Page 95 - ARTE!Brasileiros #59
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that is also a partner in the project. In total, 26 people which has a radio station, an academy, organizes disappointed with a show so out of the current [page 10]
and entities are listed as “cooperators” of the Kunsch shows and produces cheese. In this edition, iNLaND context. Extended, after all, due to the most difficult
proposal. In the days after it opened, she said the occupies part of the Ottoneum Natural History years of the pandemic - it was scheduled for 2021 -,
back door was increasingly being used and the city Museum, where it presents the video Animal Spirits there is nothing in it that reminds us of the sanitary
had embraced the beautiful project. , in collaboration with Hito Steyerl, which mocks the and socioeconomic chaos generated by Covid-19, [pages 11 aND 12]
concept of “animal spirit” (an emotional impulse) nor of the ongoing war in Europe.
i aM because We are developed by John Keynes. Another of the great Even so, there is an excellent mention of the
In this way, as can be seen, from each Lumbung- works of this document, Animal Spirits is also a state of it all: it is the video of the Brazilian artist [pages 13 to 15]
artist, that is, those initially invited, a web is woven way of expanding the ecological debate carried Luis Roque, who filmed for some time, in 2020,
that expands in various directions, generally seeking out by iNLaND. vultures seen from his window, flying over the
to question the idea of authorship and the notion Finally, it is essential to point out political activist neighborhood, as if announcing the deaths that
of object. Documents fifteen , in fact, is not an collectives, such as iNstar – Instituto de Artivism followed by the thousands. in the face of government
exhibition of objects, but a possible experience Hanna Arendt, created by Cuban Tania Bruguera, indifference. So, urubu ends up being one of the few
of collaborations. which occupies part of the Documenta Halle, a large counterpoints to this oneiric context of the curator,
However, this is not a repetitive and homogeneous space created in 1992 for documenta 9. There, iNstar who borrows the title of the book The Milk of Dreams
exhibition, since the idea of experience is very broad organizes a series of ten exhibitions with Cuban (the milk of dreams), by Leonora Carrington (1917-
and the diversity of themes in this document is artists who produce counter-narratives about the 2011) to conceptualize her own show.
immense and with great surprises. One of the art and history of their country in Central America. At least the Venice Biennale has everything to
lumbung-members is the Fondation Festival This edition of documenta, like every major do with a current and necessary debate: that of
sur le Niger, founded in 2009, which organizes exhibition, also faced controversy. First, a reparation. In this way, showing more women than
a multicultural festival in Segu, Mali. It is not an persecution by far-right groups of Palestinian men and including blacks and indigenous people
event, but an institution aimed at promoting the collectives. Then, right at the opening, the as never before is an important gesture, against
training of young artists, in addition to encouraging accusation that there were anti-Semitic images the erasure of more than a century in the most
collaborative practices based on the Maaya on a huge panel near Documenta Halle, People’s prestigious biennial. At the same time, they are
philosophy: “I am because we are”. Justice (2002), by the Indonesian collective Taring works with a very dominant aesthetic layer and a
At documents , the group occupies a large Padi, which was covered and finally withdrawn social debate, when it occurs, without force, which
space in the Hübner Areal, a three-story former shortly afterwards. The fact generated a formal makes the whole show very shiny, as in the paintings
train and bus factory, with several areas for musical apology on the documenta website, from both of Jaider Esbell, in which the dreamlike character
performances, in addition to exhibiting works by ruangrupa and Taring Padi, in addition to organizing is always prevalent.
some of its founders, such as Abdoulaye Konaté, a debate on anti-Semitism in art at the end of June. This somewhat homogeneous condition, however,
one of the most prestigious African artists, who The Taring Padi, by the way, occupies several spaces does not prevent good discoveries such as the
participated in the 19th edition of Sesc_Videobrasil, in the show, one of the most beautiful in an old public paintings and embroideries of the Chilean singer
in 2014. Named Vestíbulo Maaya, based on the swimming pool, the Hallenbad Ost, with a variety Violeta Parra (1917-1967), which she called “canciones
importance of hospitality as a practice in Mali, 39 of posters and posters of political demonstrations, que se tintan”. These works, by the way, were
artists occupy the space of Festival sur le Nige in many made as engravings. The controversy, however, exhibited at the Louvre, in 1964, being the first Latin
the German show. served as fuel for culture wars that like to attack American to be exhibited in the French museum.
