Page 95 - ARTE!Brasileiros #41
P. 95
A huge load of violence seems to echo according to the Since the beginning of her career, in the years 1980, Rennó
artist, the moments of today. “As if she had been carried comes reflecting on the nature of the image to enlarge the
out. Part of this work was motivated by the impact that aesthetic possibilities and symbolic of photography., In
the claims that the Russian journalist Masha Gessen case of series “Nuptias, the name of exhibition, the artist’s
gave in an interview with journalist Jorge Pontual, at interest was to question the traditional representation
the Millennium tv program. of conventional couples from the current discussions
Goshen, who is a lesbian, married and has two children on gender “wanted to use the image of the wedding
with her partner, went into exile for years in the US and couple to discuss the issues of roles that, in principle,
decided to return to Russia to fight for freedom. One of are destined to each future nuclear family. What is today
the things that more impressed her was the difficulty of the union between two people? Totally different than it
returning to express themselves in the Russian language. ever been, “says
According to her it’s like with the time of censorship She performed all sorts of interventions (“I did not painted
and violation of individual rights, the language had been for 40 years!”) about photographs of anonymous and
“pillaged, raped, violated”. The word creates a meaning couples photopaintings unfinished or in a poor state
that when not prove in the real world will losing it’s sense. of conservation. Between doodles, cuts and adding
The future can’t be prove,then the words lose your value. objects, couples emerge carrying several pop culture
“Freedom sometimes means” prison “,” election “means” references, history of art, Mexican iconography, Indian,
empty ritual “, democracy “has become a derogatory by scrambling and confusing clichés of masculine and
term” said Gessen. feminine with beards and makeup .”Everything stems from
Lenora is not mistaken, rather than stay idly we have my involvement with the photo itself from the image type,
to step on fear. size, composition, analysis of the social range and the
economic which couple belongs is the observation of the
1 | PISA NA PAÚRA, CLAY AND PAPER image itself and while object, materiality “, explains while
2 | MÁSCARAS DE MÃO, 2017 some copies of the series weave almost anecdotal, like the
3 | ALVOS, VIDEO AND INSTALLATION, 2017 picture of Batman and Robin, others respond directly to
field political polemics- “Beautiful, Demure and of Home”,
Pisa na Paúra whose title, second Rennó, alludes to the misogynistic
From November 22 to December 20 tone of a statement by the Acting President on the role
Anexo Millan of women in the country’s economy. In addition, recent
Fradique Coutinho, 1360, SP episodes of censorship and attacks on artistic circuit by | 55 11 3031-6007 conservative groups contaminated her creative process
“I had already been working in 80 Nuptias and came this
COVER SÃO PAULO EXHIBITIONOF | PAGES 62 TO 66 bomb [manifestations of hate and censorship attempts].
TO CELEBRATE THE The Congressmen have a blindness to what happens in
the world today are unaware of what are contemporary
DECONSTRUCTION artistic practices, does not have the habit of see and
don’t see, don’t know how to discern what is aesthetics
of behavioral. Aberration is something in them. That
IN EXHBITION AT GALERIA VERMELHO, ROSÂNGELA RENNÓ SHAKES narrowness had to be commented out somehow and it
CONVENTIONS OF MARRIAGE WITH WORKS THAT CROSS 25 YEARS was unavoidable, “the artist says that the series remains
OF STORIES open, depending on how to follow the schedule
Despite the high political voltage operation already
BY FELIPE MOLITO expected on the trajectory of Rosangela Rennó, the
exhibition wins another breath and, in fact, contours of
AT THE ENTRANCE, the exhibition contains a warning to celebration to recall works that have become touchstone
visitors: think carefully before you enter this enclosure. in the history of artist. It features unreleased series around
Exposed material may seem offensive (…) If you decide projects that complete 20 and 25 years of existence,
to enter, act responsibly: accept the exposed naturally. If reaffirming the passage of time and the construction of
necessary, disguise.However, the show does not present memories as one of your poetic feet.
performances with naked bodies or paintings with children
that frighten conservative groups . SILVER AND PORCELAIN
According to Rosângela Rennó, artist and author of A love story, or nearly so, inaugurated the project
the warning, her new exhibition at galeria Vermelho, “Universal File” in 1992, when the artist began the
“Nuptias”, search for put in check the traditional collection of vast amount of negatives, pictures
institution of marriage and their representations “ Some deteriorated, portraits of newspapers and reports with
people might consider interventions [in pictures] cruel “, great expressiveness. In 2003, the images yielded a
mocks. Ï want to be then to celebrate the deconstruction “. major solo exhibition at the CCBB of Rio de Janeiro and