Page 103 - ARTE!Brasileiros #59
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the adult population deprived of liberty, as well as   to the symbolic (related to the imaginary, artistic   In a survey carried out by this report, 42 art   [page 10]
               from young people who are inmates at Fundação   expressions and cultural practices) and citizen   galleries that participate in the largest national fairs
               casa, a work that has been going on for 15 years   (culture as a right and importance in contexts of   were asked if they could point out artists who were
               and that now continues in a hybrid way, attending   social vulnerability) dimensions - the economic   ex-prisoners, represented by them and/or who had
               to face-to-face visits, but also carrying out virtual   dimension of culture, as a generator of growth,   already exhibited or sold works at the gallery: 80%   [pages 11 aND 12]
               tours to the units in the countryside, which, due to   employment and income.  responded that they did not recognize artists with
               the distance, would hardly be able to bring young                   such a trajectory or were not aware of such historic
               people to visit the Museum in São Paulo.  What coMes ahead          among the represented artists and/or whose works    [pages 13 to 15]
                 Gabriela Aidar, Coordinator of Inclusive   Once released, is it possible for ex-prisoners to   had already been sold by the gallery, while 20% did
               Educational Programs at the Núcleo de Ação   continue this stimulus – of artistic and cultural   not provide an answer on the question.
               Educativa, says that it is important to have a specific   knowledge and production – initiated during the   Although no direct link is made between this
               approach so that these audiences feel “welcomed   projects carried out in prison? According to the   absence and the ills of the stigma imposed on
               and participants in this universe because, in fact,   National Penitentiary Department (DepeN), in 2014,   ex-prisoners, it is opportune to question whether
               at first sight it is very diverse, very different, very   75% of those incarcerated had not completed   it is not past time for the market and institutions
               different from what their reality is”.  high school (an indicator of low income); if these   to begin an active search for artists released from
                 “First, we establish partnerships to understand   people want to continue the studies and contact   the prison system or to facilitate their inclusion in
               the processes that are being developed in the   with art they had while they were in detention, it   such spaces.
               organizations of origin, so the visit to the museum   is plausible to suppose that they would have to
               has to dialogue in some way with what is already   balance study and work, whose achievement is   article MoDerNisM [pages 78 to 81]
               being worked on in these places. From these   even more arduous when one carries the stigma
               contacts we thought of some itineraries that might   such as that of ex-prisoners.  MODERNISM IN HISPANIC
               be of interest to the group. ‘What are we going to   In the study The Challenge of the Prisoner’s Social
               talk about? What are we going to show these groups   Reintegration: A Survey on Prison Establishments,   AMERICA
               that might be relevant here at the museum?’ For   published by  ipea in 2015, participants were   LINKED TO THE NEW THINKING, ARTISTS
               each group, we build particular educational paths”,   interviewed in the administration of the prison   FROM ARGENTINA, MEXICO, URUGUAY
               reports Aidar, reinforcing the participatory nature   system, in the elaboration and execution of   AND CUBA REAFFIRM A DIFFERENT WAY
               of the visits, with constant dialogue:  programs, projects and actions aimed at social   OF INTERPRETING THE WORLD
                 “For those who are deprived of their liberty, being   reintegration, actors in the system of justice, in
               able to speak their mind, give their opinion, be heard,   addition to the inmates themselves (whose identities    by LeoNor aMaraNte
               valued, considered, is no small thing. Freedom of   are respected by the researchers, who decided to
               expression, in this case, is not something secondary   keep them confidential).  in latin aMerica, modernity arrived belatedly
               at all. These subjective impacts are very difficult to   “None of the interviewees disregarded this stigma   under the pressure of the new and with the desire to
               measure, but, for us, they are the main ones of all   surrounding prison, to which they attributed one of   affirm a new aesthetic. In Europe, the modern exalts
               these actions that we develop with these groups.”  the main causes of criminal recidivism. Generally,   the city, the phenomenon of solitude, almost as a
                 According to Wellington Araújo, artistic manager   society did not offer space for social success for   celebration of another time. Jorge Luis Borges in
               of  Fundação  casa, “there is an undeniable   the prisoner, considering him unfit to live in society,   Anatomia do Meu Ultra, emphasizes that aesthetics
               relationship that is established with artistic-  treating him with prejudice and discrimination,   is the framework of arguments built a posteriori to
               cultural work, allowing the idea that making art as   which generated revolt, as they considered the labels   legitimize the judgments that our intuition makes
               something only possible for those born with the ‘gift’   coming from outside to be unfair”, the study records.  about the manifestations of art.
               to be questioned. This opens possibilities, not for   “I don’t want any more crime. But society is   In all latitudes, modernity puts its tentacles
               becoming an artist with public recognition, but for   not prepared to receive an ex-prisoner. And it’s   on a thought that rejects tradition; However,
               the knowledge and skills immanent in artistic making   hard… When we go through the system, doors   architect and theorist Roberto Segre recalls: “Even
               to be valid for other forms of existence in our lives”.  close, especially job opportunities, they really close.   if the Spaniards erased the footprints of early
                 Visitations, according to him, have as a first   Having a criminal record is complicated, society   American civilizations, by destroying temples,
               step to overcome the existing symbolic barrier,   doesn’t want to know”. This is the testimony of one   palaces, roads, they adapted the urban grid of
               allowing access to the physical space of the present   of the interviewees, sentenced to a closed regime,   the new time to the original layout of Tenochtitlán,
               place. The visits of adolescents, mediated by the   which can be complemented by the speech of an   capital of the Mayans. and Cuzco, the Inca capital.
               educational teams of the cultural spaces, also pass   agent from the same penitentiary complex: “So,   Over time, some cities that have been static for
               through Itaú Cultural, Catavento, Afrobrasil Museum,   can the prisoner be resocialized? He can, but for   centuries begin to transform under the pressure
               Mis, Mis Experience, Paço das Artes and others less   him not to return to the prison system, he has to   of modernity.” Latin American artists repudiate
               frequently. “Contact with the unknowing is always   have opportunities out there”.  traditional canons and, like Europeans, extol the
               enriching, it is not monochromatic, but colorful,   Is it eventually possible to free yourself from   city. This restlessness spreads sparks beyond
               it allows for a richer observation of what was not   this stigma? As Marina Dias, lawyer and executive   the visual arts and reaches literature, poetry,
               perceived before”, says Araújo.   director of the Institute for the Defense of the   architecture, music. Daily life in big cities in the
                 The visits, debates and workshops, aimed at the   Right to Defense (iDDD) points out: “The stigma   1920s it is recorded by the modernists either in
               adolescents of the casa Foundation or adults in state   remains, it is very difficult to block this information,   a figurative language or in an abstract language,
               custody, contribute to “constructively challenge   so unfortunately it is something that ends up   influenced by the modernism of European artistic
               and disrupt the negative identities that they had   tormenting the ex-prisoners, many times, for the rest   centers, passing through expressionism or, from
               internalized, and which they felt were sometimes   of their lives”. Even with the Criminal Rehabilitation   1923 onwards, by cubism and surrealism. Some
               communicated to them from others within and   process - which makes the criminal records of those   artists receive financial support from their family,
               outside the prison system”, as stated by Tett et   who have already served their sentence confidential   travel to Europe, let themselves be influenced by
               al, in the research cited at the beginning of this   to the civil sphere -, there are still occurrences of   what they experience.
               article. The authors point out, by the way, that in   access to this information by entities that do not   in her book Modernidade Periférica, Buenos
               contemporary theories about social reintegration and   concern the judicial sphere. “That’s why we need   Aires 1920 and 1930 , Beatriz Sarlo, the expressive
               crime desistance, contact with society is fundamental.   to reflect on this machine for crushing people that   Argentine intellectual, contrasts Buenos Aires
               In this sense, the exhibition of their artwork and   is the prison system”, she adds.  authors, without dissociating life and work. In the
               crafts, the performance of plays, readings of poetry   Finally, the discussion on cultural policy aimed   opening text: Buenos Aires, Modern City,tries to
               or prose, music performances, among other public   at the population deprived of liberty necessarily   unravel the multifaceted world of paintings by
               performances, offer people deprived of their liberty   goes through the counterpart of society once these   Xul Solar, an icon of Argentine art and very close
               the chance to exchange with the community.  individuals have served their sentence and returned   to Borges. “I have always seen Xul’s paintings as
                 “These experiences have potential to encourage   to freedom, so that they are not denied the possibility   puzzles from Buenos Aires. More than his esoteric
               nascent belief in the possibility of change and so   of also enjoying the economic dimension of culture.   intention or aesthetic freedom, I was impressed
               helped to build new identities, social networks   Thus, the most immediate and tangible reflection   by his semiotic obsession, his hierarchical and
               and contacts in which these new identities could   is that agents in the art world must be demanded   geometrical passion”. For her, Buenos Aires, in
               be embedded. In addition these performances   for, if not an involvement, at least an interest in   the 20s and 30s, was the urban anchorage of astral
               may help prisoners to imagine different possible   artists who are passing through or who have already   fantasies. Sarlo describes the Buenos Aires avant-
               futures.” From this, it is valid to consider - in addition   passed through the prison system.  garde as the children of wealthy people, almost in

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