Page 108 - ARTE!Brasileiros #57
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        eDitorial [paGE 8]
                                           and a mixture between advertising and cultural but   in its thirD eDition, bienalsur (International
        EVERYTHING IN CHECK                still, it was  a law that had broad participation of   Biennial of Contemporary Art of the South) further
                                           entrepreneurs, artists, cultural promoters, creators   expands its range, extending its actions to different
        patricia roussEaux                 and managers, with a representative commission of   parts of the globe trying to consolidate itself as
                                           society. When you cut it and make it decided solely by   an alternative event to traditional biennials of
        as if it were not enough to know about our   one person, whoever it is, you’re walking backwards.”   art. The figures indicate that the idea of holding
        fragilitY, it is a fact that are coming to the surface,   It is necessary to speak, even if some feel   a decentralized, dynamic and collaborative event
        as never before, the clashes that sooner or later   uncomfortable, that art, as part of the culture   has been coming to fruition. In its debut, in 2017,
        would appear because of the brutal inequality that   and general education of a society, needs to   it involved 16 countries, 34 cities and more than
        was built over the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The   jump outside the walls of ideological and financial   80 headquarters (as the institutions that host
        brutal colonizing process remains exclusionary in   groups in order to be large.  the shows are called). Four years later, these
        new clothing and, worse, pushes back many hard-                      numbers had a significant increase: now there
        won achievements after the 1988 Constitution.  Collaborators [paGE 06]  are 23 countries, 47 cities and 120 headquarters
           In art, this appeared in the cry of indigenous   issue 57 december january february 2020/21   around the world. With great concentration in
        and black artists who, growing in their     Latin America (especially in Argentina, which is
        representativeness, find themselves with pressures   covEr imaGE: No Martins, Detail of “Regras do   home of the project) and Europe, the event also
        inherent to the cultural barriers inherent to the   jogo”, 2021. From the Encontros Políticos series.   has developments in less likely places such as
        dichotomy that exists when it comes to making art,   80 x 80 x 10 cm  Saudi Arabia and Japan.
        sharing art and commercializing art. The perverse                     Conceived by Aníbal Jozami and Diana Wechsler,
        voracity of the circuit puts everything in question: it   patriCia rousseaux is a pedagogue and has a   from the Universidad Nacional de Três de Fevereiro
        is not enough to write, it has to sell; it’s not enough   degree in psychology. She has been working on   (Untref), Buenos Aires, the project sought from
        to paint, it has to sell; and to sell, not always the   the development of editorial projects related to   the beginning to subvert some premises of the
        best work is the one you can hang on the wall.  education, art and culture for 35 years. She is the   arts circuit, decentralizing decisions, opening
           Just look at works taken by galleries to Art   founder and editorial director of arte!brasileiros.   open calls to artists, establishing partnerships
        Basel Miami, boasting the color to ensure a kind   In this issue, she writes about fiac Paris, the   with researchers and international institutions
        of condominium of alienation.      Arthur Piza Fund, the reopening of the Paris Stock   and seeking to establish a platform that extends
           However, as we live in very difficult times, all   Exchange and the artist Julio Villani.  through time and space. The first exhibition was
        this is in question and even the great collectors                    inaugurated in July in Salta (Argentina) and has
        surrender to idea that you cannot disguise. With   hélio Campos mello is a photojournalist. He was   already given the tonic that marks this edition of
        this, the presence of women, indigenous and   photography editor and editorial secretary for the   the event, with a strong presence of issues related
        African descendents in the collections grows.   magazine Senhor, editor of the magazine Istoé and   to the environment and land rights. A escuta e os
        These are achievements that have come to stay,   the magazine Brasileiros, director of photography   ventos. Relatos e inscrições do Grande Chaco
        despite the complaints of the privileged patriarchy.  at Agência Estado. As a photographer, he covered   brought works by artisans, activists from the
          In the midst of the truce that the virus and its   wars, he covered peace. Today he takes art photos   original peoples and invited artists, such as the
        variants give us, along with a greater vaccination,   and street photos. He likes them both.  Argentine Andrea Fernández (who is also the
        there was an opportunity to leave again, get in                      curator of the exhibition) and the German Inka
        touch with works, visit new scenography and even   tereZa  De  arruDa is an art historian and   Gressel, speaking of tradition and resistance.
        travel and take a look at the international scene.  independent curator. She has lived between São   “Since the first edition the issue of migrations,
          Thus, we accompany Brazilian artists who   Paulo and Berlin since 1989, where she studied at   borders, transits and identities has been a
        move on the new international scene, who are   the Freie Universität Berlin. She has been a curator   leitmotiv and continues to appear very strongly,
        experiencing new projects in the interior of Brazil   of exhibitions in institutions such as ccBB, Museu   in the number of proposals that appear”, explains
        and who are part of the reason why it has always   da República (df), me Collectors Room Berlin and   Diana Wechsler, artistic director of the event.
        been valid to invest in Brazilian culture, singular   Kunsthalle Rostock, where she has been adjunct   This idea of predominant themes stems from
        and prolific.                      curator since 2015.               the very structural logic of the event, which
          Even the collection of François Pinault,                           is guided by open inscriptions (in this edition
        ubiquitous in Venice and one of the largest in the   fabio CYpriano, art critic and journalist, is   more than 5,500 projects were submitted) to
        world, gained space in Paris with the exhibition   deputy director of the Faculty of Philosophy,   identify the main mobilizing issues in the art plan.
        Overture, at the reformed Bourse de Commerce   Communication, Languages and Arts at puc-sp   Another strong theme now, which is driving the
        including works by Brazilian Antonio Obá - born   and is on the editorial board of arte!brasileiros. In   exhibitions organized in Saudi Arabia, are the
        in Ceilândia, satellite city of Brasilia. Julio Villani,   this edition, he signs an essay on the scenography   ways of inhabiting. The collective exhibition Ecos.
        with his enormous trajectory, exhibits in Paris   of exhibitions and articles about the artist Jaider   Um mundo entre o analógico e virtual ( Echoes.A
        and New York; No Martins is in Chicago’s largest   Esbell and the new book by Jacques Rancière.  world between analog and virtual), opened in
        gallery, Mariane Ibrahim, now also based in Paris;                   October in Riyadh, brings together 24 artists of
        Maxwell Alexandre, at the Palais de Tokyo and the   miguel groisman is a journalist graduated from   different nationalities – 70% of them women –
        engraver Santidio Pereira exhibits in Shanghai.  Faculdade Cásper Líbero. He researches cinema,   who deal with this issue of housing space and
          In this sense, it is dramatic to see the contradiction   visual representation and photojournalism, having   existence,  an everyday experience that flows
        that exists between the reality and the ideological   already collaborated with publications specialized   between the analogic and the digital, the real and
        misery of the politicians who govern us today,   in the image, such as Aperture. He is currently a   the virtual. Are works in which, according to Diana,
        who have begun a crusade of precariousness of   reporter for arte!brasileiros.  “space and time appear once aligned and once
        institutions and companies dedicated to culture                      dissociated “. This discussion gains greater breath
        and the diffusion of culture. We have heard the   biennials BiEnalsur [paGEs 10 to 15]  when thought in the context of the pandemic,
        secretary of culture Mario Frias – currently linked to               in which these two aspects appeared strongly
        the Ministry of Tourism, which is “responsible” for  ENVIRONMENT,    dissociated and were the object of many poetic
        culture, its strategies and its budget in Brazil – say               reflections, besides having a deep connection with
        that it will fight with all its forces so that the newly   MIGRATIONS AND   the somewhat timeless and nomadic character
        approved Law Paulo Gustavo, which provides for a   IDENTITIES GIVE THE   of the BiEnnialsur project itself.
        budget of almost R$ 4 billion for the cultural sector                 In fact, BiEnalsur is one of the few international
        in states and municipalities, does not advance.  KEYNOTE IN BIENALSUR  events that has not changed its calendar according
          In a long interview in this edition, Danilo Santos                 to the Covid-19, as did the biennials of Venice and
        de Miranda, who has been president of Sesc-  Organized from Buenos Aires, but hosted   São Paulo. Its natural geographical dispersion
        sp since 1984 and is responsible for numerous   this year in 23 countries - and in the virtual   and the increasingly intense presence of internet
        permanent activities of the highest quality in more   environment - the third edition of the event   networks in its structural logic – with a very
        than 40 units in the State, comments:  deals with contemporary themes and tries to   important highlight given to virtual communication,
          “It’s a sequence of progressive worsening,   consolidate itself as an alternative model to   through above all the site ( are among
        unfortunately. The Rouanet law is a law envied   traditional biennials  the reasons for maintaining the calendar. “It
        by other countries of the world (...) There were                     seemed to us that the network logic, the logic of
        problems mainly regarding the geographical issue   By maria Hirszman   working simultaneously, polyphonic, decentralized
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