Page 106 - ARTE!Brasileiros #55
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           selected works belong simultaneously to several   FullY reaDY to be reopeneD after six years   reopening and imposing the need to find new
           of these categories. And they establish enriching   of renovations, the Museum of the Portuguese   ways of contacting potential visitors – the
           dialogues with each other. There is, for example,   Language has already started to warm up its   museum has also been taking the opportunity to
           an interesting reverberation between the slides   engines in anticipation of finally being able   develop new forms of virtual interaction with the
           used by Paulo Freire in the 1960s for literacy and   to open its doors, which should happen in   public. It took advantage of the international day
           the work ABC da Cana, by Jonathas de Andrade,   late July or as soon as the pandemic allows.   of the Portuguese language to show a little of its
           or the painting Esperança, by Leonilson, which   In addition to the physical reconstruction, which   new face, conducting a series of conversations
           also uses the alphabet as a raw material .  reassembled the structure destroyed by fire   and online presentations, which have already
            The omnipresent word sometimes gives   in 2015, the institution took the opportunity   been seen by more than 15,000 viewers, with
           way to less explicit poetic approaches. This is   to conceptually reorganize itself and update   figures of great relevance in thinking about
           the case of the group formed by the works of   content and communication strategies with the   the role of language, such as Mia Couto, José
           Lygia Pape, Lenora de Barros, Lia Chaia and   public. Overall, the project concept remains the   Eduardo Agualusa and José Miguel Wisnik. It
           Anna Maria Maiolino, in which the focus shifts   same, based on an anthropological, historical   also launched cycles of virtual lectures and
           from the written symbol to the physicality of the   and social perspective on the language, as   intends to establish cycles of debates, teacher
           language. The idea of  cut, stain or impossibility   outlined nearly 20 years ago.  training, film screenings, soirees, and other

           of controlling one’s language, something   As this is basically a virtual collection, the   activities capable of spreading this production
           common to the work of these artists, makes   archives were not destroyed by fire and it   beyond the physical space.
           the approach between them very powerful.  was possible to reassemble a large part of   Going outside is, in fact, one of the museum’s
            The list of artists represented in the exhibition   the original exhibition. The possibility – and   mottos, either in terms of content (to which
           is large, with very rare and deliberate gaps, as in   need – of redoing the exhibition from scratch   digital communication can contribute a lot)
           the case of São Paulo poets linked to concretism.   brought, however, the opportunity to improve   or in spatial terms, connecting more intensely
          “We tried to avoid a literary character, privileging   the permanent exhibition and update important   with the surroundings of its headquarters at
           the presence of the poetic word in the artistic   aspects, incorporating transformations the   Estação da Luz, through which hundreds of
           field”, explains Moacir. These exceptions aside,   language underwent in the period and proposing   thousands of people walk every day.
           the great masters of art who appropriate the   a reflection on contemporary debates related
           word are there. Authors such as Arthur Bispo do   to identity issues, which has been intensely   institutions | transportation [pages 54 to 57]
           Rosário, Mira Schendel, Cildo Meireles, Paulo   mobilizing the debate in recent years.
           Bruscky, Antonio Manuel, Leonilson, Élida   The institution also opened space for a more   TRANSARTE INSTITUTE:
           Tessler, Vânia Mignone, Marilá Dardot, Ivan   intense dialogue with various fields of culture,
           Grilo, Jaime Lauriano, among others, appear,   in addition to its intimate relationship with   FOR A LGBTQ+ FUTURE
           often with more than one work.   literature, incorporating new ways of thinking
            There is a permanent effort, in terms of   about language also based on everyday elements   Designed by Maria Helena Peres Oliveira,
           editing, to undo categories, to demonstrate   and other forms of expression, such as the arts.   the gallery becomes an institute, with
           that artistic expression often derives from an   visuals. The result of this new approach is the   a definitive space to ensure the artistic
           attentive look at the world of the street and   museum’s first temporary exhibition, already   production of the community
           things, whether maracatu banners, dish towels,   accessible to small groups of visitors, entitled
           cachaça labels or signatures of pixo. A clear   Lingua Solta. “Since back then, we wanted to   By leonor amarante
           example of this hybridity is the work Você me dá   bring objects crossed by the language”, explains
           sua palavra?, by Elida Tessler, which promotes   the institution’s special curator, Isa Grinspum   the olD Certainties, still present in the
           sewing throughout the exhibition. Thousands   Ferraz. After all, as Mozambican writer Mia   Brazilian art system, are gradually being erased
           of hanging clothespins zigzagged, supported   Couto says in an online talk organized by the   with initiatives such as Transarte, a pioneer
           by drying ropes. About them, a number of   institution, “the Portuguese language does not   gallery in the presentation of artists with the
           people invited by the artist wrote a word that   work in the abstract”.  lgBtQ+ theme and which is now becoming an
           was special to each of them. In a presentation   Among the novelties brought by the museum   institute. Since appearing on the art circuit, he
           made on the occasion of the international day   in this new guise are also the increment of   has been experiencing physical and conceptual
           of the Portuguese language, Tom Zé revealed   the timeline, which runs through the history   transmutations. Now he leaves the bohemian
           his: “Disobedience”.             of the Portuguese language from Lazio, in   Vila Madalena and settles, in permanent
            Originally, the exhibition was thought of as   ancient Rome, to the present day, with the   headquarters, in Gabriel Monteiro da Silva,
           another nucleus of the museum’s permanent   problematization of fundamental moments   stronghold of the upper class in São Paulo,
           activities. But the difficulties arising from the   in this trajectory, such as the 1500 year - in   with other challenges.
           pandemic, the lack of technical conditions at the   which testimonies of indigenous leaders such   Any new situation, which is added to others,
           institution - which does not have any collection   as Davi Kopenawa and Ailton Krenak were   is enough to oxygenate a sense of the future.
           of works of art, so it does not have equipment   included, questioning the idea of   discovery   Designed by Maria Helena Peres Oliveira,
           such as a technical reserve, conservation team,   and explaining the process of invasion of already   Transarte opened its doors in 2012 showing
           etc. - and the wide presence of works loaned by   inhabited lands. In an almost opposite sense,   what it came from. He exhibited works by the
           private and public collections meant that the   the installation Nós da Língua Portuguesa   enigmatic North American artist Timothy
           selection started to be exhibited on a temporary   (“we” both in terms of intertwining and of a   Cummings, the result of a one-year residency
           basis. On the other hand, it gained a space three   pronoun that indicates a collectivity) highlights   held in São Paulo. No traveling backwards or
           times greater than previously planned. It is the   the importance of Portuguese as a language   forwards will be able to unravel his tormented
           only museum activity that can already be seen by   of liberation for African countries, allowing for   work, and not even the self-portraits leave a clue.
           the public and is accessible to specific groups   a confluence of different peoples and dialects   For Catharine Clark, a San Francisco gallery
           and by appointment, until the end of June, to   in a common project, experienced in countries   owner, “Cummings’ work is both classic and
           reopen, together with the entire museum, from   like Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde.   subversive, formally beautiful and thematically
           the end of July.                 Finally, among the novelties, Isa Grinspum   creepy.” For Maria Helena, the photographer
                                            highlights the new installation Falares, curated   Iwajla Klinke, from Berlin, has an unsuspected
           institutions | museum of portuguese language   by Marcelino Freire and Roberta Estrela D’Alva,   quality and that is why she was also invited. She
           [pages 50 to 52]                 which creates a forest of canvases in which it   works the beam of natural light as a narrative
                                            is possible to take a walk, watching a web of   instrument. The series Ritual Memories, with
           REVAMPED, MUSEUM                 testimonials, of iconic speeches, Portuguese   naked backs of young people, mixes strangeness
                                                                            and sensuality with sequential takes: man alone,
                                            accents and tribes.
           OF THE PORTUGUESE                virtual technology was one of the museum’s   man mirror, man narcissus, man faggot. The
                                             When it opened in 2006, the massive use of
                                                                            operation is fluid, but opposite to spontaneity.
           LANGUAGE IS REBORN IN            strong marks. Today, with a greater familiarity   Klinke adorns them sometimes with rats and
           DOWNTOWN SÃO PAULO               of people with this type of resource and the   frogs hanging around his neck, sometimes
                                                                            with light plastic shuttlecocks or delicate lace.
                                            improvement of equipment, its protagonism
                                            seems more diluted. “The technology came to   On the other side of the ocean, the young
           About five years after the fire that hit its   the service, to tell a story. As the language is   Brazilian Bia Leite discovered very early on
           headquarters at Estação da Luz, the   impalpable, images and sounds are very useful.   that dreams and perception are built hand
           institution reopens in 2021 with updates   We do not seek interactivity for interactivity”,   to hand with life. She learned to disarm her
           to its contents, but keeping as a basis   points out the curator. According to her, what   attackers with a telltale paint job. Awarded in
           the same curatorial project that made it   matters is to stimulate the visitor’s interest   the Transarte lgBtQ+ edict for the canvas Born
           recognized                       as much as possible, making them leave the   to ahazar, which became known as Criança
                                                                            Viada, she gained notoriety by graffiti on painting
                                            museum with more questions than they entered.
                                             Faced with the challenges posed by the   prejudiced insults suffered by homosexuals
           By maria hirsZman                pandemic – which has been delaying its   since childhood. Bia tries to get rid of the
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