Collaborators of the issue #55Da redação
See who are some of the collaborators to the #55 issue of arte!brasileiros

Editorial: In mourning I fightBy Patricia Rousseaux
"We are traversed by the inevitable awareness of the loss of values in our society, which is collapsing", writes Patricia Rousseaux in the editorial of issue #55 of arte!brasileiros

A triennial in progressBy Giulia Garcia
Based on a decolonial cosmovision, The river is a serpent, third edition of Frestas - Art Triennial, focuses on the dialogues of its process and has a final exhibition scheduled for August 2021

Paiz Art Biennial focuses on cultural diversity and crises in Latin AmericaBy Marcos Grinspum Ferraz
In an interview with arte!brasileiros, Chilean curator Alexia Tala talks about the 22nd edition of the Guatemalan Biennial, which raised debates about native peoples, their worldviews, and opinions about immigration and contemporary crises

Kassel aims collective experiences in artBy Fabio Cypriano
The documenta fifteen, scheduled for June 2022, has already announced 14 groups with community practices as participants in the edition; curators also passed through São Paulo and met with 40 people or groups

Artist collectives reflect the spirit of the timeBy Fabio Cypriano
Resulting from the proliferation of solidarity initiatives in the visual arts in the current century, important events such as documenta highlight and enshrine experiences that move away from the idea of the solitary artist

Galleries Curate: a new way of creating a marketBy Leonor Amarante
In the troubled context caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a collaborative platform brings together more than 20 galleries and proposes exhibitions that take place simultaneously in various corners of the world

José Damasceno and Mona Lisa’s smileBy Fabio Cypriano
Exhibition at Estação Pinacoteca makes a retrospective of the Brazilian artist’s work in more than 70 works that seduce and provoke comfort – to a certain extent

“Pardo é Papel” or the epic grandeur of a people in formationBy Claudinei Roberto da Silva
Presented at Tomie Ohtake Institute after passing through Lyon, Porto Alegre and Rio, Maxwell Alexandre’s show portrays black people in everyday situations with a grandiose, consecrating and historic character

Letter to Sidney AmaralBy Daniel Lima
In the context of holding the exhibition "Viver até o fim o que me cabe! - Sidney Amaral: aproximação", at Sesc Jundiaí, artist and curator Daniel Lima writes a correspondence directed to the São Paulo artist, who died in 2017

Words in the world of thingsBy Maria Hirszman
The first exhibition opened at the Museum of the Portuguese Language, "Língua Solta" is curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Fabiana Moraes and puts contemporary works of art in dialogue with objects, posters and other elements of everyday life

Museum of the Portuguese Language is reborn in downtown São PauloBy Maria Hirszman
About five years after the fire that hit its headquarters at Estação da Luz, the institution reopens in 2021 with updates to its contents, but keeping as a basis the same curatorial project that made it recognized

Transarte Institute: for a LGBTQ+ futureBy Leonor Amarante
Transarte is transformed from a gallery into an institute, with a definitive space to ensure the artistic production of the community LGBTQ+

What happens when we unmake the world?By Miguel Groisman
Works by Peter van Agtmael, Steve McQueen and Emily Jacir reflect on conflict and preclude our oblivion of war’s cruel consequences

The restless and tireless look of German LorcaBy Simonetta Persichetti
One of the great modern photographers of our country, member of Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante in the 1950s, born in São Paulo, he left a legacy of more than 70 years transiting through urban records, experimental or advertising photographs

The transitory character of thingsBy Maria Hirszman
Active since the 1980s, Carlito Carvalhosa demonstrated a permanent desire to subtly transform our apprehension of what surrounds us; artist passed early, at the age of 59, and leaves an important legacy of interventions in national and international institutions

The last great modern architect in BrazilBy Marcos Grinspum Ferraz
After his death, arte!brasileiros recalls an interview with Paulo Mendes da Rocha in 2016, in which the architect made it clear that, more than a specialist, the architect must be a thinker of the world, attentive to human needs and desires

Joseph Beuys and the abandonment of artBy Fabio Cypriano
One of the most radical and influential artists of the second half of the 20th century, an inescapable reference for contemporary production, would complete 100 years in 2021; arte!brasileiros publishes text that analyzes different moments and works of the german artist’s trajectory

A book of many hands, minds and livesBy Tiago Gualberto
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, "Enciclopédia Negra" confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca

“Presente”: a publication that emerges from caring and dialogueBy Marcos Grinspum Ferraz
Conceived by Anna Maria Maiolino and Paulo Miyada in response to the reality of social distancing, Presente brings together exchanges of correspondence between curators, artists and researchers such as Lisette Lagnado, Tania Rivera and Dalton Paula