Page 102 - ARTE!Brasileiros #59
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included Stories of Sexuality (2017) Afro-Atlantic Fresh out of the twilight zone of the pandemic, the On the subject, researcher André Luzzi, from
Stories (2018) Feminist Stories(2019), among others. “art world” resumes activities suspended in this the Laboratory of Penal Policy Management
A “diverse, inclusive and plural” museum, which unusual period: new fairs are planned, biennials (LabgepeN), linked to UnB, draws attention that,
seeks to “establish critical and creative dialogues with previously upheaved calendars finally see “despite the budget of the penitentiary administration
between the past and the present through the visual the light of day, and galleries start face to face secretariat being one of the largest in the state of
arts”, as the series is presented, cannot resort to business again. São Paulo, it only dedicates 2% of this budget for
subterfuges that mask attitudes of censorship and Stagnant, however, in this movement towards social reintegration, all actions for the inclusion of
genuflections. to the established political power. the “newest” normal, is the debate about the families, regularization of documents, psychosocial
This crossroads is being faced across the planet presence of art and culture in the prison system. care, locating and directing people to job vacancies,
right now. The incorporation of anti-colonial and There is also no discussion about the public including cultural issues”.
anti-racist criticism, the amplification of gender culture policy aimed at this population at the According to the researcher, “it is clear that the
issues, the debate on the maintenance of power national level, but perhaps this fact has less to priority is not the preparation for freedom and the
systems in society, the urgency of transmuting do with the interests of the “art world” and more actions that promote social rights in Art. 6th. of
form into a process. It is an even greater challenge with the reality that such a policy, in fact, does not the Federal Constitution. What we also need is to
in the current situation of democratic regression exist. In any case, what roles can art and culture expand the destination of the resource, it exists
in Brazil, a country in which the president of the play in a scenario that is outright considered as and it is not little”, in line with the speech of Claudia
Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram) publishes an “Unconstitutional State of Things” by the Aratangy, educator, lawyer and coordinator of the
an ordinance approving the bylaws of the museums Federal Supreme Court? Center for Workshops, Training and Campaigns at
in the system on March 30 and, 47 days later, revokes In Learning, rehabilitation and the arts and oab-sp: “Everything concerning improving prison
the text that the government itself had approved prisons: a Scottish case study, Tett et al report conditions and the lives of incarcerated people is
without further explanation. that researches conducted in North America, New placed at the bottom of the list. I think the obstacle
Zealand and the uK demonstrate that participation is, in fact, a political will”.
ciMaM 2022 in art projects conducted in prisons can bring about Aratangy faces with optimism, however, the
It is because of the contemporary debate that significant changes, such as an improvement in the recent changes brought about by Resolution No. 391
the theme of the congress of the International relationship between detainees, with prison staff of the cNJ, of May 10, 2021. With it, other activities in
Committee for Museums and Collections of and with their families; improved self-esteem and art and culture can be understood for the remission
Modern Art, ciMaM 2022 (annual conference of self-confidence; development of communicational of penalty - reading was already considered. Prior to
museums from around the world, which celebrates and social skills; and encouragement for joint work the Resolution, a second document produced by the
60 years of existence), is precisely the following: and mutual assistance. DepeN/uNDp partnership in 2016 already indicated
The Museum Atento – Pervious Practices for a In the study, some of the participants reported that “to understand the activities in art and culture in
Common Ground. It will have 12 speakers from all that their integration into art projects helped them to the prison system for the purpose of remission of the
over the world, including directors of institutions recall happy memories of the past, positive feelings sentence is to understand that cultural actions are a
such as Reina Sofía, in Madrid, and will be held in that researchers link to a strengthening of inmates’ privileged place for the promotion of ethical values,
Spain between November 11 and 13, dealing with confidence to participate in other learning activities. solidarity and cooperation, citizenship, recognition
the proposition of different models that can offer This set of actions could also provide refuges within and respect for differences, re-signification of
a new vision of governance, narratives, decolonial the prison system and strengthen the individual’s individual and collective trajectories, integral and
discourse and a vision of the global museum in the ability to deal with a hostile environment, in addition human formation and appreciation of life”.
face of new narratives and new institutional models, to, in certain scenarios, helping to prepare for their Aratangy points out that Resolution No. 391 also
in addition to the sustainable future. return to life in freedom. extends the reference to foreign people, non-literate
ciMaM will address issues that concern the entire Transporting these results to the Brazilian people, and gives the possibility that not only the
movement of contemporary society. Changing from context, is it possible to verify the implementation writing of the review is considered as proof of
Within: How We Must Govern Ourselves , with Mami of similar programs? The Report on cultural achievement, when it comes to reading. The report
Kataoka, president of ciMaM, is the conference that activities in the prison system, commissioned emphasizes that on an equal footing is the opening
opens the first day of debates. Another reflection front by the National Penitentiary Department of the prison system to civil society and especially
is the topic Learning from the Community: Collective together with the United Nations Development to agents in the field of art and culture, “whether
Actions in the Face of Emergency . Unlocking History Program (uNDp) in 2016, reports: “In general, through the actions of different cultural forums, state
and New Narratives , with the Brazilian philosopher such activities take place through the personal and municipal cultural councils, higher education
Denise Ferreira da Silva, a researcher at the Social efforts of prison administration managers and/ institutions, the network of cultural facilities,
Justice Institute for the University of British Columbia or or partner institutions of civil society with culture points, popular educators, among other
in Vancouver, Canada (with other debaters on the small-scale actions and subject to interruptions actors”. Exploring this possibility, Aratangy says
panel), is the next topic. and discontinuities”. So that “although there are that the oab-sp itself has been trying to make some
Denise is one of the main thinkers to address international and national regulations on the partnerships; Santa Maria – a book foundation that
with greater energy the most burning topic of our guarantee of cultural rights to the population has a reading project –, for example.
time: “In addition to post-colonial criticism as an deprived of liberty, it is observed that cultural Another case of society-prison interaction
intellectual exercise, the art of confrontation is production in the Brazilian prison system occurs through culture is the set of actions developed
an anti-colonial intervention precisely because it in punctual, fragmented and disjointed public by the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, which,
transforms the space between the artist and the cultural policies at national and state levels”. since 2017, has a partnership with the Coordination
audience. in a trench,” she wrote, in Reading Art as Thus, not all Brazilian prisons have the execution of Social Reintegration and Citizenship of the
Confrontation . “By staging a confrontation, anti- of these activities, and it is estimated that 90% Secretary of Penitentiary Administration of the
colonial art forges an aesthetic experience that of the 622,202 Brazilians in custody of the state State of São Paulo – sap to work with the adult
exposes the very violence that is modern thought do not have access to them. population deprived of liberty.
precisely because of the in/difference between For the units where cultural activities take place, As a result of this collaboration, workshops
the stage and the museum as exhibition spaces.” they focus on the areas of crafts, books, reading and emerged, both with people in a semi-open regime
libraries, visual arts (drawing, painting, photography), and who provide services within the secretariat
article prisoN systeM [pages 72 to 77] music (singing/choir, guitar, flute, bands), theater, itself (later resulting in exhibition), as well as in
dance, audiovisual (film exhibition) and capoeira, some penitentiary progression centers. Before the
ART AND A NEW although other expressions have been mentioned pandemic, Pinacoteca started a process, interrupted
BREATH OF LIFE such as communication (Radio, Fanzines), Hip-Hop by the health crisis, in which serigraphy workshops
would be developed with people in semi-open
and Digital Art.
Activities related to art and culture promote However, it is necessary to emphasize an regime who provide services at sap; the material
positive transformations in those who important limiting factor, which is the insufficiency from these meetings would generate a traveling
go through a hostile prison system, of available and adequate physical spaces exhibition, with plans to visit three prisons in the
but the challenge of guaranteeing the for their realization in prison establishments, capital of São Paulo, along with the mediation of
right to culture of the population deprived causing art and cultural actions to be carried the authors of the works, in addition to a catalogue.
of liberty remains big. out in classrooms, sun patios, sports courts Although the plan has not been resumed so far,
and, in some more precarious cases, in the cells Pinacoteca intends to carry it out in the future. In
by MigueL groisMaN themselves. addition, the museum usually receives visits from
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