Page 99 - ARTE!Brasileiros #41
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Estocolmo. He did not understand the story of a woman debate brought from the exhibition “Queer Museum,
who made abstract figure before Kandinsky and missed. in Porto Alegre Santander, which continued with the
The material was a little unknown until the year 1980. Panorama, at Museu de Arte Modernade São Paulo, and,
Fjrom there some works begins to circulate, but only more recently with the exhibition”History of Sexualities
in 2013 the first systematic retrospective of her work, “, at the Museum of Art of São Paulo, Masp. In each
which was done by the Moderna Museet in Estocolmo. of these places, especially in the first two, the debate
Has some axes on her research, the idea of seriality, had a post-truth mask, since the accusations in both
colors, the geometry, the idea of understanding the world exhibitions were of zoophilia and pedophilia, which was
each time in a more plural way and cosmological, which an obvious exaggeration. In Masp , the Director of the
allows an extremely interesting dialogue with Brazilian Museum chose to come out ahead of the debate, herself
art. Anyway, it was an artist about whom I’ve always been already considering the exhibitions prohibited to under
curious and now opened up the possibility of bringing it, 18 years, even with the presence of the parents, an
with a new exhibition, curated by us. exaggerated protection, designed by lawyers, external
to the institution.
It was designed for Pinacoteca? Is not the first time that sex is hidden in museums. During
Yes. I am the curator along with cirector of the Moderna the excavations at Pompeii, in Italy, between 1755 and
Museet in Stockholm and in collaboration with the 1857, the frescoes and objects with sexual content,
Foundation Hilma af Klint. We did a new curator here scattered all over town, and not just confined to cameras,
who seeks this dialogue with the history of Brazilian authorities have given that they needed to assemble this
art. Features on the one hand the Hilma for a Brazilian collection. So Secret Museum was created, by order of
and Latin-American audience for the first time, but it is Charles III of Bourbon.
also an attempt to get another look at her work where This story is told by Paul Preciado, in VB “Vulnerable
maybe the dialogue with brazilian art can add anything Bodies alliances”, edited by Peruvian Miguel López, there
beyond her own reading. are already two years. This text, “Museum, trash and
pornography”, is part of a compilation published by
One thing feeds the other? the Museum of Latin American art, the Malpa, at the
The history of art is not only linear. And the brazilian beginning of this year, titled “El museo apagado” (The
art can open paths to understand the work of one Hilma Erased Museum). Most current, impossible.
although she hasn’t biographical any dialogue with Latin The little book brings together three essays of Preciado,
America or Brazil. who tells the story of the Secret Museum. “According to
the Royal Decree, only men of the aristocracy – no woman,
1 | JOCHEN VOLZ IN AN EVENT AT THE PINACOTECA DE SAO PAULOT no child, no one of the popular classes – could have access
to space, “reports the essayist, in charge of the public
“HE COLLABORATION I COULD GIVE IN RECENT YEARS WAS TO CREATE DIALOGUE program of documenta 14, Parliament of the Bodies.
BETWEEN BRAZILIAN AND OTHER ARTISTS FROM OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY, IN Was in this context, follows him,” German historian C
BOTH DIRECTIONS. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON OF COURSE, BUT HISTORICALLY Müller used, for the first time, the word ‘ pornography ‘
SOMETHING CHANGED” to refer to the contents of the Secret Museum “.
So is contained within a museum that the idea of
“WE ARE LIVING IN A HISTORICAL SITUATION IN WHICH DIVERSITY IS BEING pornography arises, creating an awkward narrative
ATTACKED, THE MULTIPLICITY IS BEING REDUCED TO A SINGLE PREDOMINANT about sexuality, which certainly has a relationship
NARRATIVE AND THAT’S VERY DANGEROUS. THE MAIN ROLE OF CULTURAL with hysterical demonstrations against the exhibitions
Seems to have already become common sense that the
HISTORY BOOKS | PAGES 74 AND 75 placement of the Masp was not worthy of an institution of
PORNOGRAPHY APPEARED its stature. The genius in the book of Malba is in putting
the issue of pornography with the new configuration of
IN A MUSEUM the great museums, in the text that ends the volume,
entitled “El Museo erased”.
In this text, Preciado points today trends of great
PAUL PRECIADO DISCUSSES IN HIS NEW BOOK THE STORY OF THE museums such as the MoMA of New York, or Masp itself,
SECRET MUSEUM, CREATED TO PRESENT OBJECTS WITH SEXUAL which is “transform including the local visitor in a tourist
CONTENT FOUND IN THE RUINS OF POMPEII of the history of global capitalism”. Not for matter of fact,
these institutions validated of big names, like Picasso, Van
BY FABIO CYPRIANO Gogh or Toulouse-Lautrec, who was the blockbuster of
the year at the Museum in São Paulo. “This new financial
The relationship pornography between and museum Baroque Museum produces a meaning without history, a
began in the late 18 century, so far away from the public single sensory product, still and smooth”, defines Preciado