manifestations of emptiness in art.  learn from this experience and improve processes
                  public code that is widely discussed. Here we   Cris Ambrósio and Deyson Gilbert   and work models”.
                  have a habit of throwing it under the rug, we   presented the exhibition State of Possession
                  need to discuss these things on a daily basis,   - Notes for an Aesthetics of Torture - which   real involveMent
                  implement and improve CIMAM’s conduct.  remained open to the public from November   Sandra and Clarissa were willing to dialogue,
                                                    2021 to February 2022.         but established six main conditions for them
                    But this topic needs to be widely discussed                    to return to the project. These conditions, now
                  because art also has commercial and financial   article DeMocracy at MuseuMs [pages 66 to 70]  partially accepted by Masp, seek to illustrate the
                  value, and collectors benefit from exhibitions,                  possibility of creating a new level of relationship
                  whether individual or group shows.  THE PAINFUL LEARNING         between museum institutions and society. Instead
                    The museum donation process has to be                          of affirmative and social movements lending
                  deeply discussed. When people vote for or   OF MUSEUMS           themselves to shine on  the prestige of museums
                  against the acquisition of a work, there may   By reversing its censorship of MST works,   (which need this resonance), a relationship of real
                  be some kind of conflict, and this should be   Masp recognizes the crossroads of reality  involvement in the diagnoses and movements that
                  discussed with the institution and documented.                   art promotes in its exhibitions is now proposed. The
                  In the case of video art and photography, due   por Jotabê MeDeiros  museum that temporarily housed becomes also the
                  to the fact that they are often edits, obviously                 museum that participates, that activates, that gets
                  the conflict appears more frequently.  the Museu de arte de são paulo (Masp)   involved, that goes beyond representations and
                    Another point to be raised is the number   finally reached a satisfactory agreement with the   assumes commitments. Something that shakes
                  of works of art shown in exhibitions, in public   curators of the resumptions nucleus , Sandra   the desirability of the old neutralities.
                  or private institutions, in which the curators   Benites and Clarissa Diniz (who were putting   Officially, after these concessions from both
                  maintain close relationships with the collectors   together an exhibition for the institution that would   sides, Masp then confirmed in a note that the
                  from which these works to be exhibited come   form part of the collective exhibition Brazilian   resumptions nucleus will once again be part of
                  from. Unfortunately, this is not just a problem   stories , which opened on July 1) . In May, Sandra   the exhibition and that the show is confirmed for
                  for the Brazilian art circuit, it is a global problem.  and Clarissa were surprised by Masp’s unusual   the period from August 26 to October 30. Masp’s
                                                 willingness to eliminate a clipping from their artistic   dialectical experience, although imposed against
               But in this sense, we should not be more radical   selection , refused to continue without the material   the will of the museum, is a challenge that opens
               and say that the director of the museum cannot   because they thought they were being censored   up to all museology in the new international order.
               be, in short, the person who is in the museum   and resigned on May 17.  resumptions is part of the Stories series , which

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