Page 110 - ARTE!Brasileiros #57
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        were also noted, not only at the fairs, but in the   digital art,” who enter the market to do business,   By patricia roussEaux. pHotos By Hélio
        artistic scene as a whole.         that is, buy and sell works with relative speed, not   campos mEllo
                                           collect them. In this sense, more and more types
        between aCtivism anD finanCialiZation  of operations arise in which the buyer does not   in Countless european Countries, the return
        Even though it is a movement already noticeable   even become the owner of the work, but only a   to setting up exhibitions, fairs and events has
        over the last few years, the pandemic period has   fraction of the work, such as those who buy shares   managed to bring together visitors who are
        seen the entry intensify  of new buyers into the art   on the Stock Exchange.  cautious but delighted to be able to meet again
        market, especially young people, some willing to   ineQualitY that Does not affeCt the market  their colleagues, their clients and a broad public
        take a more “activist” stance, others interested in   For Thais Darzé, this relationship of art as an   eager to experience the work again.
        doing business. This movement, verified globally,   investment may be one of the reasons that leads    There are still programming difficulties,
        includes especially the so-called millennials -   the years of pandemic to good sales results. “Work   as several countries face different scenarios
        generation that is now between 20 and 40 years   of art is a material investment, a lot of people   regarding vaccination, resulting in new spikes
        old - as shown by research by Art Basel and uBs:   in times of crisis choose to make this type of   in contamination. With the arrival of winter in
        “The shift to digital has brought improvements   transaction,” she says. With a diverse collection,   the northern hemisphere and new strains of the
        in price transparency, access to information and   Paulo Darzé Galeria presents works by emerging   virus, the predisposition to the disease intensifies,
        artists. Reducing barriers to market entry allows the   young artists, as well as established names such   which is leading to the stiffening of measures
        development of a broader base of new collectors   as Amilcar de Castro, Frans Krajcberg, Leda   by governments, inclined to make vaccination
        at different price levels,” says the report.  Catunda and Tunga. Both sides of the business   mandatory. In France, even with rigorous masks,
          At least some Brazilian gallery owners noticed   had very different results in 2021. “We have a   visitors cannot enter any establishment, be it
        this movement in their day-to-day life. “There   heated art market for more expensive works,   a restaurant, drugstore or museum without
        was a growth of buyers from 35 to 45 years. It   because the crisis less impacts the country’s   presenting the French Passport Sanitaire or the
        was not only traditional collectors who fed the   large fortunes. From the point of view of young   translated and recognized country of origin.
        art market in this period, but new ones. Or maybe   artists, the business becomes quite precarious.   Specifically, the traditional French fair fiac,
        people who are not even collectors, but new buyers   They are works more into account, from emerging   which took place from the 21st to the 24th of
        with the potential to become collectors”, says   artists and the sales impact is very significant.”  October in Paris, has returned completely
        the Murilo Castro. Gomide and Strina, who work   The crisis that is imposed on the country,   revamped at the Grand Palais Éphémère, as its
        with works in higher price ranges, also noticed   including in the cultural area - with the paralysis   original address, the Grand Palais, has undergone
        the change, however important they point out   in the Law of Incentive to Culture, the lack of   a heavy renovation since 2019. This new space
        that the maintenance of old buyers is essential.  investments in public institutions and even the   , built especially for the fair, was authorized at
          “It’s a consistent audience that already arrives   restriction to artistic creation - does not significantly   the National Meeting of Museums by the Paris
        with a lot of information,” says Cravo, who has been   affect the market. “I think we have a dismantling   2024 Olympic Games Committee. It was built
        active in the market for 40 years. “Until the 1990s I   going on, a very complex moment in relation to the   by architect Jean-Michele Wilmotte in the space
        felt that we needed to inform much more of the new   public resources of culture, but in fact the market in   beside Place Joffre on the Champ de Mars,
        client, who came with desire, but very raw. Today   Brazil is very dependent on private collectors, and   taking sustainable materials into account (wood,
        you observe the young man who has researched,   these collectors continue to capitalize, continue to   canvas) capable of being easily disassembled
        who knows what he likes, who already comes with   make the money circulate in some way, so it does   and redesigned.
        material to start the dialogue. I think this also   not have a direct impact on the market,” says Bruna   The fair, at the opening, was almost improvised,
        has a lot to do with the internet, with this huge   Bailune, of the young Galeria Aura and Bailune   with a good security system, but with numerous
        access to information.” It also must do, according   Biancheri galleries. The findings are in line with   problems in terms of customer service. Precarious
        to Perlman, with the expansion of a network of   the current context. As the report on global wealth   scheduling system, service to the press and
        qualified professionals to support this market,   by Credit Suisse points out, the concentration   visitors and some uncared for booths. Comfortable
        from so-called art advisors and evaluators to   of income increased worldwide in the period of   spaces were not designed to gather, read and
        catalogers and restaurateurs, among others. “That   the pandemic. In Brazil, we live the worst level of   plan when visiting the stands.
        is, a whole service infrastructure that facilitates   income concentration since 2000, with 49.6% of the   However this, which says more about the fair’s
        the growth of the market,” he explains.  country’s wealth in the hands of 1% of the population.   administrative management, almost a certain
          According to Brenda Valansi, the impact of   “I think there’s a lot of money in the art market. Every   arrogance, did not cloud the shine of the exhibitors
        this younger generation was felt at ArtRio 2021,   day new collectors and new patrons enter. I feel like   who competed from various countries in Europe,
        and relates to a more engaged production in   we’re at the beginning of a big boom, that the next   Africa and Asia and who always bring excellent
        the country: “What I realize that happens in the   decade is going to be the best the art market has   casts.
        market, due to the political and social context, is   ever had in history,” says Thiago Gomide.  Historic and traditional galleries such as
        a change in the choice of artists and the subjects   The prediction does not seem far from what   Thaddaeus Ropac showcased works by Georg
        dealt with, which accompany the discussions that   the polls show. “Deloitte’s report shows that the   Baselitz, coinciding with the new retrospective
        are happening in society. Along with this, there   number of super-rich people in the world has   of the German artist that has just opened at the
        is a strengthening of an activist collectionism,   grown a lot in recent years, and that this has not   Pompidou Center and will remain until March
        a concern of the collector to be more socially   yet resulted in a proportional increase in art sales   7, 2022. Thaddaeus Ropac sold the artist’s Bad
        active, and this happens very strongly with the   numbers, which means that this market still has   in Flur (2021), in the amount of 1.2 million euros.
        new generations. The market also needs to be   a lot to grow,” Perlman points out. According   The 1900-2000 Gallery, founded in 1972 on the
        attentive and offer other paths.” On a global scale,   to the research, by 2025 one should see a great   advice of Man Ray, initially focused on Dada, the
        the international focus on Latin American art and   growth in investment in arts not only in Brazil, but   surrealists, pop, and hyper-realists and expanded
        produced by smaller groups - black, indigenous,   around the world.  its cast to Fluxus and contemporaries such as
        women or lGBtQia+ population - also favors the                       George Condo and Jean-Michel Basquiat. It
        Brazilian market. They serve as an example - in   fairs fiac paris [paGEs 22 to 26]  traditionally shows treasures from Picabia, Max
        a higher price range - the sale made by Gomide                       Ernst and Man Ray, by Alighiero Boetti and Joseph
        & Co. for the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi in 2020,  STILL GROPING,       Kosuth.
        of a work by Lygia Clark for about R$ 10 million; or                  Brazilian artist Julio Villani, based in Paris since
        the recent auction transaction by Sotheby’s New   FAIRS, MUSEUMS     1982, is part of the gallery’s core of artists. His
        York of a self-portrait of Mexican Frida Kahlo for   AND INTERNATIONAL   work, 65 cm of painting, acrylic on canvas from
        nearly R$ 200 million - a record value for a work                    1992, was sold on the first day.
        by a Latin American artist.        CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS              Several figurative works reappear as stars. Alice
          But there is still an increasingly significant share   RETURN TO THE    Neel, Chen Ke, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Yves Laloy,
        of buyers, as national and international surveys                     who were sold early on. Victoria Miro presented
        reveal, which is little - or nothing - concerned  FACE-TO-FACE MODEL  a beautiful series of 10 pastels by Chantal Joffe,
        about the content of the works, but only with art                    What I Did Not See, 2019. And black artists are
        as a financial investment. Perlman, analyzing data   arte!brasileiros was at FIAC, in Paris, held   also gaining greater expression on the circuit.
        released this year by consulting firm Deloitte,   this year in a temporary construction on the   Templon brought a very original work by Omar
        explains that there is a growing group of younger   Champ de Mars; find out what were some of   Ba, Senegalese artist born in 1977, Dispersion
        buyers, “connected to everything digital, including   the fair’s highlights  Devant l’impasse, 2021.
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