In that same building, in its basement, is one contemporary art. In Venice, Parra appears with three embroideries,
of the most overwhelming installations of the What happened, however, does not detract from a technique also used by another Latin American,
documents fifteen – which makes it impossible to the show’s power and energy that was unheard of the Haitian Myrlande Constant. In turn, threads
say that there is no art in Kassel _a recurring phrase in large-scale exhibitions such as the document. are the basis for the sophisticated sculptures of
by the show’s critics. By the way, yes, in addition to Built in a collaborative and organic way, providing Ruth Asawa (1926-2013), a former student at Black
all the networks created from the lumbung-artists an immense active network of artists, activists and Mountain College.
, there are many impressive plastic works, as is the activists, it is a forceful response to a Europe facing Another counterpoint to the resplendent set of
case of Amol K Patil, an Indian artist who presents war and a world that sees the neoliberalism of big Alemani’s selection is Barbara Kruger’s installation,
a series of sculptures, films and drawings with techs collapsing democracies. It is not a matter Untitled (Beginning/Middle/End) by the way, of
dramatic lighting. Among the sculptures are maps of believing in utopias, but of demonstrating that the few works commissioned for this edition. She
of places where the artist has lived in recent times, resistance is possible and that it already occurs in makes references to the current time in the videos
including Kassel, made of earth with gears that many places, where lumbung , even if many do not that make up the installation and repeats phrases
discreetly create small movements in the structures. use that name, already exists in practice. such as “please care” and “please mourn”, explicit
It is one of the most impressive works in documenta. references to the deaths of the pandemic.
DEMOCRACY AND REPARATION VENICE BIENNALE In fact, female artists are very well represented in
against narratives [pages 34 to 39] large ensembles, such as the Portuguese Paula Rego,
In another unoccupied factory, Hafenstrasse 76, who died in June at the age of 87, and the German
near the city’s harbor, is the work of non-binary DREAM IN THE Rosemarie Trockel, with an impressive group of
artist Nino Bulling. A cartoonist who explores the MIDST OF WAR “paintings” made using machine embroidery.
boundaries between documentary and speculative There is an appreciation of the craftsmanship in
fiction, Nino exhibits enlarged drawings from his 59th edition of the oldest art biennial, this the elaboration of the works, which means that in
new publication, Fire Bugs , made possible by time by Italian Cecilia Alemani, makes the this show there are in fact many embroidered, sewn
Documents Fifteen . However, their presence in inclusion of women artists its main asset works, produced in a somewhat individualized way,
Kassel also represents a debate about queer, trans within the studio. In this segment, one of the most
and “non-conforming” artists who work with comics, by Fabio cypriaNo impressive works are the large clay sculptures by
and they will participate in a workshop organizing the Argentine Gabriel Chaile. In anthropomorphic
together with the Lebanese collective Samandal perhaps it is iMportant to say that I formats, the five sculptures represent his family
Comics. was at the 59th Venice Biennale after visiting the and dialogue with the tradition of pre-Columbian
The result will be published by the German Kassel documenta and the Berlin Biennale, both cultures in Latin America.
publisher Steidl. Here, in this case, we can see very complex, with works that demand time and From Brazil, in addition to Roque and Esbell,
how the lumbung proposal multiplies organically concentration, and that approach the difficult reality Lenora de Barros, Solange Pessoa and Rosana
from each guest – in Nino’s case, the Graphic Artists of the current world, each one in its own way. Paulino also participate. The last two appear with
Union also participates. In the same building, another To see Veneza, in a way, was a suspensão of the large ensembles, especially Person, which in
queer collective, Fehras Publishing Practices, also present time, almost a relief. The exhibition, by addition to 14 immense panels with organic figures
deals with graphic narratives, this time addressing the Italian based in New York, Cecilia Alemani, is inside the Arsenale, also occupies the garden
issues of the Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa essentially a succession of beautiful and pleasant outside the space with soapstone sculptures.
and the Arab diaspora. works, in the two venues of the international Five small exhibitions within the curatorship
Another important axis of these documents exhibition: the Arsenale and the Central Pavilion, of Alemani also complement this edition of the
concerns the environment: there are several at the Giardini, where a good part of the national biennial, each one being considered a “time
collectives that work on this issue, such as the representations are also located.Possibly, if I capsule”, some in charge of external curators.
Spanish iNLaND, created by Fernando Garcia Dory, had done the script in reverse, I would have been They simulate cabinets of curiosity, with their own
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