Page 96 - ARTE!Brasileiros #41
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were collected in a publication from editora Cosac Naify, INSTITUTION INTERVIEW JOCHEN VOLZ | PAGES 68 TO 72
of brazilian photography. In “Silver Anniversary”, the A RESPECTABLE RESUMÉ
occasions that signed the prominent role of the panorama
artist print in small commemorative plates of this material IN DEFENSE OF DIVERSITY
the six stories that were the kick of the file. The first
revolves around a peasant who wants to get your half
of the wedding portrait to be separated. DIRECTOR OF PINACOTECA SINCE MAY, JOCHEN VOLZ TALKS ABOUT
In the unpublished set “Porcelain” anniversary, celebrated PLANS FOR THE MUSEUM;YOUR EXPERIENCE AHEAD OF OTHER
20 years of the series “Farewell ceremony”, displayed IMPORTANT CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD AND
in the VI Biennial of Havana. The tribute is the same COMMENTS ON THE SYSTEMATIC CONSERVATIVE ATTACK AGAINST
amount of couples of porcelain plates from different
cultural backgrounds stamped with the name of the series. ART EXHIBITIONS IN THE COUNTRY
Is that the images represent what the artist name of BY MARIA HIRZMAN
“photographic ritual”: at the end of the ceremony, Cuban
couples posing in American model cars of the Decade of What are your plans for Pinacoteca?
1950, symbol of Yankee imperialism to the Communist JOCHEN VOLZ — An institution is more than a schedule of
island. “This file came from a single photographer from exhibitions. Has collection policies, works management,
Havana that gave me the negatives damaged in 1994. human resources, involves many teams, is a great trainer
When I came back in 1997, she was gone, was somewhat of professionals, has a educational programming, cultural
prophetic. The name [of the work] says about that moment programming. Are different profiles. I think the first time
in Cuba “, she recalls. of my arrival as manager is this moment of listening. Was
my wish thinking, in those first few months, the various
UTOPIA actions taking place in two buildings. We have also the
This year, Rennó prepares a new body of images that will Resistence Memorial, which is a State administered by
occupy the IMS of Rio until mid-April. The artist again the same equipment.
turns to urgent matters of the national agenda by bringing
together off the shows, photos sent by e-mail, instagram Put everybody on equal footing?
and whatsapp localities of Rio de Janeiro with utopian Yes, or at least everyone aware that Pinacoteca is just
names. “Some areas have grown a lot in the last few one of these many actions. It is not only collection
years in the light of the events that the city has received. management, program of exhibitions or cultural
The exhibition is born of a desire to know more of the programming. Pinacoteca is the sum of all this. It was a
city where I’ve lived for 28 years, “Is at the unmake of collective exercise, an attempt to understand what are
the photographic moment and with the possible image the perennial, special programmes, which are linked to
recomposition that Rosângela Rennó follows expanding an exhibition and which has an independent life. To try
the boundaries of photography, demonstrating that art, to organize it in a way that everyone understands that
despite what some think, is essential to reflect field and the sum of all this is the life of the institution. I taught
lay the transformations in the world. On the future of that was very important talk about all areas in a single
the rings? “The celebration is there because, deep down, document, that arrived to our public
I still think it’s the love that will save the world. Rennó.
It’s corny, but it’s still what make humanity grow and can In the Pinacoteca there is an ambiguity, maybe even a contradiction,
save us from barbarism, “says because while it is historical, it has this great collection, she is
becoming more and more contemporary. How do you deal with
2 | UNTITLED (CHRIST THE REDEEMER) I find it very interesting to think that it has a profile very
3 | UNTITLED (BATMAN & ROBIN) clear. But thinking a little in its history, it is possible
4 | UNTITLED (DAMIEN BIG #2) to notice that even when it was created it served to
5 | UNTITLED (GOLDEN GUN) teach the young artists. Was a teaching equipment. So
6 | UNTITLED (SLAUGHTER) in fact she was always very attached to contemporary
7 | UNTITLED (GODDESS KALI) art. of your time. It also has this function to tell a
8 | UNTITLED (ETERNAL LOVE) history of Brazilian art, but it never understood it self
9 | UNTITLED (HANGOVER) as a Brazilian Art Museum And wants to be a Museum
of international dialogues
From November23 to December2 A lot has been talked when you were invited that the great interest
Galeria Vermelho was exactly open this channel with international ar. Do you think
Minas Gerais Street, 350, São Paulo-SP the Brazilian art is more integrated? | (11) 3138-1520 The collaboration I could give in recent years was